IELTS Speaking Band 9 Sample Test

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In this lesson, watch an IELTS Speaking Band 9 sample test. You’ll see each section of the IELTS speaking test, and after each section we’ll highlight the features that could help you to improve your IELTS speaking score. Don't forget to comment and let us know about your experiences with the IELTS Speaking Exam.

1. Part One 0:40
2. Part Two 7:08
3. Part Three 11:13

This lesson will help you:
- See a sample IELTS Speaking test and understand the structure.
- Learn the best ways to answer IELTS Speaking Part 1 using linking words and vocabulary.
- Understand how to answer IELTS Speaking Part 2 using a Band 9 response.
- See a sample IELTS Speaking Part 3 question and answer.
- Learn useful ways to improve all areas of your answers in the IELTS exam.

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I got a 9 for speaking. All I did just before the exam was listen to interviews with some popular British artists. So I just went into the room and pretended I was an English-speaking artist as well doing an interview. Hope it helps.


6:46 "Your score depends on your ability to communicate, not your ideas and knowledge." Best tip IMO


Is anyone is here before 1-2 hour before speaking exam??


I got an 8.5 overall, and 8.5 speaking. Don’t be too nervous, you’ll most likely do great.


Tomorrow is my IELTS date :) anybody here the night before the test?


To get 9 just bent on your knee in front of examiner and start crying .... 😢 😢 😢 😭 😭 😭


I got my results today, I’m surprised I got 8.5 in speaking
I took the test last Saturday. The part 2 speaking topic was to talk about someone that lied to me, why they lied and how did I take it.
Though I have come across this situation most part of my life I couldn’t think of one legit incident to talk about in that 1 minute of torture.
So I lied about lying. My speech for the next 2 minutes sounded not-so-intelligent with poor lying qualities, honestly. I did make some “uh”s and “um”s as I myself couldn’t appreciate how lame I my answers were.
My advise is,
Lie in the interview if you couldn’t relate to the topic, yea yea just for the exam
Exaggerate like it really happened
If you do not understand you could tell them that you didn’t hear them correctly and request to repeat their question.
Be natural and spontaneous, even if you are good at mugging up sophisticated words to use you might not really be able to use it (unless you’re a genius! I am not)
It is just a conversation, never panic. Drink some water before you go, because I didn’t and I skipped a word or two because of dry mouth.


Them: Use linking words naturally
Also them: 🤖🤖🤖


I gave my Ielts speaking today on 10/01/2019 by IDP.
Topics -
Hometown, Current city
Types of paintings you like
Money as a gift - have you ever received it or given to someone
And more talks on money and young children. Whether parents should teach them to save or not.

Hope this helps. Thanks and all the best.


I have no words to praise your video... simply amazing


Interesting how reading from a prompter is classified as „natural speech“


why are the ielts examiners are weird? they give this weird robotic smiles and head shake. how am i supposed to feel comfortable around that?


I suspect if I could say that much in my own mother tongue.


I think these people gives voice to Listening test


Your videos are too perfect. It's extremely difficult for not a native-speaker to be always relevant and not off the topic, especially if you get strange questions on the exam. If I ask you to tell me about new changes in anti-money laundering legislation, you would probably not be able to open your mouth and say a word even if you're a native speaker. I believe this test should be more honest for those money that British council rips people off! I mean, if this is the exam, then give topics to prepare.
In real test you actually can't control yourself how many linking words you use and care less of pronunciation because you're preoccupied about the sentence structure and thinking of what to answer!
Those videos are discouraging since they make an impression that English is everything and you have to give all your things up in order only to pass this test. I'm afraid, mastering one's English to the native level may take years if you don't live in England, of course. Otherwise, you'll never be able to pass through the paws of any IELTS examiner with a high score! That is what I think. Again, they ask for a lot of money and make it diffiuclt to people to pass it. In one of the videos they said 'bring the highlighter on a reading test and take your clock with you', while on the exam I had to take those thngs away to the examiners.


IELTS speaking test in 4 hours . Wish me luck guys ☺️❤️


But most of my friends think my taste of music is a bit weird
I see LOL


Hey guys. I recently wrote my exams.(2nd of march). These are the questions that they asked me.
*Listening test.*

Section 1: Conversation with a mom to register her son for swimming. The question was form filling.
Section 2: A manager giving new employees details of the store layout and what makes the store special.
Section 3: A group of students who were discussing their art portfolios.
Section 4 : A speech on the language and literature in Australia.

*Reading test*

Passage 1: A place called 'Elche' and it's famous due to its massive date palm plantations and the role it plays in the research of date palms.
Passage 2: The cultures of West Africa.
Passage 3: The down sides of multitasking.

*Writing test*

Task 1
They gave a table. The columns represented the domestic sector, industrial sector and the agriculture sector. Then they showed us how 6 different countries use their water according to the sectors. E.g. Australia uses 65% of water for domestic, 7% for industrial and 28% for agricultural sectors.
Task 2
Many directors and leaders are older people at organisations. Many people believe that it is better for a younger person to be a leader.
How far do you agree or disagree.

*Speaking test*

Part 1
Are you currently working or studying?
Where do you study?
Do you like the school you study at?
What would you like to improve about your school?
What forms of art do you like?
Why do like these forms of art?
Do you own any pieces of art?
Do you have any form of education in art?
Part 2
Describe a part of your country that you find interesting.
Q1. Where is this place located
Q2. How you got to know about this place.
Q3. What is special about this place.
Q4. Your feelings about this place.
1 minute preparation time.
1-2 minutes speaking time.
Part 3
Do you like this part of the country that you find interesting?
Do you believe that there are differences between the areas in a country?
Do you prefer the countryside or the urban areas? Why?
Do you think that there can be competition between 2 areas of a country as to where people choose to live?
Is this competition good?
Do you think such competition happens between schools as well?
"Then she was like let's talk about town planning"
Do you think urban cities are planned carefully?
Do you think they can be planned better?
Do you think too much planning make a town boring to live in?


Jusy got my results for IELTS Academic exam. Listening: 8, Reading: 8.5, Writing 6.5, Speaking 9. Overall band score: 8 .


It's just distracting that you're not looking at each other during the "interview". Nevertheless, thank you for some great suggestions.
