Is PATHFINDER: WOTR Any Good? | Napyet Reviews

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I've been looking for a modern D&D game - party management, lots of customization, interesting combat - for a while. I think Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous might be it!

Must Have Pathfinder Mod - Visual Adjustments 2

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its one of the best CRPG's, its on my #2 most favorite game of all time. and i've played and finished hundreds of games, and im relatively new to CRPG'S, started playing CRPG's at around early 2020, started by playing divinity original sin 2, and moved on to play pathfinder kingmaker, and later on (a year post lunch) i played pathfinder WOTR, and then pillars of eternity 1, and baldur's gate 3.


Wotr is awesome. The number of different kinds of characters you can make is mind boggling.


I discovered this game about a month ago and damn how good it is! Superior to Baldur's Gate 3 in many aspects (not counting graphics/animation). The plot & narration is awesome, characters, "grey" morality and uneasy choices - all stuff that we love :) If you D&D fun you MUST try this game!


The best modern cRPG currently available, no contest.


this game blows my mind TBH. Finished king maker and now im 60 hours deep in this one. SOOOO


You can hire mercenaries from Hilor in your camp (same person you talk to for respec), so yes you can have a full party of fully custom NPCs. There are also mods that let you fully respsec all the companions, if that's your thing. This game was fairly buggy on launch in 2021 but a year later in December 2022 it is a much more polished gamed. Wrath is my top CRPG now, honestly BG3 has a lot to live upto to take that away from WotR for me, although I am expecting a very different type of experience from BG3.


It really blow my mind away, divinity original sin 2 is very great game but this even better for me


You mentioned the Pathfinder MMO - that died last year. While set in Golarion, it didn't use the Pathfinder ruleset. The game actually fleshes out the story from the adventure path. The voice acting is really good too.


I acually bought this game thx to this viddeo and man....Iv never been happier :)


Great review. I absolutely love this game. For a little bit of clarity, Pathfinder 1st edition (which is the system Wrath of the Righteous is based on) was actually an extension of D&D edition 3.5, thus the reason for the major similarities to D&D and why it's so popular.

Concerning coup de grace, I think I can explain the mechanics behind when it can and can't be used.

First, coup de grace requires a full round action. That means that if a character has to move more than 5 feet (a 5-foot step only takes a free action while moving any more than that takes a move action, which prevents the use of a full-round action that turn) to get to the target, they won't be able to perform the action that round. This is somewhat circumvented by mounted characters, as it is the mounts actions that are used to move, freeing the mounted character to take a full round action to coup de grace. It's the same reason why a mounted character can move and still take their full number of attacks, as taking a full attack action is also a full round action, like coup de grace.

Secondly, the target has to be helpless, aka prone and denied their dexterity bonus to AC. In WotR, this happens most often when a target is put to sleep, which is the go-to move of Ember early in the game and is something Camellia can get access to through her base class. However, coup de grace will NOT be a viable option if the target is merely prone (such as if they've been tripped or knocked down), of if they are woken up from sleep, which happens if they receive damage in any way (with maybe one exception built into an advanced sleeping hex). So even if a target was put to sleep previously, if they're hit by an AOE or successfully hit and damaged before you can set up the coup de grace, the ability won't work. I'm not sure if abilities deny dex bonus to AC on your next attack would work to enable coup de grace on a prone but otherwise awake target, but it might be worth trying.

Hope that helps.


reach weapon, mount, build around scoring as many attacks of opportunity as humanly possible, and you're set for life.


A great game, played a couple hundred hours of it. The main problem of it though is that it requires a lot of prior knowledge of classes, mythic paths and itemization for build not to feel underwhelming. Like great fire damage items combo for spontaneous casters, or DC stacking of mind affecting spells due to a randomly bloated stats even on normal difficulty: 45 AC, 30 SR and 30+ saves on level 10-12. Also you should REALLY test your build before playing full playthrough if you want to get a specific combo, game is ridden with obscure bugs and some of major features just straight up don't work, like half of azata till recently.


WotR dethroned Neverwinter Nights 2 Oficial campaign for me (as far as isometric cRPGs go) and almost reached the brilliance of Mask of the Betrayer.
Owlcat Games don't have as good writers as Obsidian does but they definitely deliver on class diversity and branching storylines. The amount of different Mythic Path interactions alone are overwhelming and easily make it worth multiple playthroughs.


Great review and pointers on how to play. Am a complete beginner and will play it on a much easier setting than you do! At least for first play through.


Pathfinder system IS based off of D&D 3.5 edition. It is D&D - it's just a little differently flavored. They do have console editions of Beamdog's remasters of Baldur's Gate series (with I believe all of the DLC included) Else if you really wanted to play the actual Baldur's Gate games on PC I'd recommend GoG.

I will say for myself - Flat footed procs EVERY. Single. Fight. When it should only be if the enemy takes you by surprise; and properly applies to the enemy if YOU take them by surprise - which would be the one reason Stealth exists as a skill. >.< (It's effectively useless - it doesn't matter how high a toon has it, the enemies WILL spot you regardless) Taking 2 levels of a few Bloodrager subsets, or a fair dip into Rogue or Barb can counter it with Uncanny Dodge... but you'd also need to do this with the whole party. [Some of whom start at best, at Lv 8 = because Owlcat apparently forgot that they let players Respec FROM LV 1! in Kingmaker. It makes Arueshalae and Regill, and Trevor IF I can get him, particularly less useful than they should have been. It also takes away the player's choice to build their weapon paths very well... and the stinger is you get a party of 4 characters at lv 1 That you CAN do this with. So they are automatically your most useful. One of whom is possibly going to die at your hands... depending on how you handle her character quest] ** You can change her class entirely if you like: NO. You can't. She will always have at least ONE level of Paladin. However the OTHER 19 levels = For Seelah, Carmellia, Wenduag, and or Lann, you can. The other party members all start at VARIED levels that YOU DO NOT get to change. With Feats that you DO NOT get to change. Only those four characters (because Lann OR Wenduag; you don't get both until later in the game and ONLY if you pick Wendy, because Wendy will betray you if you dont pick her) can be changed from that FIRST level. Just them, and the MC. However do note: The Respec DOES cost you 1 FULL day and will leave the remaining characters who did not respec, fatigued. So it will cost you in total 1 day + 9 hrs to Respec. Each time.

