Chan Thomas: The Adam and Eve Story, Fact or Fiction?

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Chan Thomas: The Adam and Eve Story, Fact or Fiction?

Chan Tomas' book takes on a very different approach compared to Hapgood.  In some respects, it is similar to Velikovsky's work in that it focuses to start off by re-interpreting parts of the bible.  He opens the book with what reads more like a Hollywood Film.  Describing how a wall of water sweeps across the entire globe causing mass destruction in all but the highest of places.  Supersonic wind, fire death, and destruction are followed by an instantly paralyzing temperature drop of over 80 degrees Celcius freezing everything in place.  Antarctica and Greenland rotate around the earth and the fury of wind and inundation continues for six days.  During the sixth day, the oceans start to settle in their new homes, running off the high grounds.  On the seventh day, the horrendous rampage is over.  The oceans have laid down another deep layer of muck over existing states in the great plains, as exposed in the Grand Canyon.  The Bay of Bengal basin is now at the North Pole.  The Pacific Ocean, just west of Peru, is at the South Pole.  Greenland and Antarctica's ice sheets are melting in the equatorial zone.  In less than 25 years the ice caps are gone and global sea levels rise over 60m.  Topical forests erupt in Greenland and Antarctica.  New York lies at the bottom of the Atlantic. This is almost his prophecy of what is to come for the present Earth.  What is it based on and what is the evidence that underpins his concept?

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00:00 Introduction
01:40 Greater picture of past cataclysms
02:33 Cause or trigger?
04:57 The previous shifts
06:27 Evidence of Cataclysms
09:35 Effects of a crustal slip
10:31 Earth's second moon
11:22 Bode's Law
15:19 Earth's rotation
16:09 Evidence of destroyed cultures
16:29 Niagra and a rise in sea level
17:28 Sun to go out in 1999?
18:01 Similarities between Greek and Polynesian
18:59 The trigger revisted
24:00 Duration between cataclysms
25:09 Last sections of the book
26:30 Conclusions

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Don't you just love how YT slaps a "Flat Earth" context banner under this video, as if it has anything to do with flat eart, and limits your audience when you want to convey anything of substance that requires a degree of cerebral effort.


Chan Thomas seems to have sourced much of his information from having knowledge of Project Nanook (1947), which remained classified from 1947 until 1988, as described in World in Peril (1994). Many of the details in Adam and Eve are almost identical to what is to be found in White's book. This explains why Chan Thomas seldom provided citations for much of his information - the project remained classified in 1963 (when Adam and Eve Story was published) and he would have been prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act, had he revealed his source. This would also likely be the reason for the initial classification of Chan's book to begin with.


Not a mystery if you read about something called "recurrent nova", an event during which an "external layer" (this is extremely simplified) is blown out of the sun like a nova (technically more like a corona ejection but all around the Sun). The build up to the event is a decrease in Sun brightness as the density on the outer layer increases (down to the brightness of the Moon, hence the stories of dark sun and the two moons). During the eruption, the solar system is full of "dust" resulting the apparent disappearance of all other stars (hence the stories of falling stars and dark skies). Of course, such and eruption cause panic and severe climate changes. There is also increasing evidence that this is all related to Climate Cycles and Magnetic Excursion cycles (with lengths of 12960, 6480, 3240, 1620, 810 and 405 years long). Below some examples (note that the shorter the cycle the weaker it is, and the further we look the harder it is to notice smaller cycles):

±405 years ago (405-Year Cycle): Maunders Minimum mini-ice age (1645 to 1715), the 30 years of war (1650-1680). The Ming Dynasty collapse (1644, severe drought)

±810 years ago (810-year cycle): Volcanic event (1315-1320) caused damaged crops and mass cattle death, resulting in the Great Famine (1315-1322), resulting in mass death and malnourished/weakened people, resulting in the spread of the Plague (1331-1353) which was a bubonic plague, resulting in the weakening of empires, resulting in wars like the 100-year war (1337-1453)

±1215 years ago (405-Year Cycle): Medieval Warm Period (900-1300) made climate wet in Europe, arid in North America, may have depopulated the Great Plains of North America, then The Crusades (1095-1291), The Khmer Civilization collapse (1000-1200, experts don’t know why), The Maya Civilization collapse (900, severe drought killed millions of Maya people due to famine and lack of water), The Tang Dynasty collapse (907, crop failure and famine associated with drought), The Tiwanaku Empire (1000, drought, 10-meter drop in lake level at this time), Anasazi Collapse (1150, North America experienced a 300-year drought called the Great Drought)

±1620 years ago (1620-Year Cycle): "The worst year to be alive" (536): A volcanic eruption caused climate cooling, resulting in crop failures, then famine (weakening people), then the Plague of Justinian (541-549) which was a bubonic plague.

±3240 years ago (3240-Year Cycle): Sterno Etrussia Excursion. Late Bronze Age collapse (Hittites in 1178 BC, Mycenaean Greece in 1050 BC, the collapse affected a large area covering much of Southeast Europe, West Asia and North Africa, 300-year drought event), Indus Civilization collapse (1000 BC, experts don’t know why but think it was climate change and famine)

±6480 years ago (6480-Year Cycle): Solovki/Noah/Sumerian Excursion: Nothing to do with religion, instead massive floods all over the world. Çatalhöyük Civilization collapse (flourished 9000-7000 years ago then suddenly vanished, experts don’t know why), surviving Sumerians came to Mesopotamia (5, 300 years ago), first city states (5, 000 years ago), Prehistoric Egypt (5000 years ago), massive advances in agriculture like irrigation, all known domestication of animals and plants (4, 500 years ago). Note that this event was so brutal that barely anything was left from previous civilizations.

