Samsung Refrigerator Problems - Solving the Leaking, Noisy, Icing, and No Cooling Issues in One Fix

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Samsung Refrigerators are the most notorious refrigerators on the US market - maybe the world. Despite their high prices, they've caused problems for techs and homeowners alike with problems involving the refrigerator cabinet.

Sometimes it leaks water in the crisper drawers, other times it makes an awful noise. Other times it will ice up and not cool. But ironically, all of these problems tend to come from one area of the refrigerator, and this one system of fixes has a radically high rate to solve everything in one repair.

If you want to DIY your own kit (which may be more expensive than the one we build and sell), you'd want the following items:


00:00 - Introduction & Explanation of Problems
01:20 - How to Remove the Shelves of a Samsung Refrigerator
02:00 - Removing the Evaporator Panel & Thawing if Frozen Shut
03:22 - How to Put a Samsung Refrigerator in Forced Defrost Mode
05:34 - Inspecting the Samsung Evaporator Coils & Removing Panel
06:10 - Inspecting and Repairing the Evap Panel
07:28 - Dealing with the Drain Pan Being Clogged causing water leakage
08:57 - Installing Foil Tape in Drain Pan and Removing Old Drain Clip
10:18 - Installing Upgraded Drain Clip DA61-06796A
11:03 - Installing a Second Heater to Remove Ice from Fan & Cabinet
12:30 - Repacing & Testing Defrost Sensor
14:14 - Inspecting Wire Harnesses for Oxidation
15:05 - Installing Secondary Heater Power
18:40 - Testing the Secondary Heater
20:30 - Cleaning Condenser Coils & Installing Samsung Drain Tube DA82-01415A
22:20 - Re-Installing Evaporator Panel and Shelves

** Links to external websites and parts may result in me receiving a commission on sales.
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I thought it was time to re-do this video as I've probably answered a few THOUSAND questions about this fix so far. Hope this answered a few more not seen in other videos!


I’m a 66 year old woman who meticulously watched your videos and ordered your kit. Just finished installing and plugged in. Nothing blew up or shorted out. Whew!!! 😂 It’s cooling. I’ll update later but if I can do this anyone can. I unplugged my fridge and blew a fan inside for 24 hours to defrost it. You can tell if it’s completely all melted by looking at the back panel. Condensation will be on the still frozen areas. This is the most beautiful fridge I’ve ever owned and I didn’t want to pitch it. Thank you for such complete and well done instructions.


Ben is giving the public, for free, detailed information about how to keep its appliances running as long and cheaply as possible. A true advocate for consumers and contributing to e-waste reduction to boot. How much more value could you ask for than the knowledge and materials necessary to either 1) keep an expensive appliance working, or 2) know for sure that it needs to be replaced? More than happy to support this channel and business. Liked, subbed, shared, and bought his kit to refurbish my old fridge.


I bought Ben's kit. It has been about a month or so now and no ice buildup. Thanks Ben for your invaluable knowledge.


This kit fixed the problem of ice buildup, water buildup, and fan noise (which eventually stopped turning) It's been over 2 months with no ice buildup, no fan noise, and a dry refrigerator! Thank you so much for the detailed video with installation instructions!


Came back here to thank you again. Did this over a year ago, fridge and freezer are still going strong. Thanks for saving me what, $1500 for a new fridge. Donating a little in thanks.


I've watched a dozen videos on this fix for this awful refrigerator and this was by far the best video because you addressed the root causes and solutions for the ice build up. I ordered the kit and will have the video playing nearby to walk me through the repair. Wish me luck!


Ben. Thank you. You are my Appliance Hero. If I never hear that fan clicking again I will be praising you for years. 6 years ago the Sears repair man said there was nothing you can do. Just defrost it over night and it will be good to go. Since then every month I have been deforosting my fridge by taking everything out. Then someone said you should see if there is anything on Youtube which I was of course familiar with. Then there you are fixing my exact fridge. I got the kit for less than $70 and spent today putting in the new sensor and the new heater and everything in your kit. I am so excited to see it work but so far everything looks to be good to go. Burned my finger on the new heater when I did the test. Best feeling ever! THANK YOU. You rock


I retired over 6 years ago form Major Appliance repair. This was a major problem with Samsung back then too. That and their ice-makers.
Good video!


