8 Mistakes Everyone Makes When Defrosting Steak

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Most chefs prefer a fresh steak to a frozen one, but that doesn't mean you can't get good results from a frozen piece of meat. Getting your frozen steak ready for the skillet or grill, however, isn't as simple as nuking it in the microwave. How you defrost your steaks, in fact, can make or break them in terms of flavor, texture, quality, and even safe consumption. It's crucial to avoid what the USDA calls the "danger zone": a range of between 40 and 140 F that's the ideal temperature for bacteria to multiply and risk making your steak more dangerous to eat. Looking for more frozen steak tips? Here are 8 mistakes everyone makes when defrosting steak.
#Mistakes #Steak #Cooking
Using the microwave | 0:00
Using hot water | 1:05
Using anything but the fridge | 1:41
Unwrapping a sous-vided steak | 2:22
Not taking advantage of a marinade | 3:02
Forgetting the one quick-thaw method | 3:58
Not eating it quickly enough | 4:36
Defrosting it at all | 5:18
#Mistakes #Steak #Cooking
Using the microwave | 0:00
Using hot water | 1:05
Using anything but the fridge | 1:41
Unwrapping a sous-vided steak | 2:22
Not taking advantage of a marinade | 3:02
Forgetting the one quick-thaw method | 3:58
Not eating it quickly enough | 4:36
Defrosting it at all | 5:18