The Central Dogma of Biology

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A 3D animation shows how the DNA genetic "code" leads to proteins that help us develop and function.

The DNA double helix contains two linear sequences of the letters A C G and T, which carry coded instructions.

Transcription of DNA begins with a bundle of factors assembling at the start of a gene, to read off the information that will be needed to make a protein. The blue molecule is unzipping the double helix and copying one of the two strands. The yellow chain snaking out of the top is a close chemical cousin of DNA called RNA. The building blocks to make the RNA enter through an intake hole. They are matched to the DNA - letter by letter - to copy the gene.

At this point the RNA needs to be edited before it can be translated into a protein. This editing process is called splicing, which involves removing the green non-coding regions called "introns", leaving only the yellow, protein-coding "exons." Splicing begins with assembly of factors at the intron/exon borders, which act as beacons to guide small proteins to form a splicing machine, called the spliceosome. The animation is showing this happening in real time. The spliceosome then brings the exons on either side of the intron very close together, ready to be cut. One end of the intron is cut and folded back on itself to join and form a loop. The spliceosome then cuts the RNA to release the loop and join the two exons together. The edited RNA and intron are released, and the spliceosome disassembles. This process is repeated for every intron in the RNA. Numerous spliceosomes remove all the introns so that the edited RNA contains only exons, which are the complete instructions for the protein. Again, this is happening in real time.

When the RNA copy is complete, it snakes out into the outer part of the cell. Then all the components of a molecular factory called a ribosome lock together around the RNA. It translates the genetic information in the RNA into a string of amino acids that will become a protein. Special transfer molecules — the green triangles — bring each amino acid to the ribosome. Inside the ribosome, the RNA is pulled through like a tape. There are different transfer molecules for each of the twenty amino acids, shown as small red tips. The code for each amino acid is read off the RNA, three letters at a time, and matched to three corresponding letters on the transfer molecules. The amino acid is added to the growing protein chain and after a few seconds the protein starts to emerge from the ribosome. Ribosomes can make many proteins. It just depends what genetic message you feed into the RNA.
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As a visual learner, this helped a lot. Sometimes all the scientific words, mnemonics, and even analogies get jumbled together with no real-world significance. This was cool to watch 👍🏽


Its amazing to know that the same process is happening inside our cells as we are watching this video.


Ribosomes prove truth is stranger than fiction. A true nanomachine, of mind boggling complexity.


I love this. Would have been valuable in Biology class when I had to memorize the facts that would later exit my mind like so many advertisements for a product I have no interest in.


amazing video! the camera man really deserves an award!


Very nice, but the title is not accurate. This is a description of the processes involved in gene expression, from DNA to protein. The central dogma refers specifically to the uni-directionality of the flow of information from nucleic acids to proteins.


Awesome. So many semi-intelligent moving parts it seems. Life is incredible.


This total supreme accuracy in creation & creativity is without a doubt a work of God !


We are so complex- thank you! Well done-


Don't really like to bring this up.. but watching this makes me question if it all happened by itself.. i mean where does the intention come in the factors that assemble at the start of the gene? or is it all chemical forces...


Is this a "simulation" or an "animation"?
That is, is based on a model of these molecules that is running under the forces that would apply to the actual molecules or is it a an artistic depiction of what is happening?


I do not understand the choice made with the sound effects.


Can I use your video with providing a link and keeping watermarks?


Basically molecular biology 101 in three minutes.  The Central Dogma title promises and delivers.   #systemsbiology  


with which software did you do this 3d animation?


Where is the sliced "introns" then?


This is tooo good animation ❤❤❤ thanks it help to learn


is central dogma of mol biology always occur in chronological order?


"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." (Ps. 139:14 KJV)
