How long are different drugs detectable in your system - urine testing, hair testing, etc.

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Dr. Nuesse talks about the drug testing process ans how long certain drugs stay in your system. Hair drug testing is different than urine drug testing.

Connect with Dr. Nuesse via Zoom or by phone. Call 513-271-2500 to schedule a 30 minute Zoom/phone meeting with Dr. Nuesse. The cost of this meeting is $100.

Dr. Nuesse is a certified medical examiner in the state of Ohio. The advice provided is Dr. Nuesse's opinion and meant to be used for informational purposes only. Please consult with a medical professional about specific individual healthcare needs. Determination of "medically fit to drive" is at the sole discretion of the examiner performing the exam.
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Well after 18 years of driving I retired from trucking and just smoked a huge blunt. 😂


Almost 9 years sober through AA. I am honestly high and happy on life. Costs nothing. Seriously, give yourself a chance.

You are worth it.


I wanna say this morning thank you so much. 💘 and prayer's your way all the time. Thank you.


I quit smoking three months ago. I passed a urine test a month ago for Weed. I got six weeks before I got to take a hair test. I really hope I pass cause I want this job.


I had a buddy who worked with me in the coal mines. He was a drug user. We had a safety re-training (8hrs) once a year. At this re-training, we ALWAYS drug test. We knew the date of the test from like 2 months out. He thought he could keep doing his drugs, and do some stuff to pass the test. Needless to say, he failed, lost his job in the mines, and lost his miner’s card permanently. He can never have a job like that again. When he lost his job, he lost everything, and his life went down in a whirlwind of events. I said all that to say this….If you want to have the good jobs, and a stable life, you need to just stay away from drugs altogether. You might think you can handle the drugs, and still manage the tests. But if you really believed that, you wouldn’t be watching videos by this guy, trying to figure out ways around it. And remember….in trucking, you may cheat it to get in….But random drug tests will come, and you’ll only get about an hour from the time you stop by the office, till you gotta be at the lab to pee in the cup. It’ll eventually get you. 😉


Just want to share something which can be handy for some people here.

I had a urine weed test on Saturday, I smoked 3 joints on Monday and a half joint on Tuesday and then stopped.
I had smoked on and off the last two weeks as I was a heavy smoker, in Holland it is legal.
Just some context about myself, I have the metabolism of a Ferrari, meaning I can eat whatever and do not get fat, I eat a lot and burn a lot.
I don't have that much body fat, some as I love eating, but not much.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I ate a salad, increased my water intake.
On Wednesday I went on a run, nothing crazy was back within a half hour.
I also sweat a lot while sleeping i noticed in the last days so i stimulated that by sleeping with more clothes on.
Mind you I did not do training the last two days prior my test as it will first increase the weed metabolites before it can get rid of them.
On Thursday I at Shoarma (meat in a bun with sauce) again with a salad, and drank only coffee and water during the day.
mind you I was peeing a lot at that time, on Friday I drank grapefruit juice, water and coffee, i at burger king that day not really that healthy.
And I bought myself Vitamin B2 and Creatine, Vitamin B keeps your urine on color while you drink water to flush yourself another red flag would be that your creatine levels are to low, your sample will be seen as diluted and rejected.
4 hours before the test I started consuming 0.5 to 0.8 liters of water, the third hour I did it again .
3 hours before the test I took the vitamin 200 grams and creatine two good scoops, i took it with grapefruit juice,
the last two hours of the test I drank chocolat milk and sports drink (AA)/Aquarius, to be precise a half liter of AA and a half liter of Aquarius and just a small bottle of chocolat milk 0.35 liter or so.
The electrolytes in my milk and sport drink kept my urine in range as you lose electrolytes when drinking a lot of water, which is another red flag.

I passed the test with flying colors.
I think honestly I semi cheated, I think the amount of metabolites in my bladder would have been low just by eating good and drinking some water (nothing crazy, just healthy adult amount)
As I have a did quit smoking and stimulated the breakdown by sweating and burning fat, while eating a lot of greens and water and draining myself a bit.
But flushing alone can maybe even help if you smoked two days prior, i cannot test this for you as i am never taking that test again, the only reason was that i was staying overnight in a drug clinic and even for a visitor it means you will get tested and they have 0 tolerance.
I hope this might calm some peoples nerves or help others with what to do.

