V FOR VENDETTA (2005) Breakdown | Easter Eggs, Comic Differences, Film Analysis & Ending Explained

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We review, recap and explain V For Vendetta. This covers the comic book and movie as well as the differences. In it we discuss the hidden meaning, deeper themes and things you might have missed.
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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down V For Vendetta.
I am your vibrant and versitile visibly valuable visionary that will valiantly guide you with the power of my voice.
No so obviously this films and comics had a long lasting legacy with it aging like a fine wine. The mask is now worn by anonymous and it's themes have remained relevant. Re-reading the book I was surprised at how much it's held up and how even some of the sayings were things we see popping up today. There's a line about make britain great again., heightened surveillance after an attack and a proganda media machine in full force. Going back to it was not on an analysis of the past but also something that predicted the future.
As we know history repeats itself and it made for a really interesting journey. There's also hidden Vs throughout the movie that we'll be pointing out. The creative team tried to put one in every scene and they appear at a lot of points.
So throughout this we're gonna break down the movie and also the comic along side it. There's interesting ways that both differentiate and I hope you enjoy the video.
Now we begin with a black and white Warner Brothers logo. This aesthetic continues with the titles making it feel like an old timely war film. This echoes the feelings of propaganda and how it was weaponised in World War 2. Before that there'd been leaflets and reports on the radio but this provided actual visuals. It allowed those in power to paint things a certain way and show the world in the way they wanted to.
Editing is a powerful tool and it can manipulate the things that we see. If you can trick someones eyes youre able to trick them and this is a world where everythings controlled. The TV station plays a big part at one point with V launching an attack from there.