Terrifying Secrets Of The Vatican

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Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written: 'He gave them bread from heaven to eat. ' ” 32 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven


10:10 I love the evil vatican episodes. Of course they helped the Nazis, why else weren't the Archives ransacked ?


Don't confuse Roman Catholicism with true Born again Christianity.


I don´t know about the Gnostic sect you´re referring to, but I´ve read that the reason the Gnostics were determined as heretics by the Catholic Church is that they understood the Gnostic scriptures, words of Jesus allegedly, (like all the words of Jesus), to say that people could have a direct relationship with God and Jesus and didn´t need the Church as intercessor. The Cult of St. Peter couldn´t have people thinking they
didn´t need the clergy, or they´d have no authority, power, GET IT? The Catholic Church has always been synonymous with criminal activity. B.T.W. to the publisher of this video: there still are practicing Gnostics.


There shouldn’t be any religions. Just be spiritual. Be the best version of your self you can be, love your Earth brothers and sisters, no matter the color, race or beleives. No violence, just Love, Peace harmony for everyone... Is that to much to ask?🙄


Unleavened bread was one of the foods the Israelites in Egypt were commanded to eat along with the paschal lamb (Exodus 12:8). In commemoration of that first seder meal, and the haste in which the Israelites left Egypt — giving them no time to allow their bread to rise — we eat matzah at the seder (and instead of bread. throughout the holiday)


Ive always thought the Catholic religion was evil


Esimene Moosese raamat6:Aadama järeltulijad
1 Ja kui inimesi hakkas maa peal palju saama ja
neile sündis tütreid,
2 siis nägid Jumala pojad, et inimeste tütred olid
ilusad, ja nad võtsid enestele naisi kõigist neist, keda nad
välja valisid.
3 Aga Issand ütles: „Minu Vaim ei pea igavesti
jääma inimesse, sest ta on ikkagi ainult liha. Olgu ta elupäevi
sada kakskümmend aastat!”
4 Sel ajal, ja veel pärastpoolegi, kui Jumala pojad
heitsid inimeste tütarde juurde ja need neile lapsi ilmale tõid,
olid hiiglased maa peal: needsamad vägimehed, kes muistsest
ajast on kuulsad mehed.

Neljas Moosese raamat13:33 Me nägime seal hiiglasi, Anaki poegi hiiglaste soost: me olime iseendi silmis nagu rohutirtsud ja samasugused olime meie ka nende silmis.”

Jeesus Siirak 16:7 Jumal ei andestanud muistsetele hiiglastele,
kes oma vägevuses temast taganesid.

Baaruk 3:
26 Seal sündisid hiiglased,
kuulsad muistsest ajast,
pikakasvulised sõjakangelased.
27 Neid aga Jumal ei valinud
ega andnud neile tarkuse teed.
28 Nad hukkusid,
sest neil ei olnud tarkust,
hukkusid rumaluse pärast.

Matteuse evangeelium 17:18 Ja Jeesus sõitles kurja vaimu ja kuri vaim läks poisist välja
ning sellest hetkest sai poiss terveks.

Apostlite teod 19:15 Ent kuri vaim kostis neile: „Jeesust ma tunnen ja Paulust
ma tean, aga kes teie olete?”
16 Ja inimene, kelles oli kuri vaim, kargas neile kallale, sai
võimust nende üle ja võitis nad ära, nii et nad
alasti ja haavatuna põgenesid sellest kojast.

Pauluse esimene kiri korintlastele 10:19 Mida ma siis nüüd ütlen? Kas seda, et ebajumalaohver
on midagi? Või et ebajumal on midagi?
20 Ei! Vaid ma ütlen, et seda, mida ohverdatakse, ei ohverdata
Jumalale, vaid kurjadele vaimudele. Aga ma ei taha, et teie
saaksite kurjade vaimude kaaslasteks.

Pauluse teine kiri korintlastele 11:14 Ja see ei ole ime, sest saatan ise moondab ennast valguse
15 Seepärast ei ole midagi erilist, kui ka tema teenrid endid
moondavad õiguse teenriteks. Nende eluots tuleb nende tegude

Pauluse kiri efeslasstele 6:12 Meil ei tule ju võidelda inimestega, vaid
meelevaldade ja võimudega, selle pimeduse
maailma valitsejatega, kurjade taevaaluste vaimudega.

Peetruse teine kiri 2:4 Jah, Jumal ei säästnud patustanud ingleidki, vaid tõukas
nad põrgupimeduse soppidesse kinnipidamiseks kuni kohtuni.

Juuda kiri 1:5 Aga ma tahan meenutada teile, kes te seda kõike küll
juba teate, et Issand, kui ta kord oli päästnud rahva
Egiptusemaalt, teisel korral hukkas uskmatud,
6 ning et ta ingleidki, kes ei hoidnud kinni oma
päritolust, vaid hülgasid oma eluaseme, säilitab pilkase
pimeduse all jäädavais ahelais suure päeva kohtuni.

Jaakobuse kiri 4:7 Alistuge siis Jumalale! Pange vastu kuradile, siis ta
põgeneb teie juurest.

Peetruse esimene kiri 5:8 Olge kained, valvake! Teie süüdistaja, kurat, käib ringi nagu
möirgav lõvi, otsides, keda neelata.


This was a very informative video! Wow! The deceased babies really shocked me and made me sad.


Damn I love these episodes of OE! Professor David strikes again!


Do not be deceived for Minnie shall come in thy name.


A pope 955 years before Christ? Impressive.


I got tricked again into thinking Katrina was here...she was not😢😂


More proof that it’s all lies and greed


Terrifying is a play on words, therefore it is a liar


I met a guy in Joshua Tree randomly…we camped out one night and he told me about a book called MAN BEING VOLUME 1: THE TRANSMISSION. Discusses secrets to the afterlife and mankind’s origins. Changed my life forever. Honestly the most important book on shelves. Paying it forward for anyone interested. Authors are DRAMOS & BOHEMIAS.


How true is this. First time hearing about it


Going back centuries
"The church"
has done a lot of evil things.
Think about all the things we don't know about?


I love the way you through in humor without change your tone because it makes it even funnier


people watching you have sex in that time wasn't that big of a deal. most houses were open and communal. it might be the case that 2 or more families lived together (brothers and their wives and children), or multiple generations lived together. children, parents, or other adults, often would have been right next to their parents while their parents were having sex.

additionally, the vatican doesn't care what sects of christianity exist. the catholic church doesn't consider itself christian.