Weed in my eyes is not bad, it becomes bad when you smoke to much and over years it can become an addiction as almost with coke.
I got clean last year after going in to detox, drugs is a habit, and even more zoomed in, drugs is a neural connection you made strong over years, you have to break it down to get rid of it completely.
that's how many users start using again after a clinic, thinking they can control it after being clean for a few months, and a little bit becomes much more over time.
For anybody facing this struggle, stay strong and cheat yourself.
The first months i gave my mom all my bank and credit cards, i lived of an allowance and not able to cheat or not eat.
Smoke weed if coke was your problem, start training and going to bed early, but first get your body clean and then the hard part get your mind clean.
Don't think you can break a habit formed over 10 years in a few months, you will need to be on guard and not go to party's or anywhere where you know you get triggered.
Go to DA meetings when it gets to hard, but always get help.
God speed !


I’ve once’s passed a drug screen 5 days after smoking a lot of marijuana.


Oh I love when he speaks. The doctusssy 😫😫


This is a message to those who are heavy smokers. Around the end of January I stopped smoking because a good friend of mine offered to help me get into a really good transportation job. He told me about the pre-employment drug testing that involving hair follicle testing. Once he said that I told him that I need time due to some family issues, but the real reason was that I heard that hair follicle tests can detect usage for up to 90 days. So I started this running training program that I do at least five times a week. I drink tons of lemon water and green tea. Around 60 days into my detox, mid March, another friend of mine gave me one of those weed home testing strips and my ass came up positive. I thought that the testing strip was a false reading so I went to a lab and paid to get tested. Sure enough I was still dirty as fuq. And that's after 60 fking days of running at least a 5K and drinking nothing but lemon water and green tea. So today, April 6th, I did one of those home tests strips again and my ass is still coming up positive...AND THAT'S ONLY URINE TESTING. So I know I have a ways to go before I can come up clean on a hair follicle test. I don't know about all these products that supposedly help you pass these drug tests but I will tell you to be wary of them. I will say this, I was a heavy user. I smoked morning afternoon and night. I stayed high. I'm thinking that all this running I do is slowly releasing THC attached to my fat cells. And by the way, I'm not an obese guy but I do carry some body fat...I'm 5'9" 180 lbs. So for all you heavy users out there give yourself PLENTY of time to detox before wasting your time going to one of these pre-employment drugs tests.


Sucks here in Sweden, a police officer can force you to take a drug test without any cause whenever he wants. We have some of the strictest drug laws in the world.


I took a drug test today( thursday) after smoking weed on tuesday and i passed 😁😁 now i got my dream job
However the worry isnt worth it, i was extremely worried since it was a random test.


I would do coke every week end by Friday j was clean .I did this for over a year..that was 5 days urine test on the 6th day.
Negative all the time.


Thank you doctors it's very helpful


Great video … about to embark in Medical Transportation… Thank you


Hi Easy DOT Physicals, just wondering, how common are 1 year medical certificates? Also, do you think it's harder to get hired if you only have a 1 year med certif?


I've recently gotten screened for a job and I'm not a regular user it was literally a month since I last smoked and it still came back positive for Marijuana, the lady told me it can stay in my system for up to 8 weeks....also I'm 6'1 265lbs


Thank you Doc.
Good info for the meatheads I'll come across.
So I can inform them all about you're Vlog.
Thank you.


Question! I smoke about a week ago not an extremely heavy user but still smoke a joint here and there but I’m extremely active running bjj mma training sweating a lot ! I passed a piss test today for my P.O (yes I was shitting bricks) but I passed does it have to do with my active lifestyle?


Thank you been clean for two years now and looking to switch jobs that require follicle test


Hi Easy Dot Physicals. I'm not a heavy, regular or even casual pot smoker/vaper. However, 2 days ago, I had a party celebration where i had few vape puffs of CBD/THC while drunk. Single use. I will have the yearly company exam (possibly including the drug test) of urinalysis, stool and blood test this September (to be sch on my preference). Do you think it will get out of system within 3-5 days or would take longer? Thank you!
