Excel: IF Cell Contains Text Then Copy to Another Sheet | Copy Cell Based on Condition

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In this video I demonstrate how to copy records that meet specified criteria to another worksheet. I demonstrate three methods:

1) Use filters in Excel and copy/paste visible records
2) Use the FILTER function - available in Excel 365
3) Use a VBA macro - code below
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Hello Chester, you literally saved me hours of my time. I am currently working on my PhD and it’s things like this that I appreciate the most. I appreciate what you are doing here on YouTube 🌻 God bless you!


Hello Chester, this was extremely helpful, short and clear! I've been looking on the internet in other languages hours and hours but couldn't find any help. Thank you so much, wishing you an amazing new year!


Thanks for the excellent tutorial and VBA script. Both turned out very useful to me! 👍🏻


Thanks so much. I just needed a simple sign in sheet to be pulled from a master sheet. This cleaned up the functions I had already put in there. It makes everything so much easier.


Excellent Chester. Nowadays I think the more useful method is with the function FILTER. Thank you for these tutorial!!!


Very well done and super helpful. Keep up the good work!


Really useful - many thanks Chester for sharing!


you literally saved me hours of my time. Thank you .


Thank you. I was looking for the second option. It worked perfectly and now I feel like a wiz.


Love the macro; Advanced Filter works too


Thank you so much for this! One of my employees asked me if I could pull over only certain data from another sheet and I had no clue how to do that. I was able to use your VBA code and modify it to bring in just what I needed including modifying the code in step 4 to include 12 columns and cells. It worked like a charm and she thinks I'm a genius LOL. I know only enough to get into trouble :)


Great info.
What if you wanted to do for 2 ranges. I.e. over budget and departments?


Thank you! Easiest, fastest way to get it done!


Thank you for these tips and VBA tutorial.
Could you also suggest a VBA if there are multiple columns to be filtered separately by different criteria (not that if multiple criteria are met in different columns but if a single column has certain criteria met it should return value from corresponding cell of a particular column and likewise for the other columns but if different criteria condition is met. E.g. If column B has some blank cells corresponding values of cells in column A should be filtered and copied, likewise if for column C specific date is not present corresponding values of cells in column A should be filtered and copied. Thank you in advance.


Hello Chester. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, you make your videos very easy to follow and understand. Thank you.
To follow on from this video how would we add to the VBA code to make this copy and paste of cells from one sheet to another sheet an automatic process where it identifies a name in column B and then as a result it automatically copies that row to the next line in the sheet with the same (criteria) corresponding name?
I am trying to build a workbook where the 1st page receives the daily customer traffic inputs under the date and as they are input each row is copied to the corresponding customer sheet that shows there transactions only over the different days? Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you Chester! The VBA Formula seems to be just what I am looking for, however is there a way to prevent it from copying duplicates? For instance, when I use a button to update the information it would only pull any new items and not just continue to list the same items.


This is pure gold. I tried to find something like this for hours.
I have just one question - what should I change in "If Status = "something" Then Status.Offset(0, -4).Resize(1, 5).Copy PasteCell" in order to select and copy/paste not a whole row but only first cell in that row?


Chester, I appreciate you posting this. What would you recommend if I wanted to look at specific columns? Meaning, I need information from Columns A, B, C, D but need to skip E, F, and G and continue on with H, I, and J? I still need the row information just minus columns E, F, and G. Thanks again!


Brilliant... It's one thing to vomit loads of information about complex Excell formulas. It's quite another to do so and actually make sense.


Thanks for this! Time saver indeed! Im working on a project management system for my team. I'm trying to have a row copied over from a main page if a certain name is selected from a drop menu. It would be copied to another worksheet where that person can see all of their projects. The issue im running into is the VBA is only copying one row over and not if multiple project rows are assigned. Any thoughts on why that could be or how I could adapt my code? Thank you!
