Walgreens Haul - ALL DIGITAL DEALS! Money Maker Transaction! System Issues 😒 12/26-1/1/22

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These are all digital coupon deals this week at Walgreens! You can save money on laundry products, bodywash and oral care!

3-Day Couponing Workshop!3 LIVE Classes to teach you how to coupon and scale your savings!

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💸Fetch Rewards: J24VT

📜Want to buy coupon inserts? I order from BQ Saving. (4-pack and larger available), FAST Shipping, Arrives Before Sunday!
and code BREE10 to get 10% off your first order. I get my inserts usually in 2 days and you can preview what coupons you are getting!

How I Organize My Coupons/ Stockpile:

🎬New to Fetch Rewards? Checkout this How To Video:

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📹How to coupon: Beginners Video
📹How to use Ibotta Rebate App:

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This video/post may contain affiliate links. I use affiliate links for products I use & love. I may receive a small commission for the links I share, thank you for ordering items from my links. This helps me in my couponing and continuing to bring you videos and deals. I love doing this and helping others save money. Thank you so much for your support.

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So sweet of you to give back with your gift baskets!!


Thanks Bree for always sharing your lovely deals no matter what store💫💖. Happy Safe Holidays To You and Your Family💫🎄.


Same thing happened to me today but it did thankfully work when I put my number in the second time. I'm disabled and can't get around well anymore, can't drive anymore and was only out because my daughter took me for a ct scan. I rarely get to go there and knew I wouldn't get to go back tomorrow and try again. I was so bummed when she told me the system was acting up and it went working. Thankfully she did let me try again.


My digital Lysol coupon glitched 2 times! I did a haul on Sunday and one today. Everything was fine and I earned extra walgreens cash. My cashier gave me 7 booster catalinas, She said people walk out without them . I told her give them to me. I will use what I can. Lol!


Yea I can't clip any coupons or even see the coupons cause it's saying the system is down. It's frustrating because everything will probably be gone once they fix it


It’s fixed again! 🙌🏽 but glitches don’t work anymore 😕


I had the same issue yesterday and had to leave everything. I was going to try to go back today.


I had the same happen late yesterday afternoon. So frustrating.


I love the way you explain how the coupons work. Thanks


system worked fine for me about 9:30 this morning. went to another store and went to check out at about 10:30 and it wouldn't allow me to use any WC but my digital coupons were still coming off. they rebooted the computer and everything for me. still didn't work so I left everything behind.


Oh man that stinks reminds me of when my Walgreens coupons were not coming off....so glad when you post when things don't turn out the way you hoped makes me feel not so bad lol
May the system be fixed soon so you can use your coupons before they expire.


I had to put my number in 3 times and I did my deals coupon came off this was sunday


I have been trying to call the pharmacy all day and can’t g through on the phone either. I called customer service and they said it’s been they are having computer issues. Not convenient when I need to know if a prescription is read to be picked up with driving 20 minutes to get there. I hope this problem is fixed soon


Bree thank you so much, Now can you pls send me some of that sun light. Lol I’m in cloudy NY


Same happened to me last week. I was so bummed. I had 30.00 in digital coupons that wouldn’t attach. They would only attach if I did the order online but of course I couldn’t do that because I wanted to pay with a gift card and you can pay with a gift card on online orders. I just left the whole deal. Stayed away from wags for the week cause I was a bit salty. Lol. I did go today and made out pretty good I think I paid $28 and got back $22 so I was fine with that deal


Went this morning and made a small purchase that didn't require any digital coupons but their system was down so couldn't use any of my WC to pay 😕


Hey girl. Washington state here, and system is down. Can’t see my digital q’s or my Wags cash. 😩


I'm in Arizona and mine is down too!


Went back to Walgreen's this afternoon. System was working and all coupons came off, WC and RR were issued. No problems!


Hey Bree! Bummer that you couldn’t complete your transaction. I wanted to see how the register rewards worked with your digital‘s. I just did a transaction trying to use both and two of my digital coupons didn’t come off. Also, can you not use a store coupon with a paper booster? I’ve never had one before but mine wouldn’t scan and I’m assuming that was why.
