
SOLID Design Principles with Java Examples | Clean Code and Best Practices | Geekific

The Volatile and Synchronized Keywords in Java | Atomic Variables | Java Multithreading | Geekific

System Design: WhatsApp | Chat Messaging Systems for Design Interviews | Geekific

The Factory Method Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Creational Design Patterns | Geekific

The Visitor Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

A Guide To CompletableFuture in Java with Examples | Asynchronous Operations in Java | Geekific

Creating Threads and Executing Tasks | Thread, Runnable, Callable, Future, Executors | Geekific

What is a Thread? | Threads, Process, Program, Parallelism and Scheduler Explained | Geekific

The Observer Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

The Strategy Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

A Step-by-Step Template to help you ace System Design Interviews | Geekific

What are Design Patterns? | Introduction to Design Patterns and Principles | Geekific

The Builder Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Creational Design Patterns | Geekific

The Prototype Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Creational Design Patterns | Geekific

The Abstract Factory Pattern Explained and Implemented | Creational Design Patterns | Geekific

The Decorator Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Structural Design Patterns | Geekific

The State Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

Maps, HashTables, Dictionaries and Collisions Explained | Collision Resolution Techniques | Geekific

The Singleton Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Creational Design Patterns | Geekific

The Command Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

The Template Method Pattern Explained Implemented in Java | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

The Chain of Responsibility Pattern Explained & Implemented | Behavioral Design Patterns | Geekific

Mocks vs. Fakes vs. Stubs | Mocking in Java | Mock Frameworks | Geekific

The Composite Pattern Explained and Implemented in Java | Structural Design Patterns | Geekific