Helldivers 2 Best Armor Passives - Most Powerful Perks For Armor To Help You Dominate

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In this video I go over the very best armor passives in helldivers 2.
the most powerful perks on armor thatw ill help you dominate the toughest of difficulty settings like helldive and absolutely have a blast in helldivers 2.
Best armor passives you should know about to make life easier and tackle the strongest enemies
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I will forever preach the good word of "Democracy protects". That perk is so damn good and all everyone ever says is "50%? You mean it's not guaranteed? Lame." I cannot stress enough to you how clutch this perk comes in SO OFTEN on higher difficulties, and frankly it feels more like 60-70% of the time that it procs. I have had several missions where I have survived 4-5 guaranteed deaths from annihilator tank blasts to the face, turret tower blasts to the face, 500 KG blasts, getting flung across the map or 1000 ft in the air, friendly mortar fire, bile titan stomps, etc.

There is so much BS in this game that will guaranteed kill you, and this perk will protect you from ALL OF IT so often you will laugh in the face of death. teammate throws a 500KG bomb on you? DP. Get thrown 1000 ft into the air by a glitched out bile titan corpse? DP. I frequently survive multiple instances of guaranteed death per mission with this on quite often and it feels so good. To the degree where I will frequently throw caution to the wind and attempt a risky maneuver, only to get absolutely obliterated, flung across the ground 100 ft or so, and pick myself up, dust myself off and run back over to my buddies like nothing happened. It's amazing.

LASTLY (I can't stress this enough) the game doesn't seem to fudge the results to result in a 50% equity result long term. If LITERALLY ANYTHING in the game would kill you, the game simply flips a coin and if you win, you live (and it seems like there's a little period that blocks ongoing damage as well for about a second or so so you can recover). This can (and often will in my experience) potentially proc several or even many times in a row if you get lucky. No loopholes, it really does do what it says it does. IN FACT it worked so good until todays patch it even protected players from DROWNING, and they would be left floating in the water, on 1 HP, waiting for their friend to kill them so they can respawn.

Now THAT'S Democracy at work brothers!


Fortified is actually very good on medium armor since it can help you survive 3 rockets to the body also if you use the scorcher that usually one shots you, now you can survive 2 shots to the ground. This makes this armor very good on those high level automatons missions otherwise is almost useless against bugs.


Engineering kit with the dominator/ Liberator Penetrator is great, you can lay down accurate fire from a far. And closing bughole is a breeze


I'm finding 50% resistance to explosives with a shield pack has some of the most survivability because rockets seldom come in one barrage, and if you survive you don't want to survive something that would've otherwise killed you because you'll have nearly 0 health at that point. Once they add recon vehicles, all the disadvantages of heavy armor will be mitigated because of the added mobility.


Arc resistance is so fun. Drop a coil and train mons into it. With out resist u get one shot but with resistance I want to say its 5 hits. You can lay prone to avoid the shock but it don't kill supper fast and that train will run you over. Plus it's funny when a teammate sees you standing there and comes join, then gets melted. 😂


Engineering kit is the go to for me. 6 grenades are just so good.


I can no longer go against the bots without fortified, not getting one shotted by random rockets is a game changer ( though it still happens at times)


I feel like Scout armor is really underated, you can easily clear t9 fabrics by yourself while the rest of the team wipe in some corner of the map


Is extra padding really that bad? I'm debating to get the heavy extra padded armor (200 armor raring, slow and heavy) because I live the idea of a tank build. Does armor rating really not help that much? Is it just a losing set, or still worthwhile?


You talked about nades and i think you missed a key point on the nade types

Fire nades let you hurt yourself a little so you can restim while sprinting a long way (you cant when youre full hp)


Engineering kit is now a bit obsolete with the new granade pistol.


Medic is the goat for soloing bunkers and bugholes


Ngl. Without medkit, Hunters with their lads (especially chargers) would be the end of me


Fortified is the best - simply put most damage that kills you if you're "git gut" is other helldivers strategem which is no. one source of death, or some random rocket, cannon, arty etc. Hint - there is good reason that on your ship you see "the one" armor you should be wearing. Unless you have 200 padding from the store - then this green peace is on par with 150 + explosives but gives you more protection from basic damage. Everything else is smoke and mirrors - you can't stim yourself out... or outrun from fellow helldiver stupidity or sudden death to the wondering explosion that insta-kills you.
The fact is heavy is getting less important on higher difficulties as people use all 40 minutes on the mission anyway - if you're self aware you will get there on time. You can't outrun firearms anyway on automatons, and on bugs you dive to the ground and spread democracy - your survivalability will increase, as long behold they will have rough time to reach you - and the fact that this is a swarm doesn't matter if you think about it, only few bugs can reach you the rest are behind waiting for their peace of metal - they can't hit you all at the same time. Typically one or two bugs will cover your entire boddy and expose their belly - its like going under the titan.
The only problem is head overall which gets no protection currenlty in the game - so with unlucky headshot you're done no matter what you wear.

You can wear the democracy protects but if you think about it - its more like, getting yourself more in situation that kills you and rely on 50/50 luck with 100 armor. Which sometimes will be awesome and sometimes worse then 150 + fortified or 200. So, its your call - do you feel lucky, punk?


Damn no explosive resistance? Against bots it feels great to me. I survived direct rockets and cannon shots. Medic perk I feel isn’t as useful because many things can one shot you. A normal stim will be effective enough to handle anything.


Does the scout can scan if ure not the leader?


I'm using the last page armor from the free waband Democracy Protects, i jade games that could not die been ragdoled over and over and over and over, and this armor can give easy way to get the achievement for been damaged in all parts of the body. What i did is walked myself into a mine and the armor keep me alive and that's how i got the achievement


I’m level 32 and I’m rocking day one armor


Fortified medium is very strong against bots.


Im actually not a fan of Medkit. its very overrated because if you really think about it, how often are you killed while you have 0 Stims left?
not that often, you usually get killed so fast you dont have time to use all 4, let alone 6, in my case at least it is a dead perk for the most part (baring the 2 second extra boost).
Democracy protects sits with me as the best.
