Is there a link between our gut and mental health? - CrowdScience podcast, BBC World Service

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“You are what you eat” is a well-known saying. But is it really true? That’s what we explore in this episode of CrowdScience, thanks to a question from listener Claire from Australia.

We each have trillions of tiny microbes and bacteria inside our bodies, living in our mouths, skin, ears and even in our eyes. Each community of microbes and bacteria is known as a microbiome. The most populous of these is in our gut, with hundreds of trillions of organisms and bacteria helping digest the food we eat.

Our gut microbiome is affected by lots of things but mainly by our diet. With our gut microbiome forming such a massive part of our insides, people have long suspected that what we eat impacts how we feel.

Presenter Caroline Steel investigates. She speaks to a professor of psychiatry, Jane Foster, to find out how interconnected our microbiome and our brain really are. Professor Foster also explains the different ways in which our microbiome and brain communicate.

Do we really know what role diet plays in mental health? Consultant psychiatrist Professor David Veale provides more detail. And at a café with a rather interesting menu, Caroline samples some of the food available as occupational therapist Joel Oliver explains how important food can be as part of mental health treatment.

This begs the question: If our microbiome really does influence our mental health, can we harness the power of microbes to potentially find new treatments to help our mental health? Dr Najaf Amin tells us about her research identifying the link between specific microbes and depression.

0:00 Introduction - what role does our gut play in our mental wellbeing?
2:36 What is the gut-brain axis and how does it work?
5:07 Link between gut bacteria, inflammation and mental health
6:58 Microbes produce metabolites
8:46 Are there any studies that link our microbiome directly with our mental health? 
10:18 The idea that what we eat can change how we feel has been around for thousands of years
11:15 John Porter-Phillips possibly did the first study linking diet to mental health 1914-1930
12:00 Guts: The patient-led cafe serving gut healthy food
16:07 Consultant psychiatrist David Veale: "Diet is one piece of the jigsaw"
19:03 What foods can support your physical and mental health?
20:22 Gizem Arat studies the impact diet has on mental health of people in sub-Saharan Africa
23:06 Could the future be a brain-friendly bacteria pill?
24:08 Conclusion


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The fact that this is even up for question, tells me that people have completely forgotten how to eat.


I can share that there is a fascinating connection between the gut and the eye. The gut retinal axis is crazy


Yes, there's a huge relationship between gut health, gut bacteria, and mental health, to the point that the neural network in our gut has been deemed a sort of second brain. Mind what you eat, seriously.


Dear team BBC, you people have beautifully explained the link between brain and gut health. The people who create awareness about health issues are angels of god. May god blossom your consciousness


When I change my diet I saw many changes in my mood. I insert more vegetables and fruit in my daily routine. I fell more healthy than ever


I have discovered that when i cut out sugar and reduce my carbs and highly processed foods/oils and now i get less headaches, migraines and my IBS settles down, i sleep better and don't feel so lethargic all the time. I was one who thought it was just health fanatics trying to be mean 😂but i decided to try it for myself a few months ago and now i understand!


Last night I had way too much sugar and had constant nightmares (I don’t have nightmares often) and was thinking there might be a relationship and this morning I am seeing this- woow- Thank you


“You are what you eat.” big facts here


I enjoy listening to this so much! :) I should have known this before. For many years, I was listening to podcasts in UK and Australia. they are fantastic to, but this is way better! :) Thanks!


Yes...we've definitely known this for many decades in the West. Thanks for sharing!


Really good episode. It may also explain why there are so many people who have been suffering from mental problems since they were young. Healthy diet should start at young age as I've seen parents giving soft drinks, chocolates, and chips to their toddlers for lunch. I'll never do this. I also saw a pregnant woman drinking coffee or tea. Hope there's one episode which is about what food to avoid for pregnant women and it could be broadcasted on TV so that more people will get to know how our diet affects our mental health and next generation. I remember there was a TV programme long time ago, We are What We Eat. Very true. Thank you.


I have been depressed for a long time.Proper nutrition helps to manage the illness.I eat tomatoes, sheep's cheese, nuts, berries, eggs, butter, sometimes sourdough bread, bananas, cruiciferous vegetable, and a bit of honey.


My sincere thanks for your sharing it.


The problem goes beyond the individual's decision on what to eat or not. There's a problem of class. The rise in the price of food condemns the lower class to spend less with food and that fact is nothing to be ignored. If we analyse statics, we will able to see that people with less money are feeding themselves with fast food


Sauerkraut is my chocolate! But it all comes down to how we were fed as children and what foods are available to us when we can't cook but need to grab something quick (and cheap) on the go.


Excellent programme, gut microbiota is very important for us, please eat healthy food


I know there should be balance when it comes to the food on your plate, but what needs to be done to get your gut back on track.


Definitely, because people could get easily irritated if their guts feel uncomfortable


It's disgusting that medical doctors are not discussing this with their patients. Some are but the majority aren't or don't have a clue.


I am here just to improve my English
And I found it so enjoyable