You can have a 20 con at base toon; with Endurance Feat and the Wanderer background that gives you +2 to save against fatigue... and still end up fatigued within about five minutes of map travel (Oracle pick for a 1 Lv dip - Beneficial Curse Mythic Path: Lamed = By Lv 15 you are immune to both fatigue & exhaustion... BUT requires multiclassing and sacking 1 of 5 Mythic Power slots)

I'm also not fond of being pushed so fiercely - when the Crusade Mode mechanically gets completely in the way of the RPG based STORY. You cannot turn the mode to auto if you want to get the "secret" ending option. Which based on the Lore surrounding the MC's Character; the "architect" ALREADY made you. [There is a book called the Epic Destinies Handbook for D&D = Which Pathfinder was BASED ON - that has a destiny pertaining to Ascension. It does not require a billion different little meta necessary points to be done. It just IS. Full stop. Whether you reach the point of ascension or not should properly come down to do you get Mythic Lv 10/Do you CHOOSE that ending? You're done]

* Also, Owlcat... Listen to me: Get over your obsession with TIME & Management. It's an RPG. It's meant to let you explore and grow in power. Guess what you can't do, when you're worried about what time is it Mr. Wolf with every move on the board. Time limits belong in racing games, and for some godforsaken idiots - who pay $60-90 just to beat the game ASAP - speedrunners. They NEVER belong anywhere near the RPG genre. It is a cardinal sin to most players of said genre.

Other than that; they've borked another fantastic RPG - like they did to Kingmaker - by attempting to throw everything but the kitchen sink into it's mechanics. It's not Minestrone. You're just gonna end up with weird tasting slop. That might have been good if you'd stopped like 3 improperly prepared ingredients ago. I've been playing this for about 3 months on Xbox One, and I am barely most of the way through ACT 3. Once you hit act 3, the game does not tell you the order in which quests NEED to be done. So most players may quit in confusion or frustration before they see any further into the acts. Because the game does way too much that it does not have to, trying to ham-string you from the start. But that's just my take on it. I do love certain things about this game; and I would defend it's an exceptional RPG with tons of replay value... It just shouldn't have been FORCED to replay, because that deeply dents the value.


Well you can buy mercenaries and create an own party after the prolog in Act1 at the Tavern where you wake up when you talk with the NPC Hilor. They start with a price of 4, 500 Gold and become more expensive after every next level you have reached. When you take all loot in the prolog section then you can afford 2 of them for that first price of 4, 500 Gold before you leave the Tavern the very first time...All the others you might buy will then cost more because you very likely will have reached a higher level when you return to the Tavern in order to rest unless you will manage to return to the Tavern with some loot before you have reached Level 4 in order to buy further mercenaries for just 4, 500 Gold...but then you will get in trouble with the time line which I will explain in form of a tip at the end of my comment because the library should be reached in a certain time for getting a great benefit for the endfight in act 1 at the Gray Garision..

But consider that you can enter certain areas just with certain companions of the Act 1 for instance there is an area only able to enter with Camelia in your party (Horgus´s mansion) an other Act 1 area is only able to enter with Wuljif in your don´t dismiss your companions even when those aren´t in your party because for certain areas you will need them all at one point or the other during the game.

A tip for act 1 ..Try to reach the library in act 1 at very first before you make a single rest (be there on the same day date when you leave the Tavern for the very first time) in order to save the crusaders who are on the stake with the storyteller otherwise they will die burning (to save them is also part of a quest requirement anyway = "finding allies" which are the Desna adepts and the thiefs at the market place and those crusaders at the library..all those you have to "save" and they will then return the favour at the act 1 endfight)...those crusaders (and those other allies) will then accompany you at the endfight of Act 1 in the Gray Garision and there those crusaders will give your party a "Haste" buff lasting for 90 minutes = "a very huge helpful buff" which will make the whole Gray Garision endfight by far way more easier to digest especially when playing on higher difficulty...they also will open all doors for you which are magical sealed as well..the other allies will help you in that act 1 endfight in other form...the thiefs will show you hidden doors and will deactivate a certain trap and the Desna adepts will put to sleep certain encounters.


Great review brother, can tell you are passionate about the game


I personally prefer kingmaker, the reign mechanic is much much more fun than the crusade because you have different interactions depending from good/evil neutral or lawful/chaotic choices and the companions are way better as background only 3 in wotr have a decent story, the rest have a flat plot - and you can't change build free ( in wotr i changed build 400times freely, changing it for every fight even, instead of needing a balanced team for everything you can just exploit fights by changing builds to overcome problems easier.
And some puzzles in wotr are extremely made too hard or sometimes even frustrating since you can't get hints for it by exploring the zone the puzzle is in, ecc


If you really enjoy this game on PC the table top version is 1000% better imo but i have played table top since it came out 20ish years ago.


I was surprised no "Hello internet friends "
