Ragnarok Official US Release Trailer (2014) HD

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Ragnarok Official US Release Trailer directed by Mikkel Brænne Sandemose.

The ancient and modern worlds collide when archaeologist Sigurd Svenden finds the true meaning of the secret runes found in the Oseberg ship.

Release Date: 15 August 2014
Director: Mikkel Brænne Sandemose
Cast: Pål Sverre Hagen, Nicolai Cleve Broch, Bjørn Sundquist
Genre: Action, Adventure
Country: Norway

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The Oseberg burial mound was excavated by Norwegian archaeologist Haakon Shetelig and Swedish archaeologist Gabriel Gustafson in 1904-1905. It contained numerous grave goods and two female human skeletons. The ship's interment into its burial mound dates from 834 AD, but parts of the ship date from around 800, and the ship itself is thought to be older. The ship and some of its contents are displayed at the Viking Ship Museum at Bygdøy in Oslo, Norway.


No offense, but it seems like boring and uses recycled plots. However, I still respect the people behind the production.


 The picture of the Vikings from History channel is very misleading and unethical . I wouldn't let my dog watch this movie .