±12, 960 years ago (12, 960-Year Cycle): Gothenburg/Younger Dryas Excursion: Global Mega-Faunal Extinction (remember the frozen Mammoths?)
±19, 440 years ago (6480-Year Cycle): Hilina Pali/Lake Biwa/Lake Imuruk Excursion. Unknown effects.
±25, 920 years ago (12, 960-Year Cycle): Lake Mungo/Last Glacial Max Excursion: Mega-Faunal Extinction mainly in Australia/Eurasia/Africa
±39, 880 years ago (12, 960-Year Cycle): Mono Excursion: Mega-Faunal Extinction mainly in North America
±51, 840 years ago (12, 960-Year Cycle): Leschamp/Napoli Excursion: Global Mega-Faunal Extinction.
±64, 800 years ago (12, 960-Year Cycle): Norwegian Greenland Sea/Gaotai Excursion. Unknown effects.
±77, 760 years ago (12, 960-Year Cycle): Toba Excursion, known as the greatest bottleneck in human history. Caused 1, 000 years of volcanic winter. It is estimated that less than 10, 000 people survived on the entire planet.

Note: Remember the 12000-Year Mayan Calendar? Well, now it makes sense.


Gareth, kudos for taking this on knowing it might hurt your subscription numbers. Your integrity is up there with the best. Thank you for not selling out with the fear mongers of YouTube and for being true to yourself and your community.


Chan Thomas, the greatest cataclysmologist of our time.


It's such an easy pattern to see when people don't actually cite anything scientific or logical.
Thank you as usual!!


LOL - Youtube decided they needed to add a "Flat Earth" context warning on this video.


I’d laugh it off if the CIA hadn’t classified it.


your vids are incredible i cant believe you dont have millions of subs


Great to watch something like this and only encounter 1 single advert rather than disrupting you evey 5 minutes 👍


He, like us all. Was searching desperately for an answer. Any answer. He was compiling and trying to force a time line, and to find some understanding. The book is fiction, by definition :)
LOVE your mind. Thank you. PS. 27:42 excellent


This and the previous (Hagood) video is the most level-headed analysis of the Hapgood/Thomas "intrigue" I've come across so far! It's telling of human nature when more people tend to discredit Hapgood and venerate Thomas when the former's works are more methodical, scholarly and include references while the latter includes no supporting materials at all. The fact that Thomas's book was found in the CIA archives may have played a role in this skewed outcome.


Much of the book was redacted by the CIA before he could publish it. Could that explain many of the missing references and supporting research? Any factual evidence or references to research findings the CIA classified would have been removed, leaving only Chan's seemingly unsupported conclusions, and since they did censor and redact it, there must have been some secret, and factual, evidence only he and a very few do have knowledge of.


Kudos on hanging in to put this together. Holding an author accountable for his assertions with the complexity of the topic can’t be easy; yet is required if it is to be trusted against the models in use today. The question to be raised next is: what models will settle the uncertainties?
For example: the best model for how the Earth’s magnetic field is generated is a collection of subterranean plasma Z-Pinch-poles connected to telluric currents Fed by a Birkeland current of which the Sun and other planets are connected. And electrically influenced by the galactic magnetic field… or rather the most extreme rate of change periods of that field. Party on Dude and keep the conversation going, be good to each other.
Perhaps the best prep advice would be to secure a lid on our cocktails in case the planet wants to shake our mixtures of choice with planetary scale adjustments in orbital dynamics. 😱


This was a great book review! I tried reading his book. I would get very frustrated when he would make a statement about something, but he never followed up with any sort of facts. I agree that he writes with a huge sense of 'I am the only one that has amassed all of this great knowledge. Everyone else that tries to understand it, are all fools and simpletons.'

I was constantly flipping back and forth, thinking - I must have missed something, or this book was put together wrong. Thanks for letting me know that I wasn't crazy!!


Adamu was written in Sumerian sanskrit and the Sumerians vanished 1000 yrs before the Egyptians came to be. Adamu was made with Genetics by the Annunaki who ruled over the earth. The Annunakl are written abt in the Vedas from ancient India. Maybe you can find a way to discount the Sumerians but the Vedas have details abt the Vemana. Spacecrafts that fly using a swirling mercury that creates anti-gravity. Even the great flood is in the ancient Sumerian sanskrit.


S.O, Oppenheimer ranch project and a few others have covered this. One theory is the combination of the G.S.W, The suns waining heliosphere and the earth's magnetosphere weaking cause an influx of energy, heating the lithosphere untill it's plastic like behaviour cannot stop the mantle from sliding when the rotation jerks happen.


I failed to find a way to relate Gareth’s talent. Now I have. Gareth’s gifted talent and analytical skill were FILLY exercised in this video, made in precision as well as it is entertaining. Well done Gareth.

On the other hand I also failed to relate Andrew Hall’s talent. Now I can, to Chan Thomas.


Now that book is sudo-science!! Wild statemens with no facts or references to back it up. Good vid!


Another enlightening video! I was impressed when I read the book as well but I did not go into a second reading as you did. And that is the value of this video. A clarification on this hipped book. Thanks for your absolutely amazing work!🙏
