Lord of the Rings from Sauron's Perspective

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We all know the story of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings, but what if we viewed it exclusively from Sauron’s perspective? This will allow for some new insights into why the story happened as it did. Thank you all so much for watching, let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below! As always, a great thanks to the online artists whose visual works made this video possible! If you are one of the artists, please let me know and I will post your name and a link to your work in this description!


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How Sauron Could Have Won the War of the Ring:

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I like the idea that Sauron in his evil couldn't comprehend that the heroes were out to destroy the ring instead of take it for themselves


You forgot the part where Sauron’s like: “f**k!! f**k, f**k, f**k, f**k! Then he dies!


Sauron’s logic was honestly pretty sound throughout the entire war. His fundamental assumption was that the free peoples would never even attempt to destroy the ring, it’s not even something he would think were possible because he made the rings to be a corrupting influence and being his enemies to heel, the One especially. He believed that so long as it was in their possession, it was only a matter of time until they would inevitably claim it for themselves and march against him, allowing him to corrupt the wearer and draw the ring to him once and for all. Even though the Nazgul had somehow been outwitted by halflings and could not accomplish that one task when it had been within their gasp for the first time in three thousand years, it ultimately mattered not. Sauron’s belief it would come back to him eventually dominated his thinking and his military strategy.
But even without the ring, he had the numbers to win. Osgiliath was a ruin on the verge of being taken. Minas Tirith was trapped by its own geography and would be unable to escape. The corsairs would keep Dol Amroth to the south occupied while in the North, Saruman kept Rohan occupied, Dol Goldur kept Lothlorien and Mirkwood occupied and the Easterlings kept Erebor occupied. There was virtually no way that any nearby ally could arrive to save Gondor and Minas Tirith would be overwhelmed, the White Tree burnt and the White Tower desecrated.

But that sound logic was undone when he refused to change in the face of obvious facts. Even when orcs brought him news of “elvish intruders” on his border, something which should have caused greater alarm than Aragorn revealing himself to be frank, Sauron still refused to heed the warning and change his strategy to not meet the west in open battle as they clearly wanted and instead put his army between the “elf” and Mount Doom knowing there could only be one reason someone would attempt to brave Cirith Ungol.

The Dark Lord never truly knew how close he came to actual victory. It was not just arrogance that blinded him but fear. Fear that this enemies were about to use the ring in front of him clouded him so much that he never for a moment thought they would be strong enough to send it where his gaze could not see and destroy it.


The moments right before the Ring is destroyed are so great. I just imagine Sauron turning from the Black Gate to Mt. Doom, "the magnitude of his own folly. . .revealed to him", and staring out his window petrified as he sees Gollum trip into the fire.


"You cannot hide."

Biggest mistake to make in chess is to move too hastily.
But it's easy to forget that the war was almost lost. Specific things had to have happened in order for the outcome to b good.
Makes u appreciate the little things in life that seem insignificant at the time but can change the entire future.


Yoystan is one of the most reliable sources on the Lore, and that is a great service.


I always liked how Sauron purposefully released Gollum in order for him to track down the ring for himself, yet never suspected that another halfling would be used in a similar way to destroy it.


I imagine Sauron would be awaiting for the battle of Black Gate thinking that the men of Gondor will be doomed. 🖤🔥


Sauron's biggest flaw was that he knew not the mind of Eru Iluvatar. And thus he did not comprehend that he was working contrary to Iluvatar's plan for Arda.


"Dum dum dum dum dum.... oh that battle looks to be going well.... dum dum dum dum dum wtf is that little turnip up to... NO! NOT MY RING!!!" - Sauron's last thoughts, probably


It could honestly be a 45 minute and there still wouldnt be enough time to try and gather all of Sauron's thoughts. He was arrogant but tactical, and surely knew the grey wizard leading the fellowship was a fellow Valar and not to be taken lightly. The whole series is basically a chess match between Sauron and Gandalf afterall


Never again will I experience the full emotional impact of this story, like of when first read.

At the Ford I remember weeping for Frodo, scared of what's going on.

On Mount doom likewise.

At the end I walked in a daze for weeks at the knowledge Frodo has gone west, leaving Sam. I felt empty like something cherished was gone.

Now it's just a great enjoyable story.


This is definitely a curious angle to examine things from. Like you said, when inspecting the situation from his perspective, it's kinda hard NOT to be confident he'd win until the loss at Pelennor Fields. And huge as that loss was, it wasn't over till it was over.


I really enjoyed this week's video. I hope you have more with the same theme planned but featuring other characters. I always look forward to your videos every Sunday. They let me escape from "fighting" my cancer. Even if it's just 10 or 15 minutes, it's a very welcome distraction. Just know, everything you've done means so much to our community, so keep up the great work!


Don't forget. Sauron was spurned by his love for galadriel and so had a emotional outburst for thousands of years over a broken heart 😅


Never thought The Dark Lord himself also had many uncertainties, and logistical issues due to the fog of war. I always pictured him as this far seeing, all knowing super villain with little regard for his own potential downfall.


"Cover the lands in a second Darkness" is not something Sauron would say or even think because evil never sees itself as evil, it sees itself as righteous. To Sauron's mind, what he would be trying to do is bring enlightenment and order to the peoples of middle earth, be the guiding hand that would allow them to maximise their potential, because only through order can enlightenment be achieved.


Sauron’s fear is underrepresented here. He threw all 9 at the problem to prevent the ring from getting to Rivendell. Elrond’s dad flies the sky every night and once killed the greatest dragon that ever lived. The offspring of his brother defeated him in battle many times, and once cut the ring off his finger. I’d say he’d be even more terrified of Galadriel taking the ring, as one of his oldest foes, and the person to put her own ring to greatest, direct use. Possibly this was one of the reasons for trying to get Gollum out of Mirkwood. This would be a good topic for a video - who did Sauron fear most in possession of the ring?


I always found fascinating that Sauron didn't couldn't the fact that NOT everybody have grand and lofty ambitions. It shows how detached he is, well, from everything.


Am I the only one that thinks that Sauron is one of the greatest villains ever?
