We Tried 10 of the Best French Cheeses in Paris

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There are over 350 different types of French cheeses, but which ones are the best French cheeses? Colleen was overwhelmed, In this video we'll shop with Chef Vincent at a local marche to buy the top 10 cheese of France. Then, we'll make a cheese platter, taste them and give you our review.

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Below are the 10 cheese we bought & tasted
🧀 Comté
🧀 Roquefort
🧀 Reblochon
🧀 Morbier
🧀 Rocamadour
🧀 Le Cathare
🧀 Maroilles
🧀 Camembert
🧀 Coulommier
🧀 Pont-l'Évêque

FAQ about French Cheese
What are 5 French cheese?
Camembert, Roquefort, Maroilles, Coulommier & Reblochon

What is the most famous cheese in France?

Top 10 Cheeses of France?
See list above

What is the national cheese of France?
Brie and Camembert

How many French cheeses are?
There is immense diversity within each variety of cheese, leading some to claim that there is anywhere between 1,000 and 1,600 distinct types of cheese in France.

About Les Frenchies:
After 32 years in the US, the Duponts moved to France where Antoine was born. Antoine is rediscovering his homeland and sharing it with his American wife Colleen. With the help of his brother Vincent, a renowned Restaurateur (and food snob).

They are on a quest to find the best France has to offer.

There are over 35,000 villages in France, all with their own history, culture, and food. We are on a journey to discover as many of them as we can together. Let’s go.

🥖🍷 Food & Vines. 🎭 🏰 Culture & History. 🎨 🌳 Art & Nature.

📢 Let's connect:

🎬 Credits:
(in order of appearance)
Colleen Dupont - Branding, Identity Coach & cooking enthusiast
Antoine Dupont - Marketing, Public Speaker & filmmaker newbie
Vincent Dupont - Chef, Restaurateur & overall nice guy
Filmed with a Canon 70D & Samsung Galaxy S8

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A few tips:
Above all, do not hesitate to drink dry white wine with your cheese. Especially with certain dry goat cheeses and also cooked pressed cheese.
For marbled cheeses (Roquefort, Fourme d'Ambert), I recommend a slightly sweet wine, or even a white wine for an aperitif (Banyuls or white Porto)


I love your videos, but I would like to correct you on the description of Mobier cheese. That is not mold in the center. It is a fine layer of ash to protect the morning made cheese until it could be topped off with the cheese made from the evening milking.


Ahh, I’m so jealous! I just love the effort and care that the French put into food. Those cheeses looked amazing. There is nothing better than a cheese plate, some wine, and some bread!


Morbiers is NOT a blue cheese. The dark line in the middle is a layer of ash. Sadly, you missed out on all the cheeses of the Auvergne, which would have provided an even wider range of flavors, from the buttery Cantal to the pungent St. Nectaire to the cow's milk Bleu d'Auvernge and Forme d'Ambert. Two of my favorites outside of the region are Beaufort, which is like Comte, only better, and Bleu des Causses, which is the best blue cheese because it is creamy like Roquefort but not as pungent due to its cow's milk content.


vin + fromage + pain + charcuterie + amis = bonheur absolu. Si en plus c’est l’été, qu’il fait beau et qu’on est dans un bel endroit naturel loin des villes c’est carrément le paradis


Reblochon is for sure my all time favorite type of cheese, maybe because it was the first real one I tried in France over 30 years ago. Tommes de Savoie, Epoisse, Langres (bathed in Marc de Champage), St. Maure and Crottin de Chavignol are my most beloved french cheeses.


What a fun video. I’ve always been scared to try new cheeses in France and this was so helpful ! The history of the war and cheese was so interesting! And so nice to see you all having such a lovely time!


My husband Bernard is French. He mentioned most of your list before it was displayed in the video. We like all of them. We also like Munster and Saint Nectaire.


The fromagerie on the Rue Cler was just below our hotel and I could smell it a block away. I simply asked for suggestions, bought whatever the gentleman recommended in excessive amounts, and loved every bite.
I have no idea what it was that I ate, but it was wonderful!


I just moved to Paris and you guys are my guides. Great content, keep it up!


A lovely post, you chose some of the best cheese, in addition le brie de meaux, le Sainte maure, le Munster and Crottin de Chavignol ( Chevre) are also some of my favorite. One acquires a taste and palate for " the French culture of cheese ". as Coleen says.


You are so lucky living in France, with 350 national cheeses all in good supply. In Canada we are on a lottery system. Not only does this mean European cheese is in limited supply, but it also means a vendor may have what you want and six months later will never be able to source it again. Getting raw milk cheese from France is also tricky. Some vendors have 13 types, while another cheese shop has three. There are alternatives however. French Canadian (Quebec) cheese makers produce artisan cheese with some similarities to France. There are also small cheese makers that produce great cheese. This varies by region in Canada.


Comte and morbier from France, so amazing. The winemaker I used to work with would go home, 3 times a year and smuggle a variety of cheese. We'd eat like kings for a week ❤️


I so loved this video.You both are so good at involving your viewer directly in your videos. My husband and I felt exactly as Colleen expressed “Afraid to try new cheese and or wine while in France a few years ago. At our last location in the French Alps, we were introduced to Comte and Spec pizza at a small cafe. Delicious! We went back the same evening for Cheese Fondue. Such a wonderful memory! My husband, not a spaghetti fan, opted for fresh pasta with traditional sauce. He has never let me forget that I never made spaghetti that tasted like that in all our years of family spaghetti suppers. In Canada we have found comte and other hard cheeses from France in our local grocery store especially in winter. They are definitely good but not the flavour we tasted in Chaminox


This is fantastic! And the sound of that crispy crunch of the Tradigraine Baguette - heaven! You've made a subscriber out of me! Merci!

One thing I love to do which is a variation of what you see here, but done typically in Portugal, dice a ripe pear and mix a little of Port and cinnamon (makes something like a compote). Take your crusty bread, spread the salty butter, place the cheese of your choice and spread on top the Port-Pear compote. You can melt the cheese under a salamander and place the cool compote on top as well.

Bread, butter, cheese, and red wine - the road to being a bon vivant!


Your videos are extraordinary great.
They made us wanting to come to Paris.
And tomorrow we're coming...


You guys have great chemistry. Really enjoying all the videos. Your brother is a good guy!


A+ for labeling the cheeses. Churning out amazing videos, keep it up! 💯


Thanks for sharing this lovely video. 350 types of French cheese, thanks for your wonderful review of d top 10.


What I miss after two months of my time in France is the butter. It reminds me of the butter my mother made on our farm. It is so good❤ I must find a better source for my butter.
