The END of the COLD WAR, 1900-present [AP World History] Unit 8 Topic 8 (8.8)

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AP HEIMLER REVIEW GUIDE (formerly known as the Ultimate Review Packet):
Tiktok: @steveheimler
Instagram: @heimlers_history
In this video Heimler walks you through three causes of the end of the Cold War, and it all aligns with the AP World History curriculum for Unit 8 topic 8 (8.8).
The first cause is the military and technological advancement of the United States, not least the Strategic Defense Initiative (dubbed Star Wars by its detractors).
The second cause was the failed Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which crippled the Soviet economy.
The third cause was Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost which introduced economic and political freedoms to the states of the Soviet Union.
With all these causes pressing against the Soviet Union, it collapsed in 1991, thus bringing an end to the Cold War.
If you have any questions, leave them below and Heimler shall answer them forthwithly.
Tiktok: @steveheimler
Instagram: @heimlers_history
In this video Heimler walks you through three causes of the end of the Cold War, and it all aligns with the AP World History curriculum for Unit 8 topic 8 (8.8).
The first cause is the military and technological advancement of the United States, not least the Strategic Defense Initiative (dubbed Star Wars by its detractors).
The second cause was the failed Soviet invasion of Afghanistan which crippled the Soviet economy.
The third cause was Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of perestroika and glasnost which introduced economic and political freedoms to the states of the Soviet Union.
With all these causes pressing against the Soviet Union, it collapsed in 1991, thus bringing an end to the Cold War.
If you have any questions, leave them below and Heimler shall answer them forthwithly.
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