3 Things God Is Saying Through Your Thoughts About Someone

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Is God saying something to you about someone through the thoughts you are having about this person? Do your thoughts ever mean anything? Here are 3 things God is often saying through your thoughts about someone.




Please note: Sadly, due to the large amount of emails I receive, I am unable to respond to everyone. I’m so sorry about that! I truly wish I could! The shorter your email is to me, the more likely I will be able to respond. Thank you so much for understanding!
In Christ and with love,

“Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” -Ephesians 3:20-21
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It’s all about GODS TIMING not about you or your feelings tho ..it’s TRUST IN HIM THAT HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN


Your timing is impeccable. He lacks the character needed to have a Godly relationship. Time to move on. And not move on just physically but stop thinking about him. Our thoughts are powerful and keep us connected to that person even when we cut ties with them. I pray to God for the strength to let go in my mind, and fill it with other things!


I met a woman. We didn't talk much yet, but honestly from the first time I met her I had positive thoughts about her. And the last time we talked again, I just felt like we're really alike in character too. Man I just really hope I can win her heart somehow. So good to hear that these thoughts could be a yes from god, because I really want to go with his blessing in regards to this girl!


It's really all a matter of God's will. Sometimes, things may appear to be impossible when we walk by sight , such as when the person on your heart is dating someone else, but if it is God's will, it will be God's will and will happen.

Dating is not the same as marriage, and many people do marry someone who has dated several people before marrying the person they do actually marry. God often allows a person to date several people before marrying the right person to show them some things that they would not otherwise learn if they had not had those experiences.


The timing of this video was perfect. I’ve had this woman on my mind for about a month. I wasn’t interested in her at first, but the more I got to know her personality and how important God is in her life, I’ve grown interest in her. Im not sure if it’s reciprocated, but it’s more than likely a message from God to find out


I keep thinking about this man who crossed my path on the train 11/20/22 Sat right next to me. There was a heightening. I was drawn when I heard the conversation he was having, we had the same belief system in common and even humor. I did request God's choice, but this being 3+ years since His promise I'm annoyed I didn't say anything. He kept looking in my direction. I feel as though I may have delayed my union? Naturally I didn't feel ready I was taken off guard mainly because he was completely opposite aesthetically to whats familiar. If it was him, I know I'll see him again. The train was delayed so long and that's when he boarded.Thought he was cute but I was more drawn to his nature. There was an ease I felt that was unnatural. Usually Holy Spirit nudges but once the people he was conversing with left there was this quickening that startled me. Heart was pounding, it was weird as I sit next to men who I find very attractive and its like nothing lol. No reaction in my chest. He observes 7th day Shabbat spoke fluent Spanish learned in his studies sounded like Argentinian crisp Spanish which I find lovely. Light eyes (realm of green) which was surprising. I never thought such a person would even look my way. We were traveling from one borough of NYC to another, both heading to Manhattan. The next day I had jury duty and I was seated in the same row as two other Shabbat keepers! Unreal! That's NEVER happened. Let alone 2 days in a row? Then I kept hearing last name of the man I was told about in prayers 3 years ago called in attendance more than 6 times??? Please keep me in prayers I feel so tense this month, I don't know what to expect! God always likes to surprise me, but like that I couldn't utter words lol See I doubted being noticed by anyone as I still wear face masks on the train, maybe it was just to show me that it's possible lol It doesn't make sense I thought about him for a week straight after that then only now and then and now steadily. The title of your video is so on point! 😳 I want to move forward but I feel so unprepared! Its been 4 years since I was traumatized and the thought of trusting again scares me. Whoever reads this please keep me in prayers. I need to recognize my person, its close as the warfare has intensified since October 2021. Its been rough.


Just in time! I was looking for some videos about thinking about someone constantly and this video pops up! 😀 I am amazed how timely Mark publishes his videos! God bless you, brother. 🙏


I was literally just out on a walk talking to God and asking Him to help me stop thinking about someone.

I love how this keeps happening. The timing of me seeing this video is just crazy.

God bless you, Mark!


