How Does the Exit Process Work?

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"The exit process is basically the very first thing we do is identify the universe of buyers." - Roland Frasier

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Roland Frasier is co-founder and principal of three current Inc. Magazine fastest-growing companies and he has founded, scaled or sold 24 different 7 to 9 figure businesses ranging from consumer products to industrial machine manufacturing companies with adjusted sales ranging from $3 million to $337 million.

PULLED QUOTES from this video🎙️:

"The exit process is basically the very first thing we do is identify the universe of buyers."

"Usually those deals are done as asset purchase agreements. Um, stock purchase agreements are, is a generic term that applies even if it's an LLC, it would technically be a membership interest purchase agreement."

"Then you'll set a closing date, you'll have the biggest negotiation of the entire deal, which will be over the working capital adjustment, which is how much cash of the cash stays in the company versus gets to go out."

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Really great bits of strategic high level information as always, thank you!
