Your Plant-Based Questions Answered | The Exam Room LIVE

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The doctor is in and answering your questions about health and plant-based nutrition! Dr. Vanita Rahman from the Barnard Medical Center joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll to open up The Doctor’s Mailbag.

Dr. Rahman also talks about her new 12-week plant-based weight loss program while Chuck chimes in about how a vegan diet has helped him keep off the 280 pounds he lost!
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I'm on a fixed income in FL and love the prices and produce at Aldi... but sure wish they had more simple vegan options so I could do all my shopping in one place. I'm not talking about (pricey) vegan specialty products, just simple things like... VEGETABLE broth, tofu and tempeh, plant based yogurt, more grains and legumes, that sort of thing. They will get some very occasionally, but can't rely on it, frustrating. Ethic markets are good options too, none are as meat heavy as US markets and offer plenty of plant based choices. I wish there was a grocery store that sold NO animal products... I hate having to see all the mass slaughter on every isle!


Dr. Rahman is great, love hearing from her. Looking forward to that Austin interview


Grocery Outlet, a west coast chain that specializes in overstock, surprisingly has vegan products often at great prices.


Costco has a great selection of vegan products; you can't just buy a single can or individual box, but if you're making the effort to go out to buy vegan food during the pandemic, you're not going often and you might as well stock up. I do.


I shop at the local Ralph which is a Kroger affiliate and I agree they have Broad and lots of organic stuff. They still have we're pushing too much of the new plant-based processed foods. The salt will continue to go up the sugar will continue to go up and eventually it'll be the same plant-based garbage. Sorry to be negative but it is only Whole Food plant-based and right now there's not enough money in it for them. For me to judge them I look at how many things like can beans and tomatoes they are offering with no salt added


i have a question?
i have been diagnosed with mild cirrhosis (no not booze) but from previous fatty liver disease, how do i get my liver enzymes back to normal?


Beans is a big support to vegan diet but l heard that beans is the reason why we can have high uric acid
That make our finger deform is there a medicine that l can take so that l can eat beans


Great information on this video! Thank you so much 😊


Whoever asked about the problem where they didn’t have menstrual periods… just watched some programs from Nick Polizzi called Proven and in one of the shows it had someone with this issue for years and she was completely helped through acupuncture.


Teresa Tam, one of the members of WHO is supposed to be an infectious disease expert. So they shouldn't need to walk any bad information back.


Keep up the good work you guys have helped me out so much thanks again


The site mentioned ( die not exist anymore)


Thanks big bad Chuck...!
Whole plant based foods that Chucky loves, on Instagram = mikewakethefoodup


#physicianscorner I'm having trouble gaining weight. I can't seem to eat enough. I am 5 foot 10 and 129lbs.
I eat 1 cup of seeds a day and 1 avocado also is that ok?
