Riot August on Support players and Why league is popular

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Riot August on Support players and Why league is popular

Video Parts :

00:00 Intro
00:17 Narrowing down the question
01:50 Support agency in the Game
03:20 Support compared to other roles
04:40 Why league is popular

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He does have a point about support agency being so weird, and its really all down to players awareness. For a majority of elos people just take certain things supports do for granted. They're much more likely to ignore a support with 15 vision score at 30 minutes than a top whos 1/3/3 who just made a questionable engage.

Bad supports lose games much harder than people think but because their impact isn't as visible as funny high number it goes over the radar.


Talk to any high elo ADC main (TBH any elo) and they will tell you the difference between having a support main and a autofilled support is drastically different.


Tyler1 said it best, “Support players suck but the ones that suck less climb”


The reality is that whenever I play another role. The one thing that annoys me is a lack of vision. Understand I’m not bothered if he doesn’t put amazing deep wards. I just need some wards so that I know where the enemy isn’t.

The issue, is bad supports will absolutely lose you the game if the enemy camps your jungle.

Similarly bad junglers will lose you the game if they don’t get objectives or gank effectively.

It therefore frustrates me to no end that we live in a world where someone will actually be auto filled into these roles.


The only rioter actually playing the game for real.


The primary skill expression of a good support player is having the patience to deal with teammates who don't understand the importance of the support role.


the issue with support is I dont find the role fun, I find specific champions fun


I think its sad, how much hate there is for support in the comment section. I've hit master on jgl, mid top and sup. And to be honest i always thought its incredible, how underappreciated support is.
Wins any lane by ganking. Honor Laner.
Lands a great 3 man bard ultimate. Honor Fiddle for his great ultimate there, which killed 3 people
Hold away 2 assassins from the adc so he can do his job in the teamfight. What a great play by the adc.
For me Support often feels like pampering 2/3 person in the game, because if they arent carrying this game their ego is hurt and they run it down.

and I wouldnt say support is easier than any other role. Like he said it's just a different kind of skill composition u need there.
It's more map awareness and knowing where to be on the map and how to set up vision properly. The rest depends on the champion playstyle you prefere


I think a big thing is that there are less support mains out there, meaning you will naturally climb higher on support than any other role assuming equal skill. Because regardless, one support has to win. And a lot of those games will match you vs auto fills.


As a support main I agree that your average support is less skilled than your average mid. A lot of it is because the role simply doesn't attract the best players, they want roles and champions where they can flex their mechanics and carry games 1v5. I don't think the difference is huge though, I might not be able to pilot Katarina or Yasuo, but if I play simple champions in mid or top then I can get to the same rank as I can in support.

I've also noticed that mechanically skilled players at my rank tend to have worse macro than I do. So even though they appear on the surface to be more skillful because their flashy plays are flashy and they win every 1v1, they are also less skillful in that they die stupid deaths and aren't where they need to be on the map. Supports and more generally players of simple champions tend to be at least decent at macro, because that's what carried them to the rank they're at.


Thing is, support is just the jungle role but instead of farming camps, they place and clear vision. Now, because they don't need damage to clear camps or contest against the enemy jgl, they trade damage abilities in for cc and other supportive stuff. Obviously you won't be able to win any solo fights without any damaging abilties and or items and so support players will have less "Skill" in combat overall.
Support needs a lot less micro knowledge and skill but requires way more macro knowledge and skill than any of the laning roles. So, people who say that support is not a skillful role quite simply don't understand the role system.


Sometimes the role can feel useless at times. You can be an engage support like Leona and be dominating bot lane, and your top feeds someone like a Darius. You could be doing the same with someone like Karma, and your mid laner feeds someone like a Katarina. What's the solution to dealing with the hyper scalers. Sometimes the game feels like a 3v5 when someone elses feeds, because you're still expected to keep your carry alove during these situations. They can choose to farm you because of either the lack of items or lack of experience points if they so choose to do so just to get to your ADC late game. Shit like that isn't fun to deal with at all.


I main Bard since his release and he taught me that as a support you can have a lot of impact and take the game into your Hands easily. The problem is more the moral of the other roles, many look down on support and doesnt listen to their calls and stuff since its "only the support". Its really annoying to be reliant on your carries when they are arrogant against you


Support for me the most entertaining role in the game. Maybe not the most fun or important, but that feeling when you help your teammate survive or help him to make a kill is so satisfying.


As someone who plays Mid, Support and Jungle equally, I agree. Support is easier mechanically, but I doubt my other teammates could do as well a job in my role in keeping my ADC safe, counterplaying the other support, keeping wards up, etc.

Each laner has his job, and each lane rewards certain skillsets. That's why I'm a garbage ADC and suck as a top beyond simply winning my lane. It takes a certain kind of player to do well as support, and one who's mechanically skilled simply may not have what it takes to perform at high elos.


So as somebody who has both played adc jungle top and support to an emerald level (ik im not diamond i havent made it yet we working on it) the rolls all require INSANLY different skill sets
Top: trading patters, roam timer/jungle timers, and matchup knowledge
Adc: CSING CSING CSING AND positioning (ngl its the most simple on paper but god is it hard to do)
Jungle: Knowledge of every roll is paramount and you need to know wave states otherwise after a gank you could be completly scruing your laner over and not helping them minimap awareness/jungle pathing of most champs
Support: Honestly the hardest for me managing bad eco/xp, ability cooldowns on every champ, trading patters, vision, and roam timers
Cant speak much for mid only got to plat with it because i still suck at roaming


it's crazy how all the basic things supports do get pushed over to the side and acted like what they do don't matter. Like hey baby sit this walking target and make sure they don't die for like 20 mins straight, help gain bot lane control for drag prio, have vision coverage up for major objectives throughout the game, roam to assist mid for kills/ counter gank and jungle for scuttle control or jungle control. Like if you have an awful support 9/10 times that just means you will get 0 dragons unless your mid and jungle are out of control and strong af


just watched 5 riot August clips in a row, this guy has great opinions on the game. Super reassuring to know this guy operates behind the scenes.


Support skill can also be invisible on some champs. Sure if you're a Thresh god people will notice, but if you're playing just as good on Lulu it looks like it's your adc who's the godlike player. Enchanter skills can be behind the scenes which makes the role look less skill expressive than it is


So what I got out of this was that Support are the maintenance workers in a League game
