Talking To Family After Deconverting | Nav-(NZ) | | Talk Heathen 04.29

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Talk Heathen 04.29 for July 19, 2020 with Eric Murphy and Vi La Bianca


00:00 Intro
04:25 Nav-NZ | Talking to Family After Deconverting
13:05 Hadi-NC | Truth and How It Corresponds with Reality
30:45 Shawn-CO | Navel-Gazing Bullshit: Faith is Evidence If You Use Cool Words
54:33 Link-WA | Cognitive Dissonance is UNCOMFORTABLE AF
1:09:54 Ruby-DE | Perception of Hijab in Western Countries


Greetings, Heathens! Today’s episode of Talk Heathen is brought to you by WEAR YOUR DAMN MASK! It’s very important, still. The dynamic duo are back together in today’s episode, and they have an announcement for us all. #LaMurph! It should be a great show! Also: Happy First Anniversary on the show Vi. We’re all so glad you’re here!

Let’s get to calls! The first caller is Nav from New Zealand, who recently deconverted and is wondering how to talk to his religious family.

Next up, returning caller Hadi from North Carolina would like to talk about how truth corresponds with reality. A belief being beneficial doesn’t always make it true.
The following caller named Shawn from Colorado wonders about subjectivity that we are born into and the conception of objectivity. This reminds one a bit of hard solipsism and so much navel-gazing bullshit, just trying to use cool words to prove faith is a sound epistemology.. Eric and Vi dig in and work through some of this philosophy. Down the rabbit hole we go!

Link in Washington wants to discuss his discomfort with his own cognitive dissonance and is curious about using epistemological tools to get to the truth. He also feels as though cherry picking and being a “cafeteria Christian” can hook you and provide tools that aren’t helpful in finding truth in the world.

Next up, our last caller is Ruby in Germany, who would like to know why the Western countries see the hijab as a symbol of protest or freedom, and worries this perception may further oppression in Muslim dominant countries. She goes on to say it is an illusion of choice in these countries. The problem here is that in Western countries, we are free to decide how we dress and how we wear our hair. Once it becomes a requirement, that is when it is closer to oppression.

That’s our episode for today! Thanks to all the essential workers out there, we appreciate you! Thank you to the peaceful protesters still making noise, you are also appreciated! Wear your masks and stay healthy! See you next time! And always remember, #LaMurph!

Call the show on Sundays 1:00pm-2:30pm CDT:
-Use your ☎ and call 1-512-991-9242

The podcast may be found at:



Talk Heathen is a weekly call-in television show in Austin, Texas geared toward long-form and on-going dialogue with theists & atheists about religion, theism, & secularism. Talk Heathen is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.

Talk Heathen is filmed in front of a live studio audience every week at the Freethought Library of the Atheist Community of Austin.

The Atheist Community of Austin is organized as a nonprofit educational corporation to develop & support the atheist community, to provide opportunities for socializing & friendship, to promote secular viewpoints, to encourage positive atheist culture, to defend the first amendment principle of government-religion separation, to oppose discrimination against atheists & to work with other organizations in pursuit of common goals.

We define atheism as the lack of belief in gods. This definition also encompasses what most people call agnosticism.


Eric Murphy: Erictheheathen
Vi La Bianca: vilabianca

Eric Murphy: @dirtyheathen
Vi La Bianca: @AuthorConfusion


The views and opinions expressed by hosts, guests, or callers are their own and not necessarily representative of the Atheist Community of Austin.

Opening Theme:
Ethan Meixsell "Takeoff"

Copyright © 2020 Atheist Community of Austin. All rights reserved.
Рекомендации по теме

you can't wakeup someone that is pretending to be asleep


Do you understand why many "TRUE"Christians are close minded and that there is no room for critical thought on behalf of whether God is real to them or not? Because TRUE Christians that have had supernatural encounters with Jesus Christ are sold out to that encounter and there is nothing that anyone could do or say to sway that truth from them.
Why hasn't God come to you with this truth in a supernatural way?
I have no idea!,
Why is this?
I have no idea,
it is where the God of the universe has ordained our lives to be up until this point.
Whether you like it or not.
Whether it makes since or not.
This is the way it is.
Is it right?
Maybe not, but,
It makes no difference whether its right or wrong to us,
Because this is Gods creation and this is his way and who are we to say whats right or wrong to his way.

Hard, harsh, call it what you want but it is what it is and thats that.

I wish and desire nothing but the best for you but I just had to let you know exactly whats up with the truth of Gods call.

My advice to anyone who knows not the God who can save them out of this Satanic beast system?

Call upon the Lord with all your heart.
Lean not on your own understanding. Repent of your vileness against a holy God, and believe unto the Lord Jesus Christ who God raised from the dead for your salvation and for your new life which is found only in the Christ who was raised and distinguished in a place called Nazareth.

God bless you with the salvation of your souls!

Psalm 50:15 if trouble comes upon you in the future and you still havent made a decision to change your life from the walking dead unto life everlasting.


If you don't believe in Jesus you won't go to heaven but hell .
If you aren't brave enough to laugh at this convert plz .
