10 Things Only A Creative Genius Will Understand

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Are you a creative genius? Research has revealed that creative genius types have different brain structure than average.

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Learn how to be a genius or spot signs that you are a genius.

Personality tests have shown many of them live in their own worlds; the worlds they've built in their minds. These worlds make much more sense to creative people vs normal people

Even though creative people are very different from each other, they still share similar traits and behaviors in creativity for kids. Here are 10 things only a creative genius will understand.

People might have called you smart before, but have you ever wondered if you’re an actual genius?

How to know if you are a genius, you just might secretly be one of the cleverest persons on the planet. But individuals with a high IQ tend to underestimate their intelligence.

So how can you figure out if you or someone you know might have signs of intelligence or more brain power than the average person?

▷ Number 1 - They can't work a strict schedule
Working a creative job in a non-creative, routine way is almost impossible. Because creativity isn't something that one can always manifest at will. If they're not feeling it, it's not happening. They don't do well in 9 to 5 jobs, or under bosses that insist on riding their ass. As a genius, they're better off being their own boss.

▷ Number 2 - They are playful
In every sense of the word. Their creativity thrives on humor and fun experiences. They can put themselves in goofy or childish situations. These situations make them feel alive, and sometimes that's all they need.

▷ Number 3 - A million ideas are always flowing through their mind
Creatives geniuses are chock-full of new and refreshing ideas, They just struggle on deciding which ones actually to pursue. Often, they see opportunity and possibility where others only see a dead-end. They use their imagination to fuel their work and passion.

▷ Number 4 - They wear their hearts on their sleeve.
They're extremely honest and highly expressive. They are open with their emotions and with others too. They don't fabricate stories or tell lies. They are often blunt and straightforward.

▷ Number 5 - They see obstacles as opportunities
Creatives geniuses have no interest in the mundane. So much so, that they'll often seek out barriers or boundaries to break through. Obstacles don't really exist for creatives. Instead, they see them as opportunities for growth and success.

▷ Number 6 - They are moody.
On the darker side; A creative genius can often be sad. Shifting between several moods a day depending on what is happening inside their restless minds. They also feel everything so deeply which can be the source of their suffering.

▷ Number 7 - They're very concerned with being true to themselves
They're not about to compromise who they are for the sake of others. Material objects are the last thing they're worried about; passion and the drive to create is what fuels them. They're only ever going to do the things that feel right for them, regardless of what others say or feel.

▷ Number 8 - They have a love-hate relationship with their work.
They can love it one day and hate it the next. They can feel like they just produced a masterpiece and then feel like they want to throw it away. It's a paranormal activity that can't be explained,
but as a genius, it's part of their lives, and they just learned how to live with it.

▷ Number 9 - They enjoy solitude, a lot
They need their solitude and time to be alone with their thoughts. This is how they recharge and reflect on their lives and their decisions. Much of their inspiration is garnered during time alone. This is also when they produce their best work or find the greatest ideas.

▷ Number 10 - Their emotions are very fluid
Because creative types regulate much of their life through emotion, rather than logic, As a creative genius, you will be highly prone to mood swings. It's not uncommon for them to go from happy and carefree one moment, to bitter and sorrowful the next.

So these are the signs of a creative genius, Did you find any resemblance to your own character? Feel free to leave your ideas in the comments section. We would love to hear from you.

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Рекомендации по теме

All apply to me, except for the "expressive" part. I'm only like that when I'm with people I'm close with


I have never related to anything so much. . .


you have described my whole entire personality. because of my life style, and a son with special needs, and aging father, plus working full time, it's almost impossible for me to have time for myself. to be as creative as I need to be. there are too many people who count on me. they need me.


I am a creative genius I made my own world


I was told at two years old that I was exceptionally gifted in creativity.


I connect with this pretty well, but I'm not exactly that blunt.


awesome! also, geniuses talk to themselves, forget certain daily things and see humoros scene. make next video on philosophers


I have actually been told by a professional before I could walk and talk that I was exceptionally gifted in creativity😂😂this apply s to me and I don't know how she knew I was creative


I always knew I was different, and I am surprised how you come up with such accurate writeups of what I am. Everything you wrote, here and about the things in a genius, perfectly matches me.


Lol, all I can think of is Don't Hug Me, I'm Scared.


I could relate to it all. I have always been creative and considered the creative one in the family, but I never thought of myself as a creative genius


every single one of these applies to me. the mood swings and million of ideas flowing through the mind. Not only that but i think the depression that can come with being creative is quite true also, as you can definitely be very sensitive when producing work. I find it extremely difficult following my art lecturers at times because often I get so many ideas that I want to explore myself, and sometimes regardless of what they tell me not to do... I end up doing ideas anyway. Art is very difficult and can be a very emotional experience especially when creating work with deep meanings behind them. Really good video and very truthful.


Totally a creative genius :D and then some.


I know I am a creative person. When I grow up I want to become a fashion designer and I often make DIYs. All these are so true for me!


The love/hate for the work happens like this: I get the feeling that the particular project I'm working on is finished, there it is shiny and ready and I feel proud of myself; but then time goes by and I've had the opportunity to re-examine it enough to know I could've done better and the work kind of feels like imperfect shit. It's no mystery.


the mood swings, being open, not caring about other's opinions, everything.


So what's the difference between being a "Creative genuius" and simply being creative?


ohwait is this a test? I was hypnotized by the background... it's amaaazing.


5 more signs you are a genius.
1. You have philosophy mind set
2. You talk to yourself in your mind nonstop, it's hard to shut up.
3. You are creative and not a repeater... Meaning you make something your own (New song, a story, movie, paint, etc)
4. You have to make odd noises sometimes when you are alone or with someone you are comfortable with.
5. You like to have your own comfort zone (example: You don't like hugging, not even your own mother)


“They can feel like they just produced a masterpiece and then feel like they want to throw it away” 😂 me with every YouTube video I make
