Power Armour is Worse in Cover Now? BIG 10th Edition Terrain Reveals Analysed

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Continuing in the look through 10th Edition Warhammer 40K rules, we now have GW's reveals of terrain...

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0:00 Intro
0:42 40K Terrain Rules
3:12 Biggest Changes
4:09 Dense Cover Gone
6:14 Benefit of Cover
8:21 Craters + Rubble
9:26 Barricades
10:24 Debris
11:33 Hills + Sealed Structures
12:23 Woods
13:34 Ruins
16:35 Outro
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Auspex Tactics bobs in his tank, the bubbles in the suspension fluid the merest interruption to the next video. Binahrric Cant fills the air, as servo skulls flit from one alcove to the next. Tapers gutter as a scroll of data ex-load fills the air. The noosphere teems with data, seeming to hum in satisfaction.

"10th edition rules. Cover and terrain. Processing."

Omnissiah be praised.


I love how even in the 41st Millennium, they still play a variation of "The Floor is Lava", in that you can only take plunging fire if you're on the ground level, instead of it being just units that are vertically 6" below you period. I look forward to the terrain arguments about whether the scenic base of a ruin counts as being "on ground level" when it's half an inch above the table surface.


That's strange, with Woods the fluff description mentions "slowing the advance" but they don't mention it in this article. Are we possibly not getting the full picture on terrain rules just yet?


Thank God. I had to have a chart to keep track of 9e cover rules interactions.


This makes sense, I can see that GW wants a much faster play for 10th edition and having units cower behind ruins isn't what they want to see. If you still want to protect your infantry, the transports look much better now.


You can imagine the new detachment system giving synergies to units having benefit of cover, then, since the benefit is the same for all terrain features, adding flavor to an army that likes to hide or take position for better shooting in terrain. could be cool


Seems odd they didn't just make it something like "a model gains no benefit to it's save from cover if that would result in it gaining a better than 3+ save"


Did you notice for debris, it says "is not fully visible to every model in the attacking unit", it doesn't say "every shooting model shooting at that target". So if you split fire and all shooting that target can see clearly, it still gets cover! (rules as written)


It should be just full cover, partial cover, high ground, and rough terrain
- full cover blocks you from being hit or making hits
- partial cover gives you +1 to saving throws
- High ground gives you +1 to hit rolls
- Rough terrain gives you half movement


Wow, taking high ground sounds like it will have a serious tactical advantage, that’s really interesting!


@7:22 It's not weird or arbitrary, it's just strait up stupid, if I have a 4+ save the ruin is made of concrete, if I have a 3+, that same ruin doesn't exist (for AP 0), but if it's AP 1 or better, it's back to being made of concrete again? In the grim dark future, all physics are relative and nothing is universal, a wall is only a wall depending on who is shooting, what they're shooting with, and what the target is wearing?

And if that isn't dumb enough for you, shooting that same AP 0 weapon from 6" above the battlefield (plunging fire), turns the wall back into concrete again? How does it work if you have a unit strewn across the battlefield and the first two floors of a ruin, with mixed arms? Do all the possible states of the wall cycle through existence, all at once, before collapsing into a black hole and swallowing the target unit? Do airplanes and knights get plunging fire all the time? or does that physics only exist from the 3rd floor and up in these sentient ruins, and end at the knights shoulders?, or below where planes fly? 😕


isn't debris kinda broken for vehicles though? as I understand it, the model needs to be completely visible to not get cover, so if I ever just have a little corner of my tank behind a crate or just turn my tank cannon so it is behind a terrain, I basically always get +1 to Sv making vehicles even more tanky.


Yet again; I'm just glad 10th in shaping up to be an edition where you don't need to carry around a dozen or so rulebooks, supplements and charts like in 9th. These terrain rules are an improvement overral but I'm a little dissapointed dense cover seems to be gone as it added flavour to jungle themed terrain


So if I'm getting this right, my hive tyrant can actually get the benefit of cover instead of just getting its wings shot when it's behind something.
And my gargoyles actually get a real benefit, because it should be relatively easy for them to get the height needed for plunging fire


A single statue or whatever like the example picture would give a whole squad cover against a whole squad directly across from it because, even though every model could see all of like 7 models out of a squad of 10, each of the 10 models couldn't be clearly seen by 1 of them.

That's very stupid.


I won't lie, I read the article quickly without really paying attention, expecting Auspex to explain this to me later 😂


Power Armour has always been "walking cover" especially things like terminator armour being walking tanks. So 110% happy with this change. They still get benefits against AP and 2+/3+ is still a great save regardless.


I've been okay with the idea since wounds went up to 2-3. Constant saving on 2s and super 2s (terminators) was silly against some factions. AP was the REAL issue in 9th and it seems GW toned that down


I hate that there’s no more “Difficult Ground”. That’s my favorite tactical aspect of movement an board layout


My Dark Reapers are going to benefit now from being placed on the top floor of ruins. Extra AP on the reaper launchers will be very helpful, especially if they also get the ignores cover ability like the Exarch's shuriken cannon.
