Signs of a Bad Water Pump

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Because water pumps move such a vast amount of coolant over the life of the unit, the bearings wear out over time.


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Got my water pump changed out by the dealership. It lasted just over 2 years. The dealership wouldn't honor the warranty as it expired 4 months after. I bought one with a lifetime warranty and installed it myself. You'll need a spanner wrench as well as another wrench. But I saved 1000 bucks. Totally cost $180


i’m not going to replace my pulley i like the whining noise sounds like i got a supercharger in my truck


You also save me some money The mechanic had me thinking it could have been the water pump but it was the pulley making the noise the whole time, thank the 👑Lord 🙏🏾first and thank you👍🏾


For me..the symptom was a squealing noise at startup..usually first thing in the morning. Did this for around a year before it failed at 80 mph on I55 near Hayti .Missouri. It was coolant leaking onto the belt and squealing. That 86 accord gave me a years worth of warning and I ignored it. Don't be like me 😂


This is one major issue that sometimes is not diagnosed immediately always seek professionals i took my car to a mechanic he said it was the fan belt but in reality it was a bad water pump


My water pump is squealing a little bit when I let it idle on my 1999 mercury cougar V6. Im thinking on replacing just the pulley but obviously it would be even better to replace the water pump itself brand new. Thanks for the video...


It's hard brought it to many shops only way I got it figured out was utube caught it just in time most engines are made of aluminum over heating can Cause the metal to warp leading to head gaskets problems so fix this right away preventive maintenance in the long run will save you thousands


My Mazda oem factory one didn’t work even last 40k miles. The bearing was bad causing the pulley to rattle violently. I had it changed by Mazda. They were surprised I knew it was that because they looked like they wanted to say other stuff to make money off me.


O heard the noise before i left home a clicking during idle went 10 miles away now I'm stranded, i did timing belt and the kit came with the water pump so i took out the aiso pump and replaced it w the 78 dollar one one year later we're here smfh should kept the oem still going strong when i first got the car at 160k miles (04 Lexus gs s300)


My heater blows cold air. Made sure it had enough coolant. Installed a new thermostat, wasn't the problem. Did a complete back flush on the heater coil, didn't fix it. It's got a new thermostat and the coolant flow is OK and it's full of coolant. It's not over heating, race the engine rpms and will get some warm air. Let the motor die down to an idle and it throws cold air again. Would a weak water pump cause that?


I keeo getting a leak in my jeep lower radiator hose i switch it out put new hose i put new hose clamps stopped leaking for 2 weeks started leaking again radiator was replaced. Idk what else to change out anyone have any ideas? Thank u


I have a chevy 350 in a boat closed cooling with antifreeze. no leaks or noises. All ther parts checked in the boat. Is there any way the metal impeller went bad? running 160 but then 180 at 3100 rpm.


overheating, loosing water, change thermostat, plugs and wires, now it reves up and down? Water pump?


audi replaced my cambelt and waterpump few weeks ago but this week my coolant was near empty.. it seems a coincidence this has happened, do they have to do anything to the coolant to replace the water pump?


Have a question why does my radiator get so hot just got new radiator thermostat and temperature sensor thank you


Where should the repo be on a 2006 CTS 2.8 Cadillac water pump


Omg i felt as if i was back in high school, i actually enjoyed it kinda miss school


Would if cut out power for acceleration also?


My engine was never overheating but the rad blew one day. Took it in to get replaced and the car was still overheating instantly . Had to leave it at the shop where they removed the radiator again checked everything and the water pump propellor was broken off the shaft in 3 peices. Never showed a sign of any leaks or any problems driving until my radiator blew. Is that normal


Mine on my 18, 000 RAM TRX sounded like a a dishwasher kind of. Witcha witcha witcha witcha and i didn’t know what it was -then 2nweeks later i thought i smelled antifreeze only in front of vehicle but not all the time and thought i was crazy and no signs of fluid anywhere-i did have all my gauges on the screen at all times of temps of everything and they were all fine . Well today i was driving it showed the low battery light then off then on again and it took me a minute to realize the fan was coming on that cools these Hellcat engines down because they run hot. It’s a very loud fan. So it was draining my battery (not really) because it was obviously staying on longer and i pulled over and antifreeze everywhere an spraying out all around pulley on water pump-I’m just out of 3 year warranty 🤦‍♂️ only 18, 000 miles.
