Should I Be Getting An Allowance For Being a Stay-At-Home Mom?

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Should I Be Getting An Allowance For Being a Stay-At-Home Mom?

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When I was a stay at home mom, this happened to me…and as soon as I asked for money and he was hesitant to give me any…I stopped quickly being a stay at home mom and started to make my own money. I don’t want to ask my husband for money anymore, what a nightmare. I make almost as much as he does…if he needs money…I am happy to give him. I’m not greedy like he is…


Her question was "How do I account for my spending money in OUR budget, based on his income?"... Not "How do I get money from him", or "How do I get an allowance"... She was not asking for money, she handles the money, and has access to 4x more... Glad the caller stood up for herself and clarified she's not a victim.


Reverse the roles and let’s see how quickly they jump to “this is y’all’s money”. If a man who stays at home taking care of kids wasn’t getting any money from a CEO wife, I wonder what the input on that would be. Would they emphasize on him getting a part-time job, work from home, etc. This wife should have discussed this with her husband and not these two. She should of just called in to “the view”, she would have got the same advice.


Bad Advise You didn't listen to the question. You noticed that her husband makes all the household income so he should have something to say about the finances.


I think she was wondering how to put any spending on herself in the budget. I would think that in a budget each of them would have a certain amount of play money for themselves.


Asking for an “allowance” sounds like something a young child would ask a parent. They should be equal partners in managing their money as mature adults. Best wishes to the caller for a happy household and healthy baby.


Great advice but I like how she starts out with “we’re debt free by the way” and then later on adds in there that she still has one car note left. Lady that’s not debt free yet. 😆


If this caller was a man I am pretty sure they would have asked him why he is not working smh


It rubbed me the wrong way how they absolutely went full feminist mode without knowing what the person was asking … 🤣


I know everything should be combined but is better like we do we both have fun money that is hers and fun money that is mine, why? Because fun for me means electronics, computer parts, video games and for her is stuff for crochet, plants and ornaments. Maybe calling it an allowance is wrong but having a reserve of money for each I think is fine because both people don't have exactly the same taste on everything.


I love how Rachel asked questions rather than assuming. The question was jumped on at the beginning of the call rather than finding the real root to the question.


my mom was a stay at home mom and they did the "y'all's money" in a joint account. I don't think it was healthy. My mom always acted guilty if she wanted to get her nails done or buy a dress. She would say "don't tell your dad I bought this". I never, ever saw him on her case about money. Maybe it happened, but either way, I think a designated and agreed on amount of money each month that she could spend any way she wanted without feeling like she had to justify it would have been a good compromise. If I was in the same situation, I would want that.


That was a good point that if she worked they'd have to pay childcare for both children and lord knows childcare is crazy these days.


You have to really careful with this logic that you share income. I had a family member who is in this situation and is close to divorcing his wife because she is a stay at home mom who buys expensive items including a truck without his permission. If that stay at home mom is a saver then this logic is much easier to follow.


Had a wife who spent all her money and our money every week. Sometimes a spouse needs to be given an allowance so they can stick to a budget


Boy that blonde on the left true colors came out. Hilarious


I think you Should get an allowance. When a wife doesn’t work and she receives no income, she gets desperate and feels like she’s doing nothing with her life. Having to ask you permission to spend money or put her hand so you give her $ like a little girl every time she wants something is NOT THE RIGHT WAY. Make sure she is being taken care of and then you can say Happy Wife Happy Life!


The problem is when there's no agreement on expenses. Either spouse overspending or buying stupid stuff might sink the whole family.


Being a parent is such a big responsibility and a lot of work!


I don't ask for an "allowance" or anything similar. Any time there is something I want that is outside the budget, we discuss it (as you should any time something is outside the budget regardless of who wants it). Frequently hubby is the one saying "get it for yourself" while I'm still humming and hawing about spending the money.
