How to Get Trade-Free Gengar, Galarian Meowth & Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have many in-game trades and gift pokemon including a Haunter that evolves to Gengar, Regular Jhotonian Wooper, and Galarian Meowth that can evolve into Perrserker. Here is how to Get Trade-Free Gengar, Galarian Meowth & Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

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Gotta love Austin John. He really went out of his way to spend 3 days straight recording just to make these guides for everyone that'll be playing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. He's like the internet version of game guides and handbooks we used to get since the 1980s. Gen Z should be really lucky to not go through the struggles before we had YouTube.




The haunter not holding an everstone is them making up for making us relive the ultimate betrayal that was Mindy 😂


“How the French do their spicy e” is one of the best sentences ever haha.

I always love when a new Pokémon game comes out because A. New game and B. A ton of new Austin videos.

Literally the only guide videos I have ever watched multiple times because I just find them funny and enjoyable even already knowing the content.

Seriously thank you for all the hard work you put in!! It’s so appreciated and enjoyed!!


Austin, the thing I really like about your videos is that you don't waste the audience's time. Sure, you can find some of this info on the web - there are a dozen outlets writing articles about this stuff. But then you have to read through some kind of multi-paragraph pre-amble only for them to explain a bunch of information you already know for several more paragraphs. Finally, after the article wasted your time for a few minutes, the one piece of information you actually wanted was the last sentence or the paragraph of the article (and sometimes it's not accurate enough or at all). Thank you for not doing this.


I love that they have a trainer to trade you an early game Snom, meanwhile I haven't done any story after getting my ride Pokemon, but I've already got two Snoms with interesting Terra types, one being Steel and the other Dragon.


Regarding the pinchurchin, she wasn't saying she wanted to ride it: she was saying that, since she has no rideable pokemon to take her out onto the water, she can't meet/catch many aquatic pokemon. So she wants someone to trade her a pinchurchin of her own.


Just want to take a quick opportunity to thank you for your hard work. We appreciate all you do for this community, and one of my personal favourite aspects of a new Pokemon release is seeing a huge batch of your videos on my feed. Keep up the great work brother, and remember to drink water.


Fun fact Perrserker is op for raids and some Japanese threads on twitter will literally cancel the raid if you aren't using perrserker

it's ability basically boosts steal type moves by 50% which by itself is already nice but it also adds this effect to allies

now pair this with its versatile moveset like being able to learn helpful status moves like screech and taunt and it makes raids a cakewalk if all 4 players use it


4:14 I never witnessed it but I feel their pain for those that played Diamond and Pearl...


I just realized that when you go have classes at night there are noibats close to the bookshelfs, which I believe is a reference to the library in Convento de Mafra in Portugal that has bats in it in order to protect the books from insects, a tradition since its construction. It is not related to the video but it is the first time I realized this (only getting the game next thursday), but being portuguese, I really like the references to your and the spanish culture.


Ironically enough I actually needed that Snom trade for the dex entry, so that saved me like 15 minutes. Thanks bro!


Would love to see a video about the locations of the ominous black stakes


I love your videos! And I love that you kept them as spoiler free as possible. For me, it's the first time after Pokémon Crystal (My very first) that I am playing totally blind about mons and moves and story, etc.
And it is being a very intense adventure, discovering, and loosing, and suffering, and enjoying it a lot.
Thank you for such an amazing content!


Seriously, I look forward to Austin John’s videos just as much as the games.


I was so salty about the haunter in bdsp so this one is somewhat healing haha


I play Scarlet, so I had no idea of Miraidon’s skrrt when you quick turn. That is hilarious.


My favourite part of the day is when Austin John posts another video. Absolutely loving these videos


“I don’t know how the French do the spicy e’s” Austin always coming in clutch for my yearbook quotes


Thank you so much for these vids, I haven't got the game yet but I already have a playlist full of your S&V guides, you're a LEGEND!
