Watch: 2024 Total Solar Eclipse | NBC News Special Coverage

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Watch special coverage of the total solar eclipse that will cross North America on Monday, offering millions a rare opportunity to see afternoon skies temporarily darken as the moon blocks the face of the sun.

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It got wicked dark in south Austin during totality. Me and all my neighbors recored in the dark together.


One of my sisters friends looked at the sun without the special glasses and her eyes burn so bad now 😢


my first solar eclipse, then i turn 37. amazing experience. only 190 ft from the centerline, saw 100% coverage for 3 minutes and 23 seconds. gave me a new gratitude for the sun and new respect for the moon.


Gadi definitely had the best reaction. He was like a little kid having the best Christmas ever!


Who else didn’t get their eclipse Sun Chips?


Dude, I can't tell you how amazing this event was. It was breathtaking, almost teared up. Im speechless!! 🌘🌑🌒


It was only Partial in Massachusetts here but, still very cool...


I guess it was alright, since it showed only a few seconds of it


I live northwest of Chicago, so we only got about 91-92% totality, but my brother lives in Indianapolis, so he got to see the entire Sun get covered by the Moon. I hope to one day travel to an area where there will be a total solar eclipse and see it with my own eyes, instead of through a live news feed.


1:09:39. 11:11 Total Eclipse 🎉🎉🎉 Gods perfect timing


It was awesome. Wish I had Gombe to Maine to watch the totality moment😮


Here in Western, NY I will remember this because my daughter and son got to see this memorial event. As my daughter was 7 months old in 2017, I and husband got to record this off my phone when watching it on National TV. Let alone, I think as my son was born I recorded something in 2021 for something involving some eclipse too. Now with born of those two years, I'll be showing them what I recorded when their older as they get close to the next one in 20 years.


Best part for me was seeing the solar prominences shining in the corona during totality - it gave some perspective as to the size of those occurrences - some of them can get to around 4 or 5 times the size of the Earth!!


Iceland will have Solar Eclipse in 2026


We watched with solar glasses in central Pa not totality but was impressed by little lens for phone camera! It got not total. Still neat experience!


1:47:25. Guy in the white shirt is my friend. Make him famous


NBC News and Lester Holt & Crew never stop serving us what is going on in our Beautiful World.. What a magnificent show this was.. Thank you from my heart everyone.. I loved Watching this Total Eclips with you.. Stay safe everyone Greetings from Skandinavia 💕🇮🇸✌️😎💕


I want to experience a solar eclipse with my parents so so bad.


i remember seeing the solar elicpse with my elicpes glasses


I am in Florida. I got those blackout glasses and enjoyed the partial eclipse. I saw the black circle move from the SW section of the sun and move straight north to the NW section of the sun before it went further north out of my view. That is a perpendicular motion that the moon and sun travel everyday. The sun and moon either lead or follow each other like the tortoise and the hare. As we all know it goes in a East to West motion with a slight bend in our sky on a daily and nightly process. Everyone saw it, although most people observing it didn't question the narrative and just enjoyed the event. Sorry folks, that black circle went the wrong direction than the moon should have gone. Replay it in your mind. We have a third circle that can only be seen during an eclipse like on April 8th. Please take a moment and replay what you saw that day. I'm not going to pretend to know why or what it is, but it simply moved in a South to North fashion, and we never see the moon or sun do that. The lie has to do with their heliocentric lie. Their house of cards is slowly falling apart, and that makes me happy. It is just going to get worse. I hope you aren't a filthy rich sellout because your getting ready to be an emperor with no clothes. You are stripping them off slowly everyday. People like me who CARE are opening the correct doors and walking through them. You have to care to do it, and a power comes with it; a power like opening the Ark in your mind. Once that box is opened, it can't be closed. Once that flame is lit up, darkness can only get as close as it's perimeters. That is my power. I hope everyone named Michael opens that box because there is a lot of us. If every Michael, and not just me, opened that Ark, we will change the world
