Reason to Avoid Korean guy 🇰🇷

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I'm still waiting for those 3 reasons 😂😂


1.Becoz they don't tell us the reasons
2. they just want us to wait
3.when u ask them the reasons they just smile


I thought there would be a big surprise here: Don't date them because the person you see as 23 is actually 57, soo...💀


Its wild how many people overlook personality for ethnicity.


no matter what Seungbin will always have my heart 👽❤


actual reasons that actual koreans have confirmed:
even though your kpop idols and k-actors seem to be sweet and kind (which some of them genuinely are) not all korean men are like that. they can be rude to women, and people of lower social status. they can be hateful and ignorant towards communities and ethnicities. they can be orthodox as well. And the worst part which i heard from a korean woman, they don't understand consent. They find it okay to take advantage of a drunk girl.

please never let your fantasies make you delusional.

ok so i never thought this comment would get so much attention but i have to address this: i am NOT talking abt the entire korean male population. i thought it was quite obvious but i apologize if i offended any koreans with this. but i said this because some people forget that korea is just a country with normal people. there's bound to be bad ones there, so don't treat it like a land of unicorns and rainbows.


I was with a Korean guy for a while, and omg he was the sweetest human being I had ever met, made me feel like a princess every day, unfortunately we decided to break it off, because we didn't want to torture each other with long distance, because he moved back to Korea.


1. Im ugly
2. I don't speak korean
3. Too good for me


Here is a another take on this from a Korean woman who owns and manages a restaurant here in Seoul. Just a few reasons why you need to be real about Korean men.
1. Just because your favorite actors in K-dramas and your favorite idols make it look like most Korean men are sweet, honorable, believe in equal rights for women, are gentlemen and perfect they ARE NOT. Just like all of us Korean women do not act cute even though a lot of Korean men want WOMEN to act cute and childish. And yes many of us Korean women find that kind of disturbing and creepy.
2. A HUGE amount of those actors and idols who SEEM to be perfect gentlemen on your screens, at concerts and awards shows ARE NOT even close to being that way IRL. Some of them are completely opposite when their every move, action and words are scripted and when they are not scripted. Some who come to my restaurant have been extremely rude to my staff and I on several occasions (and Yes even most of your favorite idols actions and words ON camera and ON stage are 99% FULLY SCRIPTED including the fan service).
3. MANY Korean men, who have low/no moral character take advantage of female international kpop and k-drama fans when come here to Korea. And will try to trick foreign women into going to "love hotels" .
4. The demographic of females with the highest rate of SA, being victims of fraud, assault and worse here in Seoul are FOREIGN women because of those Korean men with no moral character.
5. Women need to be situationally aware if you come here to Korea of the people around you because again like every country, Korea has men (and women) who are terrible. Recently a Korean man in his early twenties attacked a woman when she made eye contact with him. He roundhouse kicked her in the head, dragged her into a alley and sexually assaulted her. Many foreign women who live here say they have been followed, stalked out in public and some were even followed to their homes by men. Men have be caught on escalators filming and take photos up women's skirts (it was so bad at one point that the government made phones sold here have a mandatory sound when taking photos or video so women could hear and protect themselves).
6. This last one is just a bit of advice when/if you come here please do not do how some international kpop and k-drama fans do and go up to random handsome Korean men on the street and hug them because they remind you of your favorite idols and k-celebs do not be surprised when they tell you to F off. There are a lot of international kpop and k-drama fans fetishize Korean men and women and it is really offensive and disrespectful to us Koreans. (The amount of times foreign women do that is astronomical, it has even happened to my own brother a few weeks ago as we were walking out of a restaurant. A woman came up and without saying anything just hugged him and would not let go. She thought he was a member of EXO. My brother is an amazing sweet, gentleman but even after nearly five minutes she would not let go of him (our Eomma, sister AND Appa even told the girl to let him go and she would not). I quite literally had to walk over to where she could see me and tell her "girl I don't want to hurt you or your feelings but I am about to call the police and have you charged with assault because you are hugging and hanging onto a man without his consent, who has told you repeatedly to let him go. How would you feel if a man who you did not know did this to you, would it be okay?" before she would. So please don't be those kind of people.


And the main reason, you've to accept that not all korean people look like k-pop idols...


Here are my 3 reasons:
- they don't like me 😂
- I don't want to get into trouble with my parents
- reason 1 and 2 are enough 😂


As a Korean guy, the number of delusional fangirls i see online who think Korea is some sort of fantasy land is unreal


Anybody who want's a Korean boyfriend because of their love for kpop/drama, you're not gonna get the fantasy you want like what you see them on television.


I watched it 3 times waiting for those 3 reasons lol 🤣🤣


Legend says that some people are still waiting for those 3 reasons 😂🤣🤣


my previous boss went to south korea as vacation with his family. my boss was a humble person. when he returned back to my country, my coworker asked him about korea and he nervously looking at me. he knows i like korea. he said "some of them are nice but not as nice as in tv. i got into a cab and the taxi driver doesn't know english. the taxi driver even cursed at me because i'm a foreigner. all taxis that i got behaved like that. but overall south korea is a beautiful country"

this really make me drop my good expectations from sk


The ULTIMATE REASON is that K-Idols/KDrama artist are very different compared to Korean men.


For those who say there's no reason. Like all other countries, Korea has its ups and downs. Just because the man is Korean and in K dramas they are perfect doesn't mean they are perfect in real life. Because as you can obviously know fiction and reality are two different things. Don't expect that just because a man is Korean, that man will be like those in K dramas. Also like all other countries (most of them are Latin American countries) it happens in Korea that some man are machist .


Here they are, I know you’ve waited for em, and there is proof as it has happened to nearly every person that has dated a Korean guy:
1. They are racist, they think of Africans and so very lowly and when one is adapting a friend they’d be thinking she doesn’t deserve him
2. Korean guys will take advantage of any heavily drunk woman in a bar and will, ya know, a one night stand and ditch them
3. Whoever wants to date a Korean guy will have very high standards from Kpop and kdramas and will be awfully disappointed to see that they’re not as sweet or romantic as they’re shown


1-too handsome u might die
2-takes good care of u, you might love him more than ur own family
3-will watch kpop and kdrama, vibe and chill with u while eating snacks you'll get fat and have no sleep which will make u exhusted
