Dana White and Fighter Pay…

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Chael Sonnen talks Dana White and fighter pay on this episode of Beyond the Fight.

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UFC could get away with paying the fighters so low if they had not stripped them of their sponsors.


UFC Employee of the Month: Chael P Sonnen.


Dana’s mistress gets paid more than 90% of the roster


The question still remains
Just how much does Dana pay Chael?


Can’t believe this guy just patronised MMA fans watching this I’ve learnt to watch less of this guy’s videos. I’m not involved in MMA, and only watch on BT SPORT, including BT SPORT PPV, but I am disappointed at how little these guys make for showing such heart. For a former fighter its surprising that you are not coming out in support of other athletes on what is a genuine grievance. Just because a contract is signed doesn’t make it a fair deal. Having beef with Jones is one thing but using your animosity to sabotage an effort that could bring fairer contracts to the sport, not just in UFC, is shameful and cowardly, if not traitorous. Shame on you man. You have a platform and a following, use them wisely.


Masvidal wants more money? Ask him to be the ultimate fighter coach and he’ll get pay more. Masvidal vs colby TUF COACHES


Did he just say Dana's not good at shining his own wheels?! COME ON CHAEL!


I don't think Uncle Chael realizes he's not allowed to compare MMA to other sports anymore when it goes against the narrative


Chael sounding more and more like a sellout each time he addresses issues with fighter pay and UFC's practices in regards to those that challenge it.


UFC needs a fighters union. whatever the revenue model, UFC fighters need to secure more than 15-18% that they are getting now. also, the reebok deal is shit for fighters.
Take UFC 249 total payout was USD 3.5 million as per records. the card sold 700K PPVs @ USD 65 a piece. That's USD 45 million. Which means players got only 7.5% of the PPV earnings. How on earth can that be justified. UFC and Dana are leveraging their monopoly and screwing over the fighters its sad.


Hope guys understand that Chael has a clear conflict of interest in such topics


I stop watching when the bias & agenda comes out.. Chael has a great way of “laying out all the facts” while ignoring half of them 😂😂


I’m not slashing wages, I’m paying peanuts as usual 🧐


Chael got his knee pads out for this one. Funny he doesn't mention that MLB players take 47-48% of all revenue vs 12-18% for ufc fighters. He also fails to mention that MLB players have guaranteed contracts(which is why you have injured players sitting out in the sidelines for years making 30 million a year, try doing that in the ufc). No mention that the league minimum for MLB players is a fully guaranteed $563, 000 with fully paid for training facilities, coaches, health insurance etc. No mention that the ufc can break that very contract they expect the fighter to honor if the fighter loses, but refuse to allow a fighter to renegotiate a contract after his star power significantly increases like was the case for Masvidal. No mention that the MLB created a $30 million dollar fund for all mlb employees. No mention that since MLB players are unionized any proposal to reduce their salaries has to be agreed by them as well. No matter how independent or unbiased he may try to act, Chael is your typical bootlicker at work who throws all his coworkers under the bus just to kiss up to the boss. Shame


Chael are you Dana’s PR guy? SHAME is that your are clearly biased in all the UFC vs anybody situations. It is not analytics if you ignore half of the factors and facts and manipulate (pretty crafty, I must admit) the other half. I guess most of your audience is fine with it for now but in the long run you are risking of losing the weight of your voice more and more once everybody begin to realize you have an agenda. Oh I realized you are an ESPN employee, right. You just can’t be unbiased, I understand, you have obligations.


As much stick Dana gets for being the president of the UFC, when he eventually steps down and moves on the UFC is going to be in a world of hurt and all the nay sayers will begin to realise what a great job he did.


Dana’s perspective: get the best talent for the lowest price

Fighters perspective: get the most money for the fewest fights

Consumers: get the most stuff for the least amount of money

It’s not the seller’s fault if you overpay for a house.


A thing that gets conveniently forgotten and left out in the discussion is the phrase PERCENTAGE OF REVENUE generated. That means if the company(UFC) has lower revenue, the fighters get a lower pay. But on the flip side if the UFC generates more revenue, fighters get more. The pandemic costing the company? Okay lets do a profit share of 30% ...no, its a problem then. Massvidal doesnt want more absolute money like JJ, he is smart, he wants the revenue share. Simple. I pull less money, i get paid less. I get paid as much as i can pull. And btw, the company and dana white are not doing the fighters a favor by having matches on, its a symbiotic relationship.


Jesus christ, Chael is laying it on thick. Dana must have something on him


People need to remember Dana is a promoter. Much like a politician, he avoids answering questions and instead pushes his own narrative to promote his company.

He is making fights and telling everyone he is the only sports company not to tell his guys to take a pay cut. The difference being all other sports companies have their employees on a salary that get paid whether they play or not. Dana only pays his fighters when they fight. He keeps telling everyone he has over 500 fighters on the roster. There is no way he is finding fights for all 500 fighters during the pandemic and paying all 500. There is a huge difference between him paying his fighters 10k to show and 10k to win once every six months and MLB paying their players their full salary every month without playing a game.

Dana is also not doing this for every fighter. McGregor wants to fight. McGregor is also on probably the highest paid contract per fight. Dana told him he isn't giving him a fight. There is no way Dana gives McGregor a fight when he can't make money on live gate, merchandise sales, media tour to promote the event etc. McGregor could say "we have a contract that says you must get me x number of fights per year and you are refusing to get me a fight".

Dana is getting his fighters fights as long as their pay does not out weight the profit he makes on the event.

Dana also has a television deal that says he needs to put on x number of fights per year. The fights he are doing to empty venues are more than likely fights to meet his contractual obligations to espn which is to provide content for their platform. Espn do not care about live gate revenue.

Let's not pretend Dana is putting on fights to keep fans entertained and fighters' families fed.
