What is Fibromyalgia? - Time to Bust Some Myths!

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We explain what the word fibromyalgia means and where it originates and why it isn’t really a good fit for the illness.

Whenever you look at what an illness like fibromyalgia is, you will want to know the core symptoms, so we discuss these and explain how the experience of these is different than with some illnesses.

What triggers fibromyalgia, who gets fibromyalgia and how common is fibromyalgia – all important questions if you want to know what fibromyalgia is.

#WhatIsFibromyalgia #GetYourHealthBack #FibromyalgiaRecovery #fibromyalgia

**MEDICAL DISCLAIMER**: Dan Neuffer, CFS Unravelled or ANS REWIRE do not provide medical advice, and the information available in this video does not offer a diagnosis or medical advice of any kind. The content is opinions and information presented for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, and MUST NOT be used as an alternative to a healthcare professional’s diagnosis and treatment. Only a physician or other licensed health-care professional are able to determine the requirement for medical assistance. Please seek the advice of your physician or other licensed healthcare providers if you have any questions regarding a medical condition.
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Hi all. As a woman with fibromyalgia and ME/CFS I’ve been doing a lot of research. Here’s a very interesting video from a functional medicine doctor


When he said about it seeming to affect women more than men i had thought that looking at the comment section of another one of his videos. I know a wonderful lady that deals with this. So i decided to get educated and share these on FB.


Thank you Dan for these videos. Up until now all my treatments and strategies have just brought up more questions as the puzzle of this illness (ME/CFS/Fibromyalgia etc etc) just got more confusing and the 'plot thickened' so to speak. So grateful to finally see the light.


Thank you for this very informative and helpful video. I'll be watching your other videos as well! I have a friend who started off with adrenal fatigue which progressed into chronic fatigue and also fibromyalgia. Her "regular" M.D. doesn't have a clue.


After many Misdiagnosis (SLE being the worst because of the meds they put me on) I was finally Dx with Fibromyalgia in 2005. Thou at the time I was only received a partial list of what had led to this Dx. I have never been told that my migraine Headaches, my low Basal body temp, and a few more symptoms were part of the symptoms.
Thank you for this info.


I think it is more neuro muscular than rheumatic and i see it as a umbrella term that it covers a large range of issues and symptoms more than the name suggests and it can anyone of any age


Thanx for VALIDATION that FIBROMYALGIA IS REAL. I’m lucky as my Dr. ACTUALLY LISTENS to ME. After all, it’s in my body, I should know WTF is mine. Like my VERY REAL PAIN that comes with it. I’m so TIRED of BEING in pain! 7


Dan I have just recently been diagnosed with fibromyligia and im 26 and was told by my doctor im too young to have it. But thank you for explaining now I now what some of my symtoms are from that i thought was something else


It really pisses me off when i go to a link for information and am unable to read an article because a sales pitch pops up and covers it. REALLY? if the article is interesting enough i might seek further information, but i'm not buying a book when i have no indication regarding the potential quality or content!


Thank you for the video they areu really helpful and making me understand my condition more


i am on cybalta and gaba and i still have sharpe pain in my feet ankles i have gained alot of wieght and i am always tired. six yrs no way to live please help me


It's hypersensitive nervous system


Naturopaths blame it on poor digestion . I read somewhere that it is a cross between the endocrine system and the nervous system .


Please can you help me! Which tests show that diagnose you with ME/CFS? and what are the main symptoms? Also do you need to go for a neurologist for this kind of disease? Many thanks!