I have one that is 13 years old never had a problem until now. Watched the video bought the kit. It worked perfectly. This is exactly what I needed. Saved me ton of $. Thanks!!!


Watching your video from Australia. Samsung tried to repair my fridge under warranty 5 separate occasions. Eventually gave up and offered a new replacement.within weeks the icing up etc began. Water under lower drawer. Vents icing up.. exactly like your video.
I purchased your kit and it arrived to Aust in days. Followed your video instructions. Thank you for such great service. All the best. 18:39 18:39


I just installed your kit. Thrilled to think I can save $3/4, 000 after a simple search and finding your excellent video. Thank you Ben. I will update.


This was so easy to follow!! We bought the kit and I put it all in this afternoon. Went step by step through the video and even though I have ZERO experience, I managed! Thank you!!!


I wanted to follow up on a post I did 5 days ago. Not criticizing this video at all, but this is what I found out and it can definitely save you money. I had this exact problem (fan noise likely from ice against the fan). I called Samsung Service directly. I was connected w a HUMAN tech, who I chatted w via text. He had me do a manual defrost, which is simply setting temp to 44 for the fridge and -4 for the freezer. He told me to keep that setting for 5-6 hours and then return settings to 37 and -2. I did that and, guess what? Noise was gone, so obviously ice was gone too. Never needed to open the patient up!
Follow up: after 5 hours, the temperature didn’t drop to what it should have been. I called Samsung again, referred to the case number they had given me from my first call. Via text, the HUMAN tech walked me through a “power down cycle”, which is just unplugging the unit for two minutes and then setting the temperature again. They said it would take about four hours to achieve goal temperature. Woke up this morning, and temp is a perfect 37/-2.The power down process reprogrammed the compressor. Sometimes you gotta get inside the guts of your appliances, but always try the least intrusive option first. There are a lot of service operations out there that have SAMSUNG in their name. Here’s the number for the legit center that I called: 1 800 726-7864. I hope this is helpful, especially for those of us who aren’t comfortable performing repairs. Good luck!


Ben, received the repair kit late last week and and installed today in a few hours. Great step by step video, and anyone wanting to do this make sure you have the steam device first... My coil was caked with ice and the steam, slow and steady pressure from below where the 3 screws are removed will eventually loosen the ice from the cover. BE PATIENT and do this slowly! I completed the repair and have also ordered the replacement evap coil cover to start clean - the styrofoam was breaking down and had several cracks. Temporarily held in place with the HVAC foil tape from the kit until the new cover arrives. I expect to see no ice when the new cover arrives. THANKS for a great video !


This is the best video showing what to look for and how to repair the Samsung fridge.


Bought this kit a few months ago but was too busy to install it. I finally retired from work and grew tired of hearing the fan rattle for the ice buildup so, I finally took the dive and did the repair. I watched the video again, several times but finally got the cover removed and all the parts install just as the video instructed. Everything appears to be working but I will know for sure in about two weeks as that was about how long the buildup would take after defrosting. I'll post the results then but, I am satisfied with the results so far. Thank you Ben.


You have saved a lot of Samsung owners a lot of money and trouble!
Thank you.
Now, why on earth did Samsung decide to ruin their once decent reputation with this junk?


I bought one of these kits and im in the UK. It comes fully comprehensive. Easy to install whilst following this video.

Works a treat


Folks .. I have a GE french style fridge/ freezer that WAS doing the same thing regarding freezing of the drain line. After a few years of frustration and nearly getting rid of the fridge I sat down and really analyzed what was causing the ice build up in the first place .. humidity .. how do you remove humidity or at least control it ? A moisture absorb material.. baking soda.. it worked for me.. $1 every few months and no problems for at least 5 years .. Sorry Ben .. not trying to take business from you, just trying to help your followers..
