Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees Keynote by Sacha Labourey
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Delivered by CloudBees CEO, Sacha Labourey
Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees Keynote by Sacha Labourey
Jenkins World 2016 - Deliver Software at the Speed of Ideas with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform
Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees Assurance Program and CloudBees Verified
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins Inside Google
Jenkins World 2016 - So, You Want to Build the World's Biggest Jenkins Cluster?
Jenkins World 2016 - Introducing a New Way to Define Jenkins Pipelines
Jenkins World 2016 - Continuously Deploying Containers with Jenkins Pipeline to Docker Swarm Cluster
Jenkins World 2016 - Directions for Pipeline
Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees: Investing in the Future of Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Blue Ocean: A New User Experience for Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Continuous Testing
Jenkins World 2016 - Azure DevOps Integrations with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Pipelining DevOps with Jenkins and AWS
Jenkins World 2016 - CI/CD with Jenkins and Ansible Tower
Jenkins World 2016 - The Four Quadrants of DevOps Maturity
Jenkins World 2016 - Rule Jenkins with Configuration as Code
Jenkins World 2016
Jenkins World 2016 - Continuous Delivery Pipeline - Patterns and Anti-Patterns
Jenkins World 2016 - Lightning Talk #3: Verizon's Journey to Enterprise Grade DevOps
Jenkins World 2016 - Enforcing Jenkins Best Practices
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - High Velocity iOS CI with Native OS X Virtualization Plugin
Jenkins World 2016 - Speed up your Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - No, You Shouldn't Do That! Lessons from Using Pipeline