HOUSE OF THE DRAGON: How this moment completes the Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy

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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON: How this moment completes the Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy. In this video, we break down some major things for the Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy which would end up coming to fruition in Game Of Thrones. Including the major moment when Alicent cuts Rhaenyras's hand and this could all tie everything together to bring things full circle in Game Of Thrones. We cover everything from Daenerys, Jon Snow and Arya and would be the one to fulfil the prophecy. Lots to get through so let's jump right in!
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Ok so House Of The Dragon sets up some major things for the Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy which would end up coming to fruition in Game Of Thrones. Episode seven has a major moment in it in which Alicent cuts Rhaenyras hand and this could all tie everything together to bring things full circle in Game Of Thrones. As we've been saying every week it was thought that Jon Snow would be the one to fullfill the prophecy but in the end it was Arya. However there is a way it could all still come together and make sense whilst having Jon Snow not actually carry it out.
There's a number of things that connect it altogether and if you had issues with the way the prophecy played out in the Long Night then hopefully this at least saves some of the finale season for you.
Throughout this video we're gonna be breaking it all down and if you enjoy the video we'd massively appreciate the thumbs up. Also don't forget to subscribe for videos on the show wevery week and a big breakdown for the episodes right after they release.
Now firstly I have to give a huge shoutouts to our editor Matt who first noticd this tie in when we were editing our Episode 7 video. Since then we've been going over everything to talk about how the blood being on the blade stops things from contradicting.
For the first part of the video I wanna talk about what the prophecy is so you can kinda get a brief understanding of that before we delve into how the blade connects to it.
Now incase you don't know The Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy is what the Lord Of Light religion is based around and it was brought to the forefront by Aegon the Conqueror. He had a nightmare that showed a great force coming from the north and the only way to stop this was through his bloodline being on the throne. Though the word prince is often interpreted as being about a man it's important to bear in mind that the term comes from High Valeryon. In this language the word Prince is actually gender neutral and therefore there's been a number of candidates that could fit the role.
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Ok so House Of The Dragon sets up some major things for the Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy which would end up coming to fruition in Game Of Thrones. Episode seven has a major moment in it in which Alicent cuts Rhaenyras hand and this could all tie everything together to bring things full circle in Game Of Thrones. As we've been saying every week it was thought that Jon Snow would be the one to fullfill the prophecy but in the end it was Arya. However there is a way it could all still come together and make sense whilst having Jon Snow not actually carry it out.
There's a number of things that connect it altogether and if you had issues with the way the prophecy played out in the Long Night then hopefully this at least saves some of the finale season for you.
Throughout this video we're gonna be breaking it all down and if you enjoy the video we'd massively appreciate the thumbs up. Also don't forget to subscribe for videos on the show wevery week and a big breakdown for the episodes right after they release.
Now firstly I have to give a huge shoutouts to our editor Matt who first noticd this tie in when we were editing our Episode 7 video. Since then we've been going over everything to talk about how the blood being on the blade stops things from contradicting.
For the first part of the video I wanna talk about what the prophecy is so you can kinda get a brief understanding of that before we delve into how the blade connects to it.
Now incase you don't know The Prince Who Was Promised Prophecy is what the Lord Of Light religion is based around and it was brought to the forefront by Aegon the Conqueror. He had a nightmare that showed a great force coming from the north and the only way to stop this was through his bloodline being on the throne. Though the word prince is often interpreted as being about a man it's important to bear in mind that the term comes from High Valeryon. In this language the word Prince is actually gender neutral and therefore there's been a number of candidates that could fit the role.