The Story of the World History Curriculum Review

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Hi friends! As most of you know we’re trying out a new history curriculum this year. So today I’ll be sharing our review of the Story of the World homeschool history curriculum.

The Story of the World is a classical based curriculum written by Susan Wise Bauer. It is considered a read-aloud style curriculum meant to be used with elementary students. But you can also use it with grades 5-8 as an independent study as well.

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I have fond memories of my mom reading this history book series to my sister and me when we were little. My mom would sometimes take us to Sonic drive-in in the morning so we could have half priced drinks to go with our history lesson. 😊🥤


There are also really great literature suggestions in the activity guide that help expand the kiddos knowledge of each time period.


Since people are asking whether this is a secular curriculum, I wanted to add my 2 cents after paging through (vol 1, ancients only). There are maybe 3-4 pages out of 325 that mention Christian prophets, primarily in a historical context. It mentions the birth of Jesus (peace be with him) in a very Christian way but you could easily skip that paragraph if you want to, without losing any content. As a Muslim I feel comfortable using it because we have the same prophets, but if you wanted to omit prophets completely you could do that without missing much at all. I hope this helps!


Thank you for sharing this beautiful video! It really helped me to understand how this curriculum works, I loved that you opened the book and really showed us how the lessons are and how we can use it


We love this curriculum! We are often driving, so we listen to the cds. The projects are fun. We are on the 4 th set.


We are doing that for the first time this year too and enjoying it so far! I suggest the Cd's! They are great when you don't have time to read the chapter to your kids or your voice is hurting from all the reading :). I also love the Cd's because I have 5 little ones and it gets loud through the whole house. It is hard to hear my voice when reading, but I can put the Cd's in the DVD player and turn up the TV really loud so they can really hear and they like to replay certain parts. I would buy the CD again in the next voiume.


We have been using this and The History of Medicine and both my kids have just loved it! It has been a really good choice for my family


i felt like the activities and craft ideas in the book were for fit for older kids. my daughter is grade 2 and the activity pages are perfect for her. My above average Kinder can do them but his attention span isnt always there. i find i would be doing most of the work for making a nile river etc. i do love how there seems to be SOMETHING for most age groups. :)


Omg I was homeschooled for 7th and 8th grade and i used those books. And they were great! They are really good for younger opinion but still really good.


Hi! My 1st grader started this curriculum this year in school. Some of the other parents & myself would love to be able to touch on things they learned in school & were wondering if the text book had a summary of each chapter and/or key vocabulary words to touch on after each reading? Example: The Nile Delta is ...


We are finishing the first volume this year with my second grader, did you enjoy all the volumes?


That activity book is expensive :/ I'm looking into supplementing my son's History curriculum because our non-sec course isn't extensive on world history. Thank you for the review! I will be doing this this year.


Is there a curriculum schedule for this book, or is that something that we need to build on our own? Would I need two books for two students?


I really do not like the story of the world, it has way too many inaccuracies, for example, in the chapter called The Second World War, in the part about the attacks on Pearl Harbor, it says, "Almost three thousand American Soilders were killed." The total deaths of American soilders on pearl harbor was 2, 335, that's closer to 2, 000 than 3, 000.


Awesome thank you! So are the student activity pages the same no matter how old your student is? There's no option to buy student sheets for different ages? Thank you! I love seeing inside curriculum before committing! 😊


What Homeschool in the woods do you use? Project passport or Time travelers? and what lapbook are you doing, curious? I was wanting to incorporate that in my year as well. I heard a few people that did that and loved it


Hi, Do you feel that doing the HiTW and supplement with SOTW would be a better option then trying to do the activities from SOTW and PP?


I have a 3rd and 5th grader. Would that work for both levels? Also this is secular correct?


Would this be okay for a first grader and would you wait and do more social studies?


Does this book go in depth for a middle schooler to use? If it doesn't, do you think I would need to supplement with something or is there another history book you recommend? Thank you.
