Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins Inside Google
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Last year, we presented our initial investigations and stress testing as we prepared to deploy a large-scale Jenkins installation at Google. Now, with a year of real-world use under our belts, we’ll discuss how our expectations held up, what new issues we encountered and how we have addressed them.
Delivered by David Hoover
Delivered by David Hoover
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins Community Keynote by Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Jenkins World 2016 - Continuous Delivery of Infrastructure with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins for Smarter Operations
Jenkins World 2016 - So, You Want to Build the World's Biggest Jenkins Cluster?
Jenkins World 2016 - Speed up your Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Azure DevOps Integrations with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Introducing a New Way to Define Jenkins Pipelines
Jenkins World 2016 - Pipelining DevOps with Jenkins and AWS
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins Inside Google
Jenkins World 2016 - How to Do Continuous Delivery with Jenkins Pipeline, Docker and Kubernetes
Jenkins World 2016 - Rule Jenkins with Configuration as Code
Jenkins World 2016 - Deliver Software at the Speed of Ideas with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins at Splunk and Splunking Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - CI/CD with Jenkins and Ansible Tower
Jenkins World 2016 - Blue Ocean: A New User Experience for Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Enforcing Jenkins Best Practices
Jenkins World 2016 - Secure Container Development Pipelines with Jenkins
Jenkins World 2016 - Docker Image Lifecycle Implemented with Jenkins Pipeline
Jenkins World 2016 - Continuously Deploying Containers with Jenkins Pipeline to Docker Swarm Cluster
Jenkins World 2016 - A Tale of Two (or Three) Jenkins Outages
The State of Jenkins - Jenkins World 2016
Jenkins World 2016 - Jenkins & LSF Enables Rapid Delivery of Device Driver SW
Jenkins World 2016 - CloudBees Keynote by Sacha Labourey
Jenkins World 2016 - The Four Quadrants of DevOps Maturity