Java Stream API Explained with Examples | Java Streams | Java 8 Lambda Tutorial | Geekific

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In this video we cover most of the stream operations through examples, demonstrate several approaches to create a stream, and give a glimpse on the evolution of the Stream API across different Java versions.
00:00 Introduction
00:29 What are Java Streams?
01:44 Creating a Stream
03:46 The "toArray" Operation
04:12 The "count" Operation
04:22 The "min" and "max" Operations
04:52 What are Optionals?
05:32 "orElse" vs "orElseGet"
07:05 The "average" Operation
07:22 The "reduce" Operation
07:48 The "findFirst" and "findAny" Operations
08:27 The "forEach" Operation
08:49 The "anyMatch", "allMatch" and "noneMatch" Operations
10:07 The "collect" Operation
10:41 The "skip" and "limit" Operations
11:35 Creating Infinite Streams
12:17 The "distinct" Operation
12:38 Sorting Elements inside a Stream
13:09 The "filter" Operation
13:27 The "map" Operation
14:15 The "peek" Operation
15:09 The "flatMap" Operation
15:42 Join, Reduce, Group and Map values while Collecting a Stream
18:13 Changes Introduced after Java 8
19:47 Parallelizing our Stream Operations
20:16 Thanks for Watching!
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