17 Million Chess Players Made This Opening Mistake!

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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov shares the most common chess opening mistake after 1.e4. It occurs in the Three Knights Opening, arising from the moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3.

A staggering 17 million chess players have played 3...Bc5 as Black, making it the most prevalent chess opening mistake in this position. Unfortunately, only 10% of the players, playing with the White pieces, knew the right way to punish this mistake.

► Chapters

00:00 Most Common Chess Opening Mistake After 1.e4
00:49 5 Big Advantages for White
01:57 Beware of this TRAP!
03:44 Exploiting the dark square weakness
04:35 Black's best response
07:11 Stockfish recommendation for Black
09:51 If Black plays 3...Nf6 instead of 3...Bc5
11:55 Puzzle of the Day

#IgorNation #ChessTraps #ChessMistakes #OpeningTraps #ChessOpenings #ChessOpeningTraps #ChessOpeningTricks
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Rb6 is the correct move because if the bishop moves Qxh2 +, King takes, Rh6 +, Kg1 and Rh1 is a mate in 3#


► Chapters

00:00 Most Common Chess Opening Mistake After 1.e4
00:49 5 Big Advantages for White
01:57 Beware of this TRAP!
03:44 Exploiting the dark square weakness
04:35 Black's best response
07:11 Stockfish recommendation for Black
09:51 If Black plays 3...Nf6 instead of 3...Bc5
11:55 Puzzle of the Day


Puzzle : Bf3 block the f2 pawn from coming up and leaving the second rank in white queen's watch. There isnt much for white to do here. Next Nf5 theyll have to move their knight or get thrown out anyway which was protecting the g2 square from checkmate.


Best chess channel Instructive as always ❤🔥


i think that the catalan opening is the only opening that you didnt make any video content about it, , its my main weapon right now and I would love to see some instructional ideas from you about this opening I looke really hadr through your history of this channel and could not find anything I would apreciate it a lot .. high regards


Thanks Igor specially for covering the case where black plays the two knights.


Hey Igor. i play the scandinavian defence, but the last 10 times i got kicked. after i play pawn to E4, they respond with queen to f3 and then i get in trouble. is that a sound opening if yes, how to counter that, and if not, how to punish that.


At 4:01 also possible is 7.Bh6, with the double threat 8.Qf8# and 8.Qxf6 Nxf6 Bg7 ... If 7...Qxh6 Qxh8 wins the exchange...


Rb6 tempo on bishop, after they respond by moving away we sack the queen on h2 and then follow up with rh6+ and checkmate



Would you do a miniSeries (playlist) on how to put 2 players (kids and adults) to train the finish game? (Or whatever you think is a good to train).
My 8yo son learned with me the moves and we do play together.
I have this idea of teaching my son the EndGames, like one has a king, the other has a king and a rook, or two rooks, or a queen against whatever (always have the king. The idea is to finish off aka end games).

I asked ChatGPT and Bard what would be a fun training method like I describe. They gave me some good but other where very dumb answer. What you think? It can also work for trying solo. But we need to know what works

I started to play in September 2023 and i think chess will stay for all my life. Just started fresh, 78% Win ratio in the last 90 days, crawling slowly from 259 Elo to 580


I would be playing Bf3 so that king cannot escape and white cannot nring support on h file. Bf3 followed by Rb6 and then Rh6 ttrying to mate white on h2

Added. I tried this on board. Bf3 will not work as black can play Be2 trying to exchange bishop. So Rb6 is the only move that works as white has to give up the bishop to prevent the mate.


Thank you GM Igor.
For the puzzle, I'd consider ...black goes bf3...if white doesn't blunder it by moving away his knight on e3, then my next plan would be to attack that knight by combinations of pushing the blacks f-file pawn and e-file knight. I may find my win here as black.


My approach is different... Nf5, chasing away or trading the white Knight, then Qg2#. I'm sure the Rb6 is faster but I don't think my method is WRONG


Bxf7 is a bad move for black, but mostly better than any alternative AND you prevent your opponent already from castling, which is a bonus too


I feel big brain for already knowing that opening trap without any outside knowledge


One variation:

1... Rb6
2. f4 Rxa6
3. d5 h5
Black need one force more to crack the pawns and avoids a checkmate thread on the 8th line
4. Ra1 Rg6
5. Rxa7 h4
6. Qf2 hxg3
7. hxg3 Rxg3+
8. Qxg3 Qxg3+
9. Kh1 Qh3+ 1
0. Kg1 Qxe3+
11. Rf2 Qxa7


Well, waiting for a mistake of your opponent actually works, but its not real chess. I believe, that even with a weak opponent, you should play as it is a strong opponent. It lets you to develop, although of course it will require more moves than the play deserves.


The center fork trick works so well at 1500. They think im trading the knight for a pawn and then BOOM 😅


After 1...Rb6, White will have to give up material to avoid a mate on h1, h2, or g2.


As g2 is the natural mating position; which is guarded by the white knight on e3. The g2 square can also be guarded by white moving the pawn on f2 forward to f3.
So black bf3 seems the best move as a black bishop on f3 can not be easily challenged by white. White can not guard against both of blacks threats to bring the back knight on e7 to either d5 of f5 to challenge whites knight on e3. Once the white knight falls black's queen gets checkmate on g2.
