Fruit vs Starch For Weight Loss

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A fruit based raw vegan diet or a vegan diet that includes starches: which one is best for weight loss?

After coaching clients who gained weight when they started adding cooked starches to their previously 100% raw food diet, we wanted to make a video explaining why it can happen and why weight loss is easier to achieve on a fruit based raw vegan diet.

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* Love fruit and traveling? "Your Guide To The Top 10 Fruitful Destinations"

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Wishing you abundant health,
Paul and Yulia Tarbath
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I have not had any problems adding potatoes as an evening meal. I did notice that when I added rice I didn't do well with that and could not lose weight, but the potatoes...plain baked no oil no salt with some homemade raw sauce works just as well as veg for me. That with a large salad and I'm good to go. I don't have potatoes every day..just a few days a week and have only salads the other days and stick to fruit all day. After much experimenting, that is what has worked for me . I definitely lost weight faster with fruit all day and salad at night, but still losing weight adding potatoes. Good video dear... I think everyone is different and although fruit is probably optimal, people should experiment to see how they feel best.


What you are doing seems to work real well for you.  But for me I find fruit to not be satiating at all.  I can eat fruit until my stomach fells like it is going to explode (sometimes it does) and it does not satiate me (except for bananas). On the other hand potatoes, rice, lentils or split peas keep me happy for a long while.  All I need is some low sodium hot sauce or some cooked mushrooms for flavor and I am good.  


I have a lot of those problems when I eat potatoes and rice. I eat so much that afterwards I feel so full and weighed down. Now I eat mainly sweet potatoes when I have cooked food. They're a bit moister, less starchy, a bit of sweet and I can enjoy them without anything but a bit of rosemary and oregano. I hope to be fully raw once I can afford more fruit! I feel best that way.


i was doing raw til 4...  but i didnt feel satisfied with rice or potatoes and i would just get my calories from them instead of fruits. Now im on 100 raw and its helped me get more balanced and deal with over eating on starch. 


I gained about 15 lbs on this lifestyle.  I 've been at it for 9 months and keeping a food/feelings log for about 4 months of that.  I gained the weight when I was fully-raw and have since transitioned to a 'raw 'till 4' approach for the course of the winter.  I have not gained any more on cooked starches but...I have not lost any of it either.  I follow all food combining rules...get exercise, drink  3 to 4 litres of water a day and eat, on average about 2400 to 2700 calories per day (at least 2/3 of daily calories from sweet fruit).  I am bloated all of the time still and have pretty much eliminated all extra spices and have a very low-sodium approach.  My ratios tend to be around 90/5/5 most of the time.  Do you have any thoughts that might guide me better?  Thanks so much for the videos.  They reallty help me stay on track on this lifestyle.  Sometime it feels very lonely and my 'cyber-friends' do help to bridge the gap.💖


Thanks for sharing your experience with this. I personally find it hard to get enough calories in a day from fruit alone and I get sick of the sweetness, and like to have something savoury. But good thing I don't have a problem with weight gain from cooked starches, even if I have it for both lunch and dinner. I find that they're quite satiating too, particularly if you eat it close to it's whole food form, such as potatoes. 


From my experience, you can easily become dependent on cooked food - you start wanting more - and on cooking and you can gain weight easy this way. With raw foods there's no danger. And raw it's natural.


I am kind of scared because I got down to a healthy weight by eating quite a lot of fruit and veggies but i think the sugars in the fruit may be leading to complications with my skin... I want to try a more starchbased diet to see if it could heal my acne but at the same time, I really do not want to be gaining weight. I loved eating lots of fruit as well; i felt lighter and healthier.


I love your 3-day detox diet plan - I wish you would write out daily meal plans like that for a longer period of time. Do you think you will write a book with daily meal plans? Your recipes are really nice and tasty.


potatos are more satiating than any fruit, right?


I gained a lot of weight when I went over to starches, its took over a year to reverse it . I wish I could digest it better it makes this lifestyle far easier to do when eating out etc, but for me, starches made me extremely ill.


Hey brothers and sisters when you want to eat cooked foods the healthiest way to do this is to choose foods that are sweet or flavorful to our taste senses. Carrots, Yellow flesh potatoes, Sweet potatoes, Yams, or sweet winter squash.  These should be the base >50% of your giant plate. They should be lightly boiled or steamed so they are firm still NOT soft.  Ideally 2/3 of these and 1/3 of juicy veggies or green veggies like red cabbage, broccoli, asparagus etc.  They will add flavor and water content to your meal. Also it is critical to drink water 15 min. before your meal so you are fully hydrated.


Its really hard to find a balance of what works for you when incorporating cooked food into your diet, both of us struggled with putting too many condiments on our cooked food in the beginning, and still sometimes even today. Don't  be to hard on yourself, its all a learning process.


I'm not raw but  I was eating rice, salt, beans, not whole wheat noodles and I gained so I stopped and now I do the raw till 4 and am currently eating about seven potatoes a day and the rest fruit and veggies. Do you think I will gain like that?


If people would add about an eighth of an avocado to their meals/smoothies, & drink water if they feel hungry since its really only thirst or a sign the stomach has digested the food, & not eat when their bored i feel people would thrive.
Just adding that small amount of that raw avocado which is protein/fat works for me i feel.


Can u kindly do a video on how to gain weight on a vegan diet?


Ok, I also feel better eating only fruits and vegetables, but anyways I have to strongly disagree with a lot of what you said.
First of all, how can you say starches don't have water!? Boiled potatoes have more water content than bananas (you can look it up).
Even grains, they're dry, but if you're boiling them, what are they doing if not absorbing water!? They have plenty of water.
And I couldn't say that potatoes or beans are not satiating either, because they really are.
About being bland, I absolutely adore the taste of plain rice, plain potatoes, plain lentils, plain quinoa, you name it. Every single starch has its own unique flavor, and I love the taste of all of them, without salt, without oil, without seasonings, without anything.

All that being said, I FEEL the difference eating only raw fruits and vegetables and definitely feel more energized and better overall.

Like durianrider would say: "Not hating, just sayin'", lol :P



Thank you for your video. I'm one of these people you are talking about in this video, gaining weight with cooked food, but I also gained weight on a low fat raw vegan diet. I am totally lost and don't know what to do. It's been 6 months of experiments and have gained 10kg and I just don't feel good, I'm quite sure that I don't want to go all raw! There is no solution?? Thank you for your help.


soooo----we're back to there being nothing wrong with the POTATOE - it's what you put ON the potato that's bad.  Why pick on the poor, innocent potato - why not just say that butter and salt and sugar and all that stuff is the culprit - I enjoy cooked potatoes all the time, along with my salads and all the other mostly raw stuff.  Stop beating around the bush with what the real bad-guy foods are


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