Boeing Revealed Major Plan Change on Starliner After Return. Elon Musk Reacted...

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Boeing Revealed Major Plan Change on Starliner After Return. Elon Musk Reacted...
Boeing Revealed Major Plan Change on Starliner After Return. Elon Musk Reacted...
Kelly Ortberg, the new Boeing chief executive, is seen by many as Boeing's last hope to save a giant on the brink of decline.
He arrives at a time when the company is suffering a humiliating setback and a huge loss in its space ambitions, with the Star liner program failing to complete its most important test flight.
This left him with a life-or-death question: Should the Star liner program be canceled to save a dying Boeing, especially when NASA doesn't want it to happen?
Find out everything in today's Techmap episode.
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Boeing Revealed Major Plan Change on Starliner After Return. Elon Musk Reacted...
It's no coincidence that Boeing engineers lobbied NASA to allow a crewed Star liner return even though they had yet to find the root cause of the spacecraft's propulsion system failure.
Clearly, it is so humiliating for the giant aerospace company when its vehicle has to rely on its upstart rival to carry astronauts home. However, the issue is not just a matter of reputation, but also a balance between national duty and strained cash reserves.
Should or shouldn't continue to pour money into the Star liner's project? While the aerospace community is calling for the abolition of this wasteful program, for Boeing's newly appointed CEO, Kelly Ortberg, things don't seem so simple.
Boeing Revealed Major Plan Change on Starliner After Return. Elon Musk Reacted...
Should keep Star liner alive?
Before Ortberg joined Boeing, executives had vowed to honor the company’s contract to ferry astronauts to the International Space Station for Nasa.
This accommodates Nasa's purpose in the commercial crew program, meaning having two vehicles to ensure redundancy in the urgent case. Currently, SpaceX Dragon is the only safe and reliable vehicle to ferry astronauts to space other than US rivals Russia and China.
This partly explains why NASA has gone to great lengths to help Boeing get here regardless of delays the vehicle has encountered.
Take, for example, Star liner's first crewed test flight which has been delayed for 7 years. It should have been canceled until the persistent issues of the hardware and software were fixed. But Nasa cut corners in the procedure by downplaying the helium leak which was found just hours before launch and then, allowing the spacecraft to launch.
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When you are more interested in profit and not depend on engineering and product safety, this is what happens. We are now seeing different problems in the manufacturing of their aircraft and now with the starliner.


There's a simple solution to all this: Boeing must complete its contract safely, given the funds they've already received. If they cry and complain that they can't without more money, require Boeing to pay back everything they received due to breach of contract. If they refuse that, the government should use eminent domain to take ownership of part or all of Boeing as compensation, and divide those IP, facility, & human assets up between NASA, the Air Force, and the public domain (hoping a big chunk ends up in the latter).

Also, tell them you're going to do all this publicly before time has run out. Make the CEO shake in his boots that his golden parachute could be null & void, since eminent domain would overcome any civil contract terms. Make him want to do everything he can as fast as he can to prevent that. Make him pay for the situation, instead of letting him think he can spin a yarn and everything will be fine.


If your AI can't create a story without using the word "Humiliated" then you're not worth my attention.


Nelson is the biggest problem with Nasa.
Ya gotta wonder how much of a kickback he's getting from Boieng.


Starliner can still play a role as ISS Garbage Scow…
Hauling space baggies back to Earth… (Quark TV show 1977)


It’s not just StarLiner, but dumping ALL things Boeing, that NASA should be considering.


I would say Yes, but I look at it differently, what can the Starliner be used for in the future? in the trucking industry a truck has to do many jobs to pay for itself, the Starliner to me is just a 4 door Apolo, while the other Sierra Space craft looks like they have a craft that can do more than one thing. All the billions spent is OUR money. People are trying to make ends meet these days, we just simply cannot put up with bad decisions, or spending usual.


Yes NASA should most definitely remove Boeing from having anything to do with building anything more to go into space especially flying people into space let alone anything else.


I like how Elon musk said the he hired people for their qualifications, NASA should do the same.


Sure they can ferry the astronauts to the space station but what about home.


my only concern is th craft is landing fairly light by at least 1, 000 lbs what effect the less weight would have over landing trajectory and control


Did they have backup with the space shuttle? SpaceX gets the job done well and at lower cost. Get rid of Boeing and get our money back.


This thing is an hour long. Question first, did Boeing reveal anything new, plans wise, after Starliner return? Did musk react or just old tweets?


I think that Boeing should build the Russian MC-21-300 Airliner under license.


They could always start building 1968 Mustangs.


Hey Ai guy:it’s not nosa, it’s NASA. Say it with


Maybe they need to get back to basics and hire the right people to build a plane and stop cutting corners.


The Almighty is the most powerful. Rocket 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Let ELON FIRE Bill Nelson AND Boeing, when Trump is in office!


Give starliner a bunch of resupply missions, no astronauts, to make everyone happy
