Therapist Reacts RAW to Heartstopper

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Therapist Reacts RAW to Heartstopper //

Watch this video as therapist reacts raw to Heartstopper, Nick comes out to his mom.

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I think her saying "I'm sorry if I made you feel like you couldn't tell me" also relates to scenes in previous episodes where she mentions how he will find the right girl, or how he liked an actress as a kid. I think it is a reminder for parents that perhaps using gender neutral terms in talking to you kids is ideal until they tell you specifically if they have a preference. I have the most supportive family but the constant hetrosexual narrative as a kid probably impacted me more than I thought. Even supportive parents like Nick's mom can unknowingly say things that impact kids subconsciously.


I was sobbing when Nick came out to his Mum as Bi, and when Tori comforted Charlie. Such pure moments!


watching this after what happened with Kit makes me so sad... he deserved this kind of coming out. a happy and warm one, on his own terms, and not forced one that feels like fucking blackmail. I'm heartbroken.


I knew my son was gay before he was old enough to know himself. I always allowed a safe environment for him to talk to me about anything as a single parent. His dad and sister disowned him and I moved him 1000 miles away to have the life he wanted. I adore him and so proud of his accomplishments.


I think nick and Charlie’s conversations are probably the healthiest portrayal of communication between a couple where one has mental health issues/trauma/insecurities that I’ve ever seen portrayed in a show about teens. Not just lgbtq+ teens. Just any teens period. Respect, compassion, clear communication and zero codependency. This show really models healthy relationships and also shows what relationships can be when you don’t have that mutual respect and compassion as we see in Ben’s relationship with Charlie .


Coming Out is still making me anxious because as an asexual, most of the time, it's not done by just saying that I'm asexual. Most of the time, it becomes a asexuality 101 lesson which can be exhausting. And don't make me get started on the reactions I sometimes get.


It's terrifying coming out. I had a simular conversation when I came out to my dad. First thing he said is "I feel like I failed as my job as a parent that you couldn't feel like you could tell me this." My mother told me how much better it would be if I was just a crossdresser. She told me multiple times, "you know if you were just a crossdresser it would have been better for everyone, cause at least I could accept that."


I'm stealing this from an old tweet or Tumblr post or something, but I still think about it all the time: One thing that straight people will never experience that every LGBTQ person goes through before coming out is accepting the possibility that they are about to be disowned by their family. No matter how much you think your family loves you, you still have to brace yourself for the chance you might be wrong.
This scene is devastatingly beautiful, and Kit and Olivia play it perfectly. It guts me every time.


Would love to see you react to the contrast between Ben and Charlie’s abusive/manipulative closeted relationship vs nick and Charlie’s respectful and wholesome closeted relationship


OMG YESS!!! Please please please watch the whole thing and maybe do a Cinema Therapy video about it. Believe me, you won´t regret it! Not only should it be a gold mine for content but the whole show is just SO good. Wholesome and fuzzy and heartwarming and just all-around well-made. And it´s a very quick watch, the whole series is just 4 hours long! So nothing to lose, right?


"I'm sorry if i ever made you feel like you couldn't tell me that" absolutely BREAKS me every time I hear it. One day I'll come out to my parents, but it won't be any time soon.


Coming out is literally looking over a cliff into a raging river. No matter how well you can swim and you say “you can do it, you’ll be fine.” You’re still glued to that cliff face. You can’t jump, you struggle to let go and you struggle to really trust that those around you will help keep you afloat.

Nick’s face- every time he tries to tell someone- encapsulates that fear. It’s there and present and he knows they love him but it’s still a fear that you struggle with.


I remember that moment, the precipice of “now everything changes” - I delayed it for 12, painful years of secrets and bi denial. I love seeing Nick’s bravery and comfort in his own skin. I love seeing his mom’s perfect response. I think it’s cathartic for those of us who didn’t have the experience, and maybe even a guide for those on the other end of the table in the future.


You should react to more scenes of that show - this seriously helped my so much and is just good for the soul to watch. I'm not gay and maybe a bit too old, but this is just such a wholesome and heartwarming story, not just on being queer but also just love and relationships in general. Very precious to have this out there.


There is a gold mine of dissectable relationship content in this show both good and bad.


I’m not part of LGBTQ+ community but I really loved this show. They show to people how you can react correctly to coming out for example. And it’s beautiful and educates people like how to react and what to do to not heart anyone’s feelings ❤


I think Alice Oseman (the writer of the graphic novel and screenwriter for the show) gave wonderful information for kit Connor (nick’s actor) to work with for this scene.

He said that Alice clarified that while nick’s self discovery journey is scary and confusing for him as is coming out, he is not upset by the fact that he likes Charlie. He’s not reluctant. He loves how much he likes Charlie. His feelings for Charlie inspire him and bring him joy. As is expressed in his facial expressions in this scene as well as when he says to Charlie “I like you so much…and I love liking you”

It’s very sweet and joyful.


This is a totally beautiful tv series I chanced upon and I’m so glad I did. I’m decades beyond and straight but even then I couldn’t get my parents to take any relationship I had seriously. I am thrilled that this is the sort of show that young people get to see these days. I am definitely giving it a second watch. If you haven’t seen it, get to it! ❤️


I agree with you. I have seen to many shows of soap opera shows that have so much troubled lgbtqia scenes. I remember watching it as a teen and being older and really hating the hate and selfloathing aspect. Like being was always going to be hard or sad and you could never be happy. A show like heartstopper has healed a part of me as a 33 year old biseksual woman to see happiness. The light at the end of the tunnel. It has a road filled with troubles but there is a way foward and to be happy.

I kinda knew when I was 16 like Nick, but due to circumstances did not have the time for any kind of romance. Had my first relationship at 24 and I never really made a big deal about my seksuality. I told my mom when I was 27 and some others dropping hints to the fact that I liked woman. But never big coming out. When I turned 30 I decided it was time to say it more confidently to others as I was getting asked, why are you single, kids? The right man will come. I started correcting people or woman. Now I am 33 years and alot has happend to me and I am proud now and put it out there that I am bi.
There have been a few people that do not believe I am bi, like my little brother. But he and I do not have the best relationship and that is fine. I do not need his approval.
It is a part of me. Also being single and happy, not lonely as some people think I am.


I am a senior and I have found myself re-watching this coming out scene on YouTube.... a lot. I was concerned a little bit that I was sort of getting obsessed. Seriously over the past few months I have probably watch this scene about 50 times and it often makes me tear up. When you said that this wholesome coming out scene is important to some people because it allows them to experience and reflect on a positive experience that they never had... it clicked with me. When I was young, it was almost impossible for anyone to expect this type of positive reaction from a parent. I also admire this series and the source graphic novel because it shows the developing language that younger people are using to discuss their sexuality. Ultimately I hope this means they will not have to keep packing up and carrying the negative bagage that my generation did.
