Jenkins World 2016 - Azure DevOps Integrations with Jenkins
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Get up and running with Jenkins on Azure using Azure DevOps Integrations with Jenkins (You will see it here first!). The Azure marketplace has several Jenkins offerings from CloudBees, Docker, Mesosphere, Bitnami and others to help you spin up Azure Jenkins instances. We will introduce a set of brand new plugins that will enable seamless deployments to Azure containers, storage repositories, VMs and other cloud resources from within your Azure Jenkins instance or on-prem. We will take you through a few guided journeys using Jenkins from our Azure DevOps Integrations portal to show how you can quickly do continuous integration, deployment and delivery scenarios in no time at all.
Delivered by Arun Chandrasekhar and Damien Caro
Delivered by Arun Chandrasekhar and Damien Caro
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