The Shroud of Turin, Secrets of the Resurrection | Documented Miracles

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The Shroud of Turin, the alleged burial cloth of Jesus Christ, is one of the greatest mysteries of Christianity. Is the Holy Shroud a forgery? Or was the figure of a crucified man on the Shroud of Turin formed through the miraculous resurrection of Jesus, 2000 years ago? DNA tests, 3D renderings, and modern scientific analysis reveal a strange and impossible truth… could this burial cloth be proof of a miracle?

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#Miracle #Miracles #Mystery #Artifact #Christianity #Jesus
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You forgot to mention The Sudarium, which has the same blood stains and blood type as the Shroud of Turin. The Sudarium is the cloth that was wrapped around the head of Jesus Christ after he died as described in John 20:6-7. When overlapping the Sudarium over the Shroud of Turin the blood stains match exactly. It is kept in the Cámara Santa of the Cathedral of San Salvador, Oviedo, Spain.


The pollen particles on the Shroud are from Jerusalem and are 2000 years old.

They also have admitted that the Carbon dating was incorrect as they took the fabric from a part that was sewn on in the Middle Ages to repair the Shroud from damage.


The cloth collapsed into a radiating body. Gravity provides the vertical and the stress in the cloth during the collapse causes a flattening out effect.
Turning a human corpse into pure energy would give off more than billions of ergs. And the whole process was controlled by the same artist who created the universe and thought up each of us. He’s so beautiful!


As a wise man once said, "To those with Faith, no proof is necessary. For those who reject Faith, no proof is possible." Having said that. it is an interesting artifact, and you have obviously done much research. Thank you.


My Lord and my GOD...I cannot imagine what that day was like! Please excuse my writing, I am fairly old, I cannot see very well or even put together a sentence! My hands shake from my arthritis, and my mind is not as clear as it once was. But, this one thing I know for sure...Jesus Christ lived, was crucified, died on that horrible cross which he was crucified upon, was scourged.and beaten and a crown of thorns put upon his blessed head, and he was spat upon and his garments were taken off him and lots were cast for them! His had the most horrible death of anyone known to man! He went through all of this pain for ME! If it were only me, he would have done it anyway...just to save one person! I believe that the Shroud of Turin is authentic! But, if it is not, I still believe in him! Not only do I believe in Jesus, I love him and I am in love with him! I know how this sounds...but I don't care! He is my SAVIOUR!!! AND, He is alive! He is as much alive as I am, or you for that matter! If you do not know "this type of love", then I beg you to read the BIBLE! Everything is completely explained! He is ALIVE and I believe that GOD ALMIGHTY sent down some type of unbelievable power, such as a nuclear burst that brought Jesus back to life! This may sound crazy to an unbeliever, but JESUS is alive and I believe that the Shroud of Turin was his burial cloth and he also had a cloth that went over his face! It is all TRUE! Jesus is The Alpha and The Omega, The Beginning and the End! He is ALIVE!!! ❤


If you grew up Catholic, you'll remember the stations of the cross, and how Veronica took pity on Jesus as he carried his cross to Golgotha, and wiped his face with her veil. And how his very image was transferred onto it. I think Jesus' soul, his energy, whatever word you want to use, was swelling and radiating out before he even died and could have caused that to happen. And I think that his resurrection did cause that radiation that transferred his image onto the shroud. Thank you for such a comprehensive video!


Lets not forget there is another point seldom mentioned:
Every body decomposes after about 4 days, then loosing body fluids etc. This body left this amazing image and then disappeared from inside the cloth after maximum 3 days. It was not removed physically from the cloth as this would lead to smearing of the blood stains. So it instantly disappeared from inside the cloth.


Blessed are those who have not seen me but believe...


I appreciate so much the Mr. Mythos never belittles traditions or religions. So many of the other channels feel the need to talk in a way that mocks the faiths they are reporting on. Mr. Mythos is a top-notch producer and a very respectable man. Keep up the incredible content, friend.


I have seen the Shroud of Turin and even if you dont know a thing about it, the powers of emotion that are evoked once you are standing in front of it is are indescribable. My Mother and I both had this reaction and to our minds, the Shroud is real.


What’s more intriguing is that the cloth itself lasted almost 2 millennia


I remember seeing a documentary in which multiple people were asked to try and recreate the image on the shroud. This group included scientist, photographers, artists, and others. The closest anyone could come was a group of physicists who ran high-energy plasma through a body.


It's kind of funny dark souls got me into biblical history. Once I was done learning all I could about the lore of dark souls, I started nudging in this direction. Went from atheist to believer


Interesting historical note, the Soldiers who were detailed with crucifixion and execution (cant remember their title) would be crucified and executed themselves if they failed to kill someone on the cross (dereliction of duty I guess?) . Which is the likely explanation why they decided to make sure by using a spear, especially in a high profile case like this.
And the description from the bible of "water then blood" coming out of the wound gives an indication of where the stab wound had to have been, since in that position (crucified) and stress on the heart and from low blood volume (hypovolemic shock) means fluid would build up around the heart (pericardial effusion) and lungs (pleural effusion) after a severe beating its possible and a certainty after a short period of time on the cross. So according to scripture which does say "water then blood" came out of the stab wound which means the spear must have pierced a lung and most likely his heart. And the description of "water then blood" is exactly what you would expect to see. An interesting detail that has been proven accurate given the conditions of the story.


Even through all he endured for us, he was beautiful. The most perfect man God ever created, physically and spiritually. Science, history, and men of knowledge can all agree on one thing Jesus walked. Weather or not they believed him to be the lamb of God, he walked. Praise the Heavenly Father and our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Not only was the blood on the shroud AB, one of the rarest types, but it also only contained 23chromosomes. Every person has 46chromosomes, a pair from each parent, but this blood was from a man who only had a mother which is obviously impossible without divine intervention. Also, the blood was able to grow live cultures, which is also impossible for dead blood cells to do!!


Interesting side note, the blood found on the Shroud being AB; both the rarest type and also the type that can receive all others, works with the concept that Christ receives us all :)


The amount of effort and research you put into these is insane - thank you so, so, so much!!! I'm always looking forward to your videos! :)


Another factor regarding the Carbon 14 test and that is that after the fire in the 13 hundreds, the shroud was restored by means of threads from that periods. So, a new carbon 14 test would need to be done to make sure that the threads analyzed were not some of those used to restore it at that time.


I appreciate the scientific research. but there are some people who will never believe. I am not one of those. I believe with my entire being that the Shroud is authentic, and it took the dedication of many believers to guard and protect it until science advanced to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that Christ arose. Hallelujah!
