'Buckle Up'-- Climate Scientists Issue GRAVE Warning About Deadly Weather

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"Intense rain and flash flooding that left at least one dead in southeastern New York continued to pelt the Northeast on Monday, forcing residents from their homes and prompting road closures and water rescues.

Over 9 million people are under flood alerts across the Northeast on Monday, including parts of New York, Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine – as well as across the country in Washington and Alaska. Flash flood emergencies and landslides are expected, with heavy rainfall expected throughout the day."


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Australian here. We have seen this story play out in exactly the same way in this country. The worst bushfires ever recorded and then unprecedented flooding events the next year. The seasons are changing as well and can be observed by anyone who keeps an eye on nature. Birds breeding at different times of the year and breeding multiple times a year when in the past it was only once. Flowers blooming at vastly changed times of the year.
All thinking Australians have seen this with our own eyes and get the existential threat of climate change. We are trying to transition to renewables however it is painfully slow and I have a horrible suspicion that we are too late now globally and are in the feedback loop phase of climate change. That is for example, the ice caps melting more by the year, northern permafrost melting releasing methane (a very nasty greenhouse gas) that had been safely stored for 100s of thousands of years and oceans warming causing ocean currents to change or cease causing permanent changes and imbalance to the climates of continents.
I weep for the future that we have made for ourselves.


Gee, if only someone would have warned people that these kinds of things would happen.


This is just the beginning. It will only get much worse from here.
May all the victims of our hubris rest in peace.


Who would’ve thought that exponential consumption leads to exponential waste..


It's so sad that we are terrible at preventing a crisis before it's too late. The longer we wait the harder it gets.


We've already had a Tipping Point what we are experiencing is the downslide. Us Tree Huggers have been saying this for decades and no one has been listening.


If you think the last few years have been hot, it was during a very rare "triple dip" La Niña when the oceans cooled for three years running, the coming El Niño will be hell on Earth..


You all should be talking about this every day. Every day. Every. Day.


If we’re expecting our gov’t to work with all the world leaders and “put everything on the table” to solve this crisis, then we might as well acknowledge that we’re doomed. Our gov’t can’t even work with itself.


This is why I have not thought about having children and instead focused on educating & living by example. I cannot in good conscience leave my progeny in such an apocalyptic situation. There is really no point in me not driving and taking public transport for 20 years when the average American family has 3 cars and are pointing to China for pollution when America & Europe had a nearly 200 year head start in pollution.


You guys have to keep covering this please 🙏 😢


One scientist said that this is the coolest summer of the rest of our lives.


It will really hit home when we have catastrophic food shortages right here in the US, and or food pricing exceeding what people pay for rent.


My professors told me this train was going too fast to save us back in 2008. I told my friends and family and they got worried about my mental health.


Cliamte change and disasters are here and threy are human caused. Its only gonna get worse


I've been saying since I was in high school over 20 years ago and did a report on climate change, that we would do nothing to stop it until it was too late, and drastic geoengineering solutions would have to be implemented. Sadly, I fear my younger self's assessment was right. How can we solve a problem, when half the people in this country can't even acknowledge it is happening? I mean, why care about the future survivability of humanity, when there are short term financial gains for the top 1% to get even wealthier. It's almost like they think their money will save them, and they definitely don't care about any of us, much less our kids and grandchildren that will be living in an exponentially more hostile world. And if you think that the human race will come together to solve this crisis once there are food shortages, you've never studied history. The dark ages are very near in our future I'm afraid.


I was born on November 9, 1949, just a couple of months shy of the 20th Century's midpoint. 1950 gets mentioned a lot by those who track those long-term trends that seem to call for a separate designation from the mild Holocene climate that has made our modern condition possible, beginning with the rise of agriculture shortly after the end of the last Ice Age. We've been incredibly lucky for the last 11, 000 years or so, enjoying a stable Holocene climate that allowed us to grow cereal crops which in turn led to the rise of urban life and, eventually, a rise in longevity and a steadily-growing human population. The specific factors that made that growing human population possible, also made the Anthropocene inevitable.

Humans have always had a far greater impact on their home planet than any other species, but the really big changes began right about the time I was born, and here's what some of those changes look like in my rear-view mirror, from my 73-year-old vantage point:

At the time I was born, there were about 2.5 billion humans living on an already overcrowded planet. During my lifetime, that number tripled and kept on increasing. Currently, it stands at about a 325% increase in human population over the course of a single human lifetime. We are in serious ecological overshoot and have been for a long time. That overshot condition sets the terms of the bills that are coming due. This is not going to be a fun ride. Things are never going to get better, ever again. They will only get worse and worse until they finally outstrip our ability to survive them. As bad as this summer is, those of the future will make it look like a lost Paradise.

50% of all fossil fuels burned by humans have been burnt during the last 30 years. 85% of them have been burnt during my single human lifetime. CO2 in the atmosphere has risen from about 280 ppm. at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to over 440 ppm. now - an increase of 63 percent in less than 200 years. Most of that has been introduced during my lifetime. Adding CO2 to the atmosphere is like adding more blankets to the bed. Up to a point, that can be very nice (during an Ice Age, for instance). But if you're adding blankets in a hot room, it won't be long before you'll be trying to throw them off. What if you can't throw them off? Then what?

At the beginning of the Holocene Epoch, humans and their domestic animals accounted for about 1% of terrestrial vertebrate biomass. Now we and our domestic animals account for 96% of it. There are more chickens on the planet than all other bird species combined.

The richest, most biodiverse areas of the planet are dying before our eyes: the Amazon rainforest, the great boreal forests of Canada and Siberia, the coral reefs that serve as hatcheries for most marine life... these are all disappearing at a breathtaking rate.

We are living in the middle of a mass extinction event the severity of which has only been felt five previous times during the Phanerozoic Eon. The worst of those was the great close-Permian Dying, about 252 million years ago, when 96% of species went extinct. This one will be worse, because it's happening much faster. It's the pace of climate change that kills. If it happens gradually enough, lots of species have time to adapt to the changes and survive them. If it happens too fast, nothing can keep up, not even by migrating. Some ecologists estimate that the present-day extinction rate is 10, 000 times the normal background extinction rate. This debacle is being driven by deforestation, habitat loss, over-hunting and -fishing, pollution, and climate change. At the current rate, we can expect the disappearance of 50% of the remaining species by 2050 - just a century after I first drew breath.

Mine was the first generation to live our entire lives during the Anthropocene Epoch. We are participants in the Great Acceleration that will soon terminate as all exponential growth eventually does. Infinite growth on a finite planet is obviously a fool's errand. But we bought the capitalist lie, which is all about that, and had our jollies, and now we are paying. We have no complaints coming.

Stay strong. Protect the weak.


The sad irony is that this will disproportionately effect those who have been brainwashed into denying the causes.


Well the environment doesn’t pay them any money so god forbid a politician even think about doing anything.


Who knew that politics prioritizing religion over science could have bad effect 🥴
