Wolverine Origins- CANON?

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Is Wolverine Origins canon?

X-Men Days of Future Past changed all events after 1973, which is why Wolverine becoming Weapon X happened very differently. The brawl with The Deadpool at the end and avoiding becoming a Weapon X stooge never happens.

But the events prior to this remain unchanged including being born in 1832, fighting multiple Wars, and Sabertooth being his brother. Sabertooth being his brother if further canonized when Deadpool remarks Sabertooth as his brother

This would explain Wade Wilson’s trajectory being different resulting in him not being a mutant like in Origins and ending up having the tragic fate he did.

The original story however, including the Deadpool, live on as memories in the Wolverine’s brain who came back to the present from the apocalyptic future. Meaning the Wolverine we see in Logan remembers both timelines.
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Wolverine Origin is a different timeline! Wade from that timeline appeared in Deadpool & Wolverine as Headpool! 😅


Deadpool was actually decently portrayed in the first act of Wolverine Origins. That sword scene was incredible.


I view the Origin as one of those memory implants he had when he was Weapon X, the comics mentioned that he was so full of implants and mindwipes he doesn't even remember how he started until House of M.

Also, when his future self went back to his timeline, it could have left Logan mind damaged as they were in one body, as when the future self left he was drowning which could excaberate his damaged mind.


So the timeline is complicated but the events of x men origins IS canon only to logan. At the end of days of future past he is sent to the alternate future while remembering the original one, IE x men origins, killing jean gray, ect.


That doesn't explain Emma Frost though. She was a teen girl in Origins while in First Class she was an adult woman, and First Class took place before Origins.


The only thing that kinda doesn't make sense is Wade being an adult mutant in 1970s, but in deadpool movies, which are in post days of future past timeline, he was born in the 70s, isn't a mutant and is adult in 2016.


Origins takes place in 1979, which is when Logan willingly goes through the adamantium bonding part of the weapon x program but escapes before they erase his memory. Logan and victor meet striker in Vietnam, 1975 who shoots Logan with an adamantium bullet that induces memory loss in 1979.
Days of future past takes place in 1973, presumably before he and victor decide to go to Vietnam. Magneto sinks Logan in a lake and a younger striker captures him and forces him into the weapon x program, erasing his memories.
In X-men apocalypse during the early 1980s logan is freed by Jean grey.
It seems to me that the only version of wolverine that never had their memory erased and remembers being alive for 200 years is the worst one from dp&w and not related to the non-origins sabretooth version


so deadpool in that universe is just that his universes deadpool? i honestly liked the design of him in origins the mouth part is controversial but like the retractable katanas with a teleporting ability too bro was overpowered


I will always be in awe of how completely and epically Fox managed to mishandle the most famous and self contained franchise in all of comics during the Golden Age of super hero movies.

It makes Disney's handling of Star Wars look competent.


Wolverine remembers a different history cause he went back in time he doesn’t no about the history that was altered


Anyone else agree that if X-men Origins Deadpool wasn't supposed to be Deadpool he would have made an amazing Marvel character?


My head canon is wade wilson in origins is just current deadpools father


I think it was already decanonized before DOFP because of the bad reception it got when it came out.

Think about it: if you remove this movie from canon, the already confusing X-men movies' timeline becomes significantly less inconsistent. It makes me think it was done on purpose.


Literally everything prior to the end of the x men origins movie's montage was perfection

Thats right

The montage was perfect and everything after that was a canine's post eaten and digested food, converted to fertilizer

Colloquially known as dogshit


It’s canon in another timeline, its very similar to Earth-10005 but there’s a different looking Sabertooth plus a completely different Deadpool 😶 not to mention the bone claws too


I think X-Men Apocalypse and Dark Phoenix are in a different timeline all together


I just wanna know what became of Gambit in the fox timeline


With the whole TVA buisness now it is theoretical to have both universes still in existence, or maybe Future Past's unique time travel meant that universe was simply rewritten?


Idk if it’s cannon since Deadpool is from the same universe as x men wolverine which is in the same universe as origins wade
