The Mandalorian Season 4 Will Now Be a Movie

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According to Zack Snyder, The Mandalorian Season 4 will be a movie instead of a show on disney plus, and it will come before the Rey movie.


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I'd rather a well written series than one movie but as long as it's a quality project it'll be a win for fans


It was Jeff Sneider not Zack Snyder, great to hear your thoughts on the matter regardless.


I just want to see what Dave Filoni can do with no restrictions. Katheen Kennedy is still his boss, but maybe someone higher up at Disney has told her to back off. One could hope. If this doesn't do well, I'm not sure what happens next. I personally would love to see some EU adaptations, whether it's animated or live action... so many great stories. But ah well...


Honestly, I never thought I would say this, but seeing the Mandolorian S4 getting turned into a movie kinda makes much more sense in terms of both story and marketing. I really hope this and Dave Filoni's upcoming Star Wars film does really well.


One of the perks of being a Star Wars fan of the old is that I’m just barely discovering all the dark horse comics of Star Wars and the Legacy of the force and Fate of the Jedi books. These stories are a must … unless you just want to get angry and disappointed that Disney nip picked from these and made trash .


I hope this is Jon Favreau's movie. He had a plan for this Mandowers era when he first presented it to Iger and Lukasfilm. Maybe they see that his talent can be useful to bring fans in. I know he had plans with Cara and Luke and Grogu, one was to unite Han Luke and Leia again. I'm hoping here but it would be nice


That closing shot of Grogu levitating a frog while Mando watched him was the end. A movie is better than nothing and DISNEY will screw it up NEVER MIND.


So true. I've studied writing for a long time, and one of the "rules" I've learned about writing a story is: Make sure you actually have a story to *tell.* When it comes to Marvel and Star Wars shows on Disney+, Disney usually *doesn't* have a story. It cynically stretches out the little story it does have over several episodes to keep you subscribed. The result: virtually no plot progression each week and boredom.


You couldn’t have said it better! I’m an elderly Boomer and still a Star Wars fan. We were the ones who took your generation to see the beginning of Star Wars movies. The poor writing of current series to me is appalling and I couldn’t agree with you more how they stretch out stories with filler nonsense. Thank you young man for speaking out. There still hope that Star Wars will hire great writers. Keep up the good work.


Agree with them stretching out storylines to fit longer runtimes. I feel like this happens in a lot of streaming show not just Star Wars. It was really obvious in Book of Boba and ObiWan, both shows were originally announced as movies.


You know a very long time ago during the Vietnam war there was an anchorman named Walter Cronkite. He went to Vietnam to see firsthand exactly what was going on and when he got back he did a newscast and said. "I think the war is unwinnable and it's not because of the soldiers for they did their best" It's on record that the president of the United States at the time said

"I have lost Walter... Now I've lost the war."

seeing Star wars theory say he's fed up with Disney Star wars shows reminds me of that

Disney has lost theory.... Now it's over


If it's true, then I think this is a good thing. The shorter runtime will force writers to be more economical with the story which means no boring side quests like meet Lizo and Jack Black.


I agree. Some things work as a show, like a whole war like clone wars and rebels, or a bridge between eras like bad batch. But character stories works best as movies.


It's not Zack Snyder that shared these comments.


Thats great because i know they will focus on luke aswell in season 4 so as a movie we could expext bo katan mando and luke to so some crazy things i hope


I live and work in Alabama and today I saw a amigo wearing one of your order 66 hats and I thought that was cool!


I like what you said at the end about making shorter shows. Just like a season instead of three.


I'd say the best formula is a combination of both: big movie release every couple years (three years even) and shows with smaller scale in between stories to keep the iron hot for the next movie (people attention span is so short, you cant afford to let the passion run out: Three years is an eternity these days...). For a universe such as Star wars, there are plenty of stories to tell and present both chronologically and geographically (use the full potential of the Universe). But I do not trust Disney to be creative enough or to care enough about this universe to accomplish such a feat sadly...


This concept of stretching reminds me of the show Airwolf, when I was a kid. It was about some guys with a helicopter, and every time they got in or out of the thing, they had to show them firing it up, and flipping switches and such, and the sequence ate up a few minutes every time. So each episode they would hit you with this same repeat little cut scene, 2 or 3 times, at least. Then all the fighting from the helicopter, used repeat footage too, so the whole show was only like 15 minutes of talking.


I actually think part of what made Mandalorian so good was the fact that it was a tv show. The long drug out scenes made it feel like a western or a classic adventure film such as lord of the rings. There wasn’t this subconscious need to rush you through the story and communicate too much. Rather you just sit with the characters as they go on through their journey. Exploring the story live on camera almost.

I do agree with your statements though. The medium is not great for *most*things. But for Mandalorian I think it was perfect and exactly what we needed.
