The Fake Professor Who Completely Duped His Family | Conmen Case Files | Real Crime

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Discover how one man attempted to con Christie's out of £1million, never paid his rent or bills and brought Heathrow to a standstill because he didn't fancy flying home.

From "Conmen Case Files"

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Their idea of a “lengthy custodial sentence” would be a joke anywhere else.


He only got FIVE YEARS?😲It seems the justice system was perfect for him to continue his "work". A short sentence is merely the "cost of doing business".


His children may or may not know but his wife definitely knew how they scammed to live the luxurious lifestyle.


I am a university professor (a real one!) and I can tell you the 'bumbling' professor is false stereotype popularized by British TV shows and movies. Almost all of the many professors I have known are actually pretty normal to the point of being nondescript. More like the average next door neighbour than an eccentric, shambolic, absent-minded loner in a cheap suit. I think the persona he adopted should have been a big red flag.


I love the dare of the Christie con. Given how Christie etc have been conning the 'art' market forever, they were only out of pocket their commision. What a laugh. 🤣


If he had shoplifted he would have spent years in jail. But because he violated trust with lying his theft was OK?


Five years imprisonment?! Ha! That’s just a vacation! By now he is out and doing this all over again! He is incurable.


And all the smart people at Cambridge University never noticed a thing! Hilarious!


Maybe try keeping your criminals locked up for a change.


It is always the people you trust, family, friends or former partners, who can rip you off while smiling the entire time.


His family knew by the time the Christie's scam happened.


How did his daughter not know he was a con artist after the Heathrow incident


All these poor people/businesses conned by this vile man.
I feel so sorry for his daughter..How could this man do this to someone he was meant to care for?
He should have been locked up and the key thrown away..5 years is just not enough.


Aside from stealing from his daughter, what a terrible disruptive life for the rest of the family smh 🤦‍♀️


Unbelievable that he even conned his own daughter.


Con artists don’t want to work, want to live lavishly, enjoy the deference and level of service they get and love the thrill of the pretense. There was this one relatively young man who masqueraded professions like medical doctor, financier, researcher. After he was caught he said the main draws were not having to be himself and the respect he got.


I was married to a male very similar to this creep.
The list of cons he has pulled off are so numerous.
I wanted to believe that the one I was married to was someone who would mature in time, would become more secure, would realize that the things he did were wrong, that he would change. That he would stop his conning schemes. Finally, after over 20 years, I had to realize that this was who he was.
Beginning to form a plan, I squirreled away cash & non-perishable groceries. I knew that he was going to be angry when I filed for divorce & he would try to "punish" me, financially.
It frustrated him to see that nothing he did was making me suffer.

3 Years after the divorce, our daughter was getting married. Nearly all of his family lived far away, couldn't make it, so, they sent money to me to at least pay for the flowers. When he found out about it, he started trying to get the money from me. He nagged & nagged me. Then, he began nagging our daughter. She just wanted both parents at her wedding & happy. She convinced me to give her father the money. I gave the money to him. He never ordered the flowers, kept the money, never showed up at her wedding. Everyone blamed me for the extreme stress as we scrambled to get flowers at the last minute.

Our son was trying to make it in the adult world, getting out on his own. He & his father looked at apartments, to get an idea of what was for rent. His father told him that people might try to take advantage of a younger man & told him that he could probably get a better deal. Our son trusted his father. His father asked him to put him on his bank account so that he could pay the fees when the apartment was found. When his father had "found" an apartment, he withdrew nearly all of the money from our sons account, our son was happy, enjoyed moving in. When he checked his bank account & saw that it only had $50. in it where as before, it had $2, 500, he tried to contact his father & couldn't get ahold of him. Finally, 2 months later, he got ahold of his father. When asked about the money, he just gave our son the same old song & dance. He told our son that he had paid the pet deposit along with "all the other fees". On the lease, there was no pet deposit, no other fees of any kind.

Another daughter, who had been driving the family car, had to leave the state to go to college, decided to take an adult step, buy her first car for herself with money she had saved. It needed a bit of repair work to make the trip to where she was going to school. The mechanic told her it would be ready in a week, she had to be back to school in 3 days. Her father told her she could take the family car & he would pick her car up when the repairs were done. He told her to sign the title of the car over to him & he would even register it for her. Then when he came back, he would sign it back over to her.
She went back to school.
When she had a break in classes, she went back to get the car she had bought. Her father hid it in a friend's garage, refused to sign the title back over, to her. Wouldn't let her have her own car. She was shocked that her father would do this.
I wasn't.
A few years later, my daughter found out that her father had sold her car, just 2 weeks after the repairs were done, he pocketed the money.

Recently, another daughter (we have 3 daughters & one son) was serving with the military, overseas. She had gotten military orders to be close by where her father lives. Her father offered to search for a house for her to buy when she got back stateside. He was looking at houses, sending her pictures of some that she might like to live in with her husband & 2 small children. She gave her father power of attorney, access to her bank account. When she got back, stateside, her father took her to the house. She said it looked very different from the photos he had sent her.
Upon looking through the closing documents over, a month later, she realized that the house & all of the fees such as inspection, closing costs, etc, was $20K less than what he had told her that it cost. She tried to talk to him, he would not give her a straight answer.
Her father had stolen $20K from his own daughter.

I cannot understand how my children still trust their father when they know he will try to con anyone & everyone he can. Often, he tells people that his first love is money. He loves money more than he loves his own children.


Con men and women almost never fail to impress me. It takes a lot of work and a whole different kind of smarts to do what they do. I'm not saying I condone it, manipulation in general should be a crime if it wasn't for the fact that it would be abused to incriminate innocent people, but...still impressive.


Sometimes, in rare instances, some evil people do not have the right to exist. They have forfeited the right to live amongst humanity. They are devoid of empathy, compassion and self-reflection or a sense of being a productive member of society.
They are NOT deserving of mercy.


The banks were right, the con family really has the documentary crew conned into thinking they "knew nothing" - of course Dad was the real con man and orchestrated everything, but Mom and older kids definitely knew and most likely helped!
