*NEW* Carry-On Rules You Need to Know in 2024 (Airlines WON’T Tell You!)

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Don't let the new 2024 carry-on changes ruin your trip! Here's what you need to know about carry-on and personal item allowance rules to prepare for your flight in 2024.



Welcome to Portable Professional, where I, Megan, use my experience from over 300 flights to offer you simple, practical and game-changing travel tips and hacks. Our mission is to help you reduce stress and make the most of every trip.

🐶 Chapters
00:00 Carry-On Crackdown 2024 (how to prepare!)
00:20 Carry-on Rule #1
01:05 Carry-on Rule #2
02:07 The BIG problem with new rules
02:53 How to check carry-on rules for your flight
04:31 Avoid luggage theft & denied boarding with meds!
05:04 Carry-on tip that ACTUALLY works!
06:15 'Sling Hack' for carry-on lugage
06:39 Should you GATE CHECK your carry-on?
08:00 AVOID luggage theft from baggage handlers

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I flew Air France a couple months ago and while we were waiting for the boarding call, one of the gate agents walked around with a hand-held scale and a tape measure to check bags. She made the people with oversized items bring them to the counter to have them checked. Almost all of the people argued with her, but she stood firm. Good for her.


I’ve never voluntarily gate checked a bag but I’ve been forced to gate check a few times on full flights. Since my wife and I strictly follow the carry on rules I am annoyed when I have to gate check because I always see other passengers who have more than 2 items and suitcases that are too big taking up more than their fair share of the overhead bins.


Back in the 70's and 80's i flew a few times never had any stolen luggage because there was people at doors before you left that scanned your tags and checked your id i think they need to go back to that then people wouldn't be scared to check there bags!!! No one could get out the door with the wrong bag but they have gotten so greedy they dont want to hire the extra people i dont know when they got away from that so sad!!


One flight people were trying to find overhead space. A few had to gate check their bags. Once we landed, a gentleman a few rows ahead took his carry-on, backpack, and coat out of the overhead bin. People also need to have courtesy for others. He took up space that he didn't need to.


Gate check doesn't always mean you pick it up on the jet bridge... In my experience in the past few years, those bags have gone to the carousel


3 weeks ago I was on a Southwest flight. They made numerous announcements about only 2 items and what would be included. Then they let people board with multiple items! They included neck pillows that were attached to bags and blankets. I wish they were consistent!


I was unexpectedly required to check a bag at the plane door. I forgot that my keys, which hadn't been used while traveling, were in the bag. I was shocked to find the bag never made it onto the plane. Had to call a friend to pick me up, I spent the night at her house, then she drove me back to the airport. I got the bag, then drove myself home. Nightmare!


Personally, I welcome this strict enforcement of carryon bags. So sick of those people bringing bulky carryon then trying to shove them in the overhead bin, squishing other passenger's bags as if they were annoyance to them. We've lost civility and respect for others.


The first time I flew I was going to Haiti. We flew from Atlanta to Miami where people were asked to check their carry on before heading to Port au Prince. I didn't know any better so I obliged. When I got to Haiti everyone got their bag back except me. I started to panic bc everything I needed for my trip was in that bag. Our missionary guide talked to the lady at the counter and she was no help and basically said 'too bad' about me not getting my bag. Well, God provided! Our leader kept talking to the lady and getting to know her and they realized she lived near where we would be staying and they had things in common, etc. At this point she decided to go "look" for my bag even though she had already said multiple times that it wasn't there. She went straight through a door, got my bag, came back and said that it had arrived on an earlier flight. Praise God that I got it back 🙌🏼 I learned right then to NEVER check my carry-on!


I love gate checking my bag. ...The last time I flew (American) they made an announcement, and I was the only one that took the opportunity. ..The gate agent was very appreciative and upgraded my seat. 😊 I never have anything overly valuable in my roller bag anyway. Still don't want it getting lost though.


Increase security on the baggage pickup carrosels - you'll get more checked in baggage.


I never use the overhead as my things easily fit under my seat. I just feel to bad if someone else couldn’t have the space. It’s just being respectful and kind to your fellow passengers.


I consolidate my purse with my personal bag when boarding. It may be an unpopular opinion, but I am glad if the airlines are cracking down on people dragging multiple handheld items on board. Some people are really ridiculous.


TSA and AFM (American Federation of Musicians) struck an agreement about 20 years ago that allowed a musical instrument as a carry on - provided it fit into the overhead. Will these new rules render traveling musicians to still be in compliance? The biggest nightmare, especially for professional musicians, is being forced to check an instrument that is usually custom built or irreplaceable. Baggage handlers are already brutal with their handling of suitcases. An instrument doesn’t stand a chance!


On my last flght, I put all of my stuff in one carry on backpack (which rolls) and stuck my purse (which was empty) in my check in. Going down to 1 bag as opposed to 2 was actually kinda liberating.


I love to gate check my bag.
1) I can use the wheels to get my under-seat bag to the gate,
2) I know my bag is getting on the same plane as I am,
3) My bag is last-on, first-off,
4) I can change flights at the gate because I have all my bags with me.
5) The gate agent loves to check the bags.


I applaud rules being enforced. Lately, it’s been ridiculous the amount of crap passengers are bringing on the flight.


If they have a gate check announcement, I usually do gate check my carryon. My exception is if there is a stop and plane change. Then, I am protective. I prefer carryon to checking a bag. It keeps me from overpacking and over souveniring.


Now that United no longer lets me do the "fanny pack is a piece of clothing" thing, for my travel outfit, I wear a Magellan Travel Vest and multi-pocket black cargo pants. After I go through TSA, I put everything I need for the flight into all my pockets. So that's the last vestige of what counts as clothing vs carry on.


I have a lightweight backpack that is 18x14x8 that can squish down if not overpacked and a Take Off luggage with the same dimensions (when the wheels are off) to avoid those pesky size limitations. So many luggage brands SAY their carryons are 22x14x9, but they actually measure as larger dimensions
