How Mindfulness in Nature Can Transform Us & Climate Change | Sara Overton | TEDxWashingtonSquare

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Can simple exercises take us from looking at nature as something outside ourselves to experiencing our interconnection with the air, water, earth and sun? Artist Sara Overton shows how mindfulness-in-nature practices can transform our relationship with the natural world - even in our most urban cities - to one of greater interconnection and care for the Earth. With more people living in cities for the first time in history, reconnecting us all with the truth that we are one world, one nature becomes more essential everyday, both for humanity and for the planet. The talk includes a brief mindfulness-in-nature practice which can be done outdoors, or indoors with a houseplant.

SARA OVERTON is an artist based in New York City. Her visual art is often meditative and influenced by the natural world. Sara conceived of the Awake in the Wild Experience (AWE), a mindfulness-in-nature art project currently in development for New York City and Los Angeles. AWE is inspired by the mindfulness practices of meditation teacher Mark Coleman, who is the author of the book Awake in the Wild and collaborating on the project. Sara's work is frequently influenced by her interest in Buddhism, and she has had a Buddhist meditation practice for more than a decade. She received a master's degree from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism and previously worked in media, including as a producer for public broadcasting at San Francisco's KQED Radio, where she worked on many live events and discussions.

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come to long Island to connect with nature, joining me every weekend for a walking meditation in the forest. We are a group of 209 people in meet up .