Yes very true...
I think about someone too it's my sister she stop talking to me
Gods knows why one day I'll talk to her soon.
Thank you for this beautiful message.
God bless you all.
In Jesus Name I pray Amen


#1 is pretty spot on with my situation. My crush is away on vicarage, but I replay moments or memories that I’ve had with him, almost every day


Thanks, Mark. Do you usually record your episodes close to the time you upload them?

Point 2 is very poignant. Sometimes people will attempt to come back into your life (romantically, spiritually, socially, emotionally, professionally etc.) and even though they might be sincere in wanting to give things another try, perhaps they've underestimated the damage they did on the way out the last time which you probably had to clear up alone. That can leave a life-altering wound which may take a very long time to heal, and even when you have healed you can never be naive to that risk with that person again.

As Christians we must forgive, but anybody apologising to you over guilt alone and not a conviction leading them to desire a closer walk with God cannot truly be reconciled with. Many people want the benefits of a "good person" in their life without the sacrifice of being a holy vessel to appreciate it; if God cannot trust them then neither can you! Always be gracious, but let truth and wisdom keep you sober from the toxic, deluding rhetoric of an unchanged person reminiscing about the good things they saw in you in the past which they still despitefully disposed of. Don't relive that horror story.

Praying all those enrolled in AGW University will have their lives changed for the better, Mark. God bless!


I just prayed to GOD last night about someone I’m still in love with …I just wanna be together


Enjoyed this!!! We must seek God in ALL matters, especially matters of the heart. ❤️


I receive this message thank you I needed to hear this 💕


I'm now in a controlling narcissistic marriage. I didn't know what this was until recently. Had I known what narcissism was, I NEVER would have gotten married!!! I keep thinking about my ex-husband. We had a great marriage. But I went through a rough period and lost the sense of who I was and what I was doing. We went through some hard times and in trying to deal with what was thrown as us, I lost myself along the way. It had nothing to do with our marriage, it was major life changing things. I didn't know how to deal with what was happening to us. I felt like he wasn't doing enough to deal with these issues TOGETHER. I didn't realize that HE was ALSO having a hard time. I thought I was supposed to be the strong one because he had to go to work every day and I was taking care of our home and children. I lost myself mentally and did something I am not proud of and it cost me my marriage and the only TRUE LOVE I would ever have in my life. And now I keep thinking about him and how good we had it and how much we loved each other. But I felt that he didn't fight hard enough to keep us together. Now I'm with a narc who only cares about himself and HIS needs. I came to the realization that he ONLY married me to have LEGAL SEX. I didn't realize it at the time. Now I'm stuck. I became partially disabled and find myself thinking of my ex all the time and what we shared. I miss that. We lit up a room when we walked in. We WERE the power couple among our friends. Now, I hate waking up, I hate it when my husband is home, I am tense when he is home, I dread having to go anywhere with him. He literally makes me want to vomit. I am starting to despise him. I throw back his bile that he throws at me and he hasn't noticed. He doesn't care how I feel. I really miss the old me!!!! The old me wasn't afraid of being myself. Now I am. I don't know how to get that person So, I think that's why I'm thinking about my ex all the time. I HAD a life then. But my life was taken away from me the moment I said "I do" with this animal! 😞😞


Step 3, is speaking loudly and clearly to me.
Thanks for your wisdom 🙏


God told me to not even think about it romantically but assured me that he's a trustworthy good guy for friendship if I want that


Wish I had clarity . Most of the time the relationship is good, then the other times I feel I’m settling and don’t know if I should let go .


Sorry 😬 I couldn’t read the text you added, as it was too small. The white line of small print then prevented me from seeing the images. Good message, though! 😉


Hey Mark. I've been growing a friendship with a women I'm starting to have strong feelings for. She goes to my church, we hang out all the time, and I have admitted my feelings for her, and she has reciprocated that well. After praying and consulting many friends including a pastor, everyone has agreed that she is intrested in me. However she is still hurting from a past relationship and said she isnt ready to date yet.

Advice from anyone would be appreciated. I really want to be patient and see where things could go but am not sure what the next step is.