Total Solar Eclipse 2024 | Luke 21 Prophecy (Strange Signs In The Sky)

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A Christian motivational video that aims to leave you blessed, inspired and encouraged as well as strengthening your prayer life and daily walk with God. As you listen to this daily devotional video may Jesus Christ light up your life!

►An original video created by Grace for Purpose and delivered by our team speakers. Our faith based content aims to bring biblical teachings to life! Our team aims to produce content that is focused on the scriptures, encouraging prayers, and insightful teachings

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Lord, before I look to the battles going on in the world, I ask You to grant me victory over my own internal battles. Please reveal any thoughts and desires that are not of You, and tear them down by the truth of Your word. Empower me by Your Spirit to set my mind on heavenly things, and use me to share Your victory with others. In Jesus’ name, amen.


Heavenly Father, protect us from falling under satanic influence and grant us discernment to recognize and resist falsehood. Help us to seek truth and walk in Your light, trusting in Your guidance and protection. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.


I think the devil tried to plant a man in my life who claimed to love and fear God but his actions showed me he was impulsive and lacked self control. Something felt wrong but I held on because I really want to be in a relationship and have a family with a great man of God. I finally broke things off last night and I feel good. I know the man God has for me is out there.


Start with God, Stay with God, End with God. And may your day and week ahead be positive, productive and filled with peace. Amen 🙏 ❤


Amen I see there’s a lot of believers, thank you father god


Children of God, always be wise and
strong. Never loose your hope, just
when you think it's over, God will send
you a miracle.let his peace of God rest
in your heart today. May his grace touch
and bless you. Whatever it is, be still and
know that God is in control.
God bless you my brothers and sisters
in Christ Jesus.


We need to stay awake at all times praying that we may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place and to stand before the son of man Amen 🙏


I have had so many people over my life time try to control me. I have always removed myself from them. It is hard especially when you love them, but realize they don't love you. God is with us.


Man I've been struggling lately.. but reading these comments gives me such great hope. You're all beautiful, and thank you for speaking out! Thanks.. from me to you


Luke 21:25 “ There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea 🌊. Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon🙏🏼❤️🕊REPENT, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again


Dear Lord, I trust you and thank you for preparing us for what is to come grant me strength to keep my eyes and ears opened, listening when you’re speaking lord Amen 🙏🏾


God has given us all these warnings in his word. But no one knows the day or the hour of His return. If you don't know Jesus, seek him, repent and ask forgiveness. Today, dear one, today. He wants none should


Jesus has guided me through the storm. As a single mother raising two children with autism things are challenging on me especially since suffering a heart attack two years ago and my on going battle with lupus I’m overwhelmed. Jesus please give me strength to keep going. I TRUST YOU LORD! I keep faith even as I constantly struggle to provide for my children and as I struggle to pay rent and as I struggle to buy groceries.


There are many signs now, praying for us all and for greatwr discernment, remission from cancer, blessing to all who truly BELIEVE 🙏🙏🙏🙏💓✝️🙌


Yes. Strange things are happening. These are the signs of the end times. Take heed, repent now and be saved. Don't let these signs get away from you!


I AM Here!!! In the Mighty Name of the LORD Jesus Christ!!! Amen!!!
God Bless You ALL!!!
Do Good and NOT EVIL!!! ❤


It's all according to God's plan.
What's going to happen is going to happen.


I repent for all I have done even not knowing. Thank you Lord for your Grace and Mercy .All the Praise to you. .keep your hand on me and family and all your children guide us protect us under your wing. In Jesus name Amen 🙏


Dear God there have been times where i have led others into sin an influence that caused them to sin and for that I am truly SORRY as I pray and beg for mercy that my sinful ways are forgiven i cant help but feel very guilty and ashamed at my behaviors that need correction and I cannot afford to be involved and caught up in such sins in these last days ... i want to do whats right and live for you Lord God Almighty so i give it all to you Jesus please cleanse me with the blood you shed on the cross ✝️ and in Jesus name I pray AMEN 🙏 ❤️


Just a little while longer and the wicked will be no more, you will look at where they were and they will not be there. But the meek will possess the earth and they will find exquisite delight in the abundant of peace amen
